Tablet for mobile gaming

Discussion in 'Computer Building and Components' started by gihzmo, Apr 18, 2014.

  1. Tuonela

    Tuonela Well Liked Berserker

    I'm not really a fan of apple laptops because I don't see the price justification (aside from some proprietary software stuff for certain industries), but for tablets, music players, they're very good. Although at this point I'd buy something a little more open if I wanted to get games on it since itunes doesn't get very many high quality games.
  2. gihzmo

    gihzmo Moderator Berserker

    While I do not disagree with you.. but from the aspect of games, the quality of games and the majority of developers, the iPad is winning. I really do hate to admit it, because I swore I would never buy another apple product... but for gaming.. I think it is a better option.

    I agree with Axe, Android is getting there.. but there are just too many developers working exclusively on iPad applications. I think generally the games built for iPads are of a higher quality and design.

    With all that said, I think the hardware on the Android side is better, and the customization is amazing. It is just one of those things, I am buying this for a fairly narrow purpose.. and I think the iPad fits in that better.
    SheepHugger likes this.
  3. Damion Sparhawk

    Damion Sparhawk The Missing Link Viking

  4. Mitragliatrice

    Mitragliatrice New Guy Thrall

    My wife has an Ipad air and loves it, but then again... she doesn't game unless it is "Candy Crush Saga." So if that is the type of game you are looking for, then the Ipad really nailed that one. As much fun as I want to make of it though, currently Apple is the only tablet with Hearthstone and that game is killer on the Ipad. Better than PC I think. That type of game just feels more natural on a tablet type device I think.

    I am very interested in this thread though, as I have been having the same thoughts and demands from the mobile industry that it sounds like you are having. I hope you find something that suits you so I can see how you like it and base my decision off your review. :popcorn:
    SheepHugger likes this.
  5. Damion Sparhawk

    Damion Sparhawk The Missing Link Viking

  6. gihzmo

    gihzmo Moderator Berserker

    Well the main thing I am looking for is stuff like board games, card games and 4X Strategy games. I am not going to try shooters on a Tablet.. I just do not think I would enjoy it.
  7. Mitragliatrice

    Mitragliatrice New Guy Thrall

    Well, contrary to everyone else's sentiments on this forum (at least it seems that way) the Ipad is great for that stuff. We play Ticket to Ride, Dominoes, Uno, Life, Monopoly, Risk and all sorts of other board games on my wife's Ipad. My Nexus 10 has very few of those games and frankly has given me a pretty poor gaming experience overall. It doesn't seem to be able to do anything that the Ipad can't (except text through my android phone, but if you have an Iphone, then the Ipad can do that too.)
  8. Dihm

    Dihm Speaker of the Word Staff Member Gothi SC Thane

    I still hold a grudge against Apple for dumping support for the Apple IIGS.

    Fuck Apple
    Damion Sparhawk likes this.
  9. SheepHugger

    SheepHugger Well Liked Viking

    I just bought the iPad Air and I absolutely love it. Specs-wise, it is really at the top of tablets and software wise- is there any serious rival to appstore? I mean, most game devs I speak to say they develop firstly to iOS and then, maybe, to Android.

    No, I ain't particular fan of the company for their closed systems and all, but I had to buy iPad specifically for games dev and found out that as an entertainment platform it is really nice. At least after you turn off all of that 1984 bs.
    Mitragliatrice likes this.
  10. Dihm

    Dihm Speaker of the Word Staff Member Gothi SC Thane

    I also hate hate hate Apple culture
    Damion Sparhawk likes this.
  11. Mitragliatrice

    Mitragliatrice New Guy Thrall

    I couldn't agree more. I have never liked the culture or the company, and I didn't like the products until I started playing with my wife's. It is undeniably a great tablet. May the good Lord have mercy on my soul for even saying that, but its true. This is Steve Job's last insidious act of duechbaggery from the grave. "Wait, what? You all hate me and my company? Well let me put the gears in motion to provide you a helluva good product that will force you jackasses to still give us money! Thank you!" I hate that guy, even though he is dead.

    All that being said, the Ipad is still a superior product right now. :facepalm:
  12. gihzmo

    gihzmo Moderator Berserker

    As do I..

    I hope in a few years Android tablets will be where iPads are now. But I don't know. Android has a firm hold on the phone market, and all of the apps are developed mainly for phone resolutions and screen sizes. The apple fandom is a little ridiculous with some people. I can see good things about them... but I can also see the negatives and problems with them.
  13. gihzmo

    gihzmo Moderator Berserker

    I am sorry, but Steve Jobs was a terrible person. He had vision, but he was not a good guy.
  14. Mitragliatrice

    Mitragliatrice New Guy Thrall

    Amen! My brother-in-law sat in a business meeting with Jobs and he said it was a horrible experience. The dude was a complete ass.
  15. gihzmo

    gihzmo Moderator Berserker

    I feel a little dirty, but it is ordered.

    Got a refurb 32GB iPad air for 509.
  16. Dihm

    Dihm Speaker of the Word Staff Member Gothi SC Thane

  17. Mitragliatrice

    Mitragliatrice New Guy Thrall

    Heres to hoping for the best. Let us know. You may need to take a few showers to get the dirty off though. Steve Jobs just smiled a little in his grave.
  18. SheepHugger

    SheepHugger Well Liked Viking

    The issue is this:

    Anything with apple costs x2 what comparable product without it costs. That said
    -non apple products have a wide range, meaning that yes, you will find products that cost as much as Apple that are inferior to it
    -there's a ton of absolute garbage that is not apple, it is being sold because manufacturers give such good retail share to retailers and retailers focus their sales on whatever nets them the most, so a lot of bs products get sold
    -Apple has only like 5 products at any time on the market, all standardized and so, so they don't suffer from this quality range swing
    -most people don't know what they're buying

    This all leads to a place where lots of ignorant people buy Apple products. What's funny is that
    a) they're oblivious
    b) they can afford to buy Apple products

    Which all leads to

    Apple platforms are a cash bucket. Toss something in their direction and it automatically has 3x the revenue of some "for price savvy people" product, as price savvy people don't buy random shit from appstore. So, as a developer it is smarter to put stuff to appstore because at all times oblivious Apple fanatics are going to buy random shit from there.

    This vicious cycle reinforces the position of appstore and attracts developers. It is a cycle where at every stage there are oblivious people and people reacting to personal interest, so it's damn difficult to break.

    And at the end of day people are paying over price for machines that are straight from Orwell's 1984 - even down to the fact that they want to be spied upon.
    Damion Sparhawk, Watchit and Dihm like this.
  19. gihzmo

    gihzmo Moderator Berserker

    So I got my iPad air Tuesday. I have been playing with it a bit. Usually at work messing around and when I go to bed.

    So far I am really impressed. There are TONS of ported board games and strategy games. Honestly so many that I am having to take them at small bites because I could spend $100 just on games. Granted, I would get a bunch of games, but still.

    So far I have been playing:

    Eclipse - a port of a 4X board game that is a lot of fun if you enjoy that style of board game

    Acension - a deck building game that I was not sure about, but it is free and I ended up REALLY enjoying it -

    Plague Inc - Basically you create a super infection and kill all of humanity, it actually does take some strategy though -

    First Strike - I am sensing a pattern... You try to take over the world while nuking everyone else on the planet and defending from nukes yourself -

    Things I am planning on playing in the near future:

    Line of Defense Tactics - A tactical squad based game, it was free.. looks cool -

    Magic 2014 - Again free, MTG on a tablet

    Hearthstone - Free, Blizzard's CCG on a tablet

    Warhammer Quest - Warhammer fantasy turn based RPG, Looks interesting.. not quite sure yet though. -

    Lords of Waterdeep - D&D board game, dont know a bunch about it, but it is highly recommended -

    Some things I am not sure about:

    Shadowrun Returns - I already own this on PC, and the IOS version does not have user generated content.. but I felt like the interface would be so much better with touch.. not sure about it

    X-COM - Again, I own this but I do not play it much because I almost broke my keyboard after loosing everyone in an ironman game. The game on IOS is severely downgraded in graphics.. but it could lend itself well to work on a touch interface.
    Mitragliatrice likes this.
  20. SheepHugger

    SheepHugger Well Liked Viking


    Knights of the old Republic (1) - 2.59 on appstore.


    I forgive Apple whatever genocide they've committed in the past. In my books, you can earn absolution for anything by releasing Kotor. Releasing it for less than 3Eur... Vatican should declare them saints.
    Mitragliatrice likes this.