Miniature Vault

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by DarKteleFaX, Mar 9, 2014.

  1. Sheogoraath

    Sheogoraath Worst Person in the Universe Viking

    Thanks Manco! I wholeheartedly agree that Sons of Horus are #1.
  2. DarKteleFaX

    DarKteleFaX Well Liked Berserker

    Awesome Solo, give us some pics of the deal as soon as possible. How many points? :happybear:
  3. DarKteleFaX

    DarKteleFaX Well Liked Berserker

    Nice work Sheogoraath, Love the legion miniatures from FW (and FW products in general).

    Excellent job on Horus, is he a scratchbuild?

    And aren't those tanks just adorable :glee:

    Thx for posting!
  4. Sheogoraath

    Sheogoraath Worst Person in the Universe Viking

    Horus was custom sculpted for me as a commission, and then a friend of mine painted him for my birthday. I could never paint that well.

    <3 tanks
    DarKteleFaX likes this.
  5. I definitely agree on the Mk3 armor being best. Have to say I'm more of a Night Lords fan, although Pre-Heresy I'm also partial to World Eaters.
  6. Sheogoraath

    Sheogoraath Worst Person in the Universe Viking

    I like the Night Lords too, and while (obviously) I'm a mk III fan, I want to get more mk IV armor, I love how those helmets look, and it will diversify my army a good bit.

    I also want to get a unit of Justaerin. Those models are sick nasty.
    DarKteleFaX likes this.
  7. Toon

    Toon Made Some Friends Viking


    Death Guard rocks!
  8. Solomance

    Solomance Well Liked Hirdman MWO Thane

    The current lists that i have made with most of the models are a 1500 cadian and a 500 catachan witch could be thrown in together for 2000 with enough left for another squad or two and a space walker. Pics tonight maybe getting ready for a game or two on friday.
    DarKteleFaX likes this.
  9. DarKteleFaX

    DarKteleFaX Well Liked Berserker

    Sounds nice :D I got some 1500+ pts of cadian waiting in stasis, another project stuck in the assembly process :shootself:
  10. Dran

    Dran Well Liked Thrall

    Ave Dominus Nox brother, been a night lord fan for a while now. After the heresy I also enjoy the Black Templar :)

    Oh and i'll also post up some of my mini's that i may.. or may not have painted myself :shiftyeye:
    DarKteleFaX and Skwisgaar like this.
  11. Solomance

    Solomance Well Liked Hirdman MWO Thane

    Pics! This is about 2/3 of what I won in auction at a gaming con here in Victoria. My 1500 points of Cadians.
    And some close ups!

    Command :


    Storm Troopers x 2 :




    Platoon command :


    Squad 1:


    Squad 2:




    Special weapons:


    Heavy Bolters:





    Last edited: Mar 13, 2014
    Watchit and DarKteleFaX like this.
  12. Toon

    Toon Made Some Friends Viking

    Looks like allmost all of them are old metal minis, so giving them a "bath" to remove old paint seems quite easy.
    How much did you pay for them?
  13. DarKteleFaX

    DarKteleFaX Well Liked Berserker

    I noticed the orginal metal cadians as well :D It's a shame Solomance doesn't live close to me. I think I still have a decent amount of metal guardians lying around (unpainted). I decided to use plastics instead ;)
  14. DarKteleFaX

    DarKteleFaX Well Liked Berserker

    I like the phallic sentinels, bet those pilots are trying to compensate for something :wat:
  15. Watchit

    Watchit Well Liked Thrall

    I like the sentinels, they look awesome :glee:
  16. Solomance

    Solomance Well Liked Hirdman MWO Thane

    I got Everything above and a bunch of Catachans as well in two GW hard cases. Plus the 4th and 5th edition rules (witch I know are out of date) also the 5th edition collectors edition rule book for. $130

  17. DarKteleFaX

    DarKteleFaX Well Liked Berserker

    Lol, awesome deal for sure :xd:
  18. Solomance

    Solomance Well Liked Hirdman MWO Thane

    The rest: Currently set up as 500 point allies so I can field 2000 points if need be.

    Catachan command squad, Gaunt's Ghosts:


    Veteran Squad 1:


    Veteran Squad 2:




    The rest:

    DarKteleFaX likes this.
  19. DarKteleFaX

    DarKteleFaX Well Liked Berserker

    All right, finally (almost) finished my first warmachine Cryx miniature. Still have some slight detailing to do on the OSL effect and the base. furthermore i still need to ad static grass and tufts to the base, along with a little watereffect at the edges. I went for a swampish look for the base ;)

    Btw. it's the first time I have ever tried the OSL (Object Source lightning) effect. Pretty difficult, takes a lot of patience, which I didn't have yesterday, so the result is somewhat crude. Hope U like, I do :drunk:


    Will show more pics of when base is finished :D
    jChopper and Watchit like this.
  20. Sheogoraath

    Sheogoraath Worst Person in the Universe Viking

    very nice. I did some OSL for my Convergence, it came out okay. I'm satisfied, but then, I'm a strictly tabletop quality painter, not a prize winner.

    maybe I'll take some pictures and post them.