Free Weekend and 50% off

Discussion in 'ARMA' started by Aspius, Oct 25, 2014.

  1. Aspius

    Aspius Well Liked Hirdman

    Arma 3 is currently 50% off and you can try it for free this weekend until monday.
    MostlyHarmless, Catch and Vargyr like this.
  2. Sardonic

    Sardonic Well Liked Viking

    Buy it now!
    Vargyr and MostlyHarmless like this.
  3. Vargyr

    Vargyr Well Liked Thrall

    Yes. Not three days ago.
  4. Sardonic

    Sardonic Well Liked Viking

  5. Trevnor

    Trevnor Tokin' Canadian Staff Member Jarl SC Huscarl

    Bumping again. Aram 3 is on another 50% sale. If you were looking at it, now's the time to buy!
    MostlyHarmless likes this.
  6. Pidian

    Pidian Well Liked Thrall

    would now be a good time to hop on the DLC bundle? can't check at work if steam sale includes the DLC. currently i only have the base game, planning on getting marksman as it seems we have a good arma following even if i haven't been able to actually join any ops yet...
  7. Aspius

    Aspius Well Liked Hirdman

    The DLC is still regular price.
  8. Solomance

    Solomance Well Liked Hirdman MWO Thane

    Damn good time to buy. Come roll with us in both our private PvE sever for large ops and hunt down wasteland servers.
  9. fluffypinkbunny

    fluffypinkbunny Fluffiest Bunny ever Viking

    so I bought my arma 3 a few days ago, think they'll give me a credit, since I would have just waited for the sale?
  10. Boombuni

    Boombuni Well Liked Thrall

    Steam support usually gives you one refund type thing, but generally purchasing just before a sale gets you a "Bad Luck" response from their support. Worth a try though
  11. Little Dave

    Little Dave New Guy Thrall

    I picked the game up this sale. Although I'm a little too GMT for Tuesday nights I think.
  12. Aspius

    Aspius Well Liked Hirdman

    I'm GMT+1 and I participate whenever I can. You can often find something going on the weekends as well.
  13. Aspius

    Aspius Well Liked Hirdman

    Arma 3 is having a free weekend and 50% off again
    MostlyHarmless likes this.
  14. UnknownTarget

    UnknownTarget Well Liked Thrall

    If any GMT guys want to team up pls let me know. I really would like to do some Arma with our guys and I never seem to catch the US action when its happening :sad:
  15. Diffusion9

    Diffusion9 Made Some Friends Thrall

    If anyone's getting into this, or getting some games going as a result of the Free Weekend\sale we should all try to sync up!
  16. MostlyHarmless

    MostlyHarmless Master of Recruits Staff Member Jarl SC Huscarl

    I've been busy this week but most nights the guys are on playing the epoch mod
  17. Solis Obscuri

    Solis Obscuri Well Liked Hirdman

    Hell of a Steam sale going on - 60% off Arma, extended and digital deluxe editions, and 30% off DLC.
  18. Aspius

    Aspius Well Liked Hirdman

    Arma franchise is on sale for the weekend. Up to 80% off.

    Arma 3 and all of its DLC are 50% off. The upcoming expansion 'Apex' is 20% off.
    MostlyHarmless likes this.
  19. Aspius

    Aspius Well Liked Hirdman

    Another free weekend and 50% off.
  20. MostlyHarmless

    MostlyHarmless Master of Recruits Staff Member Jarl SC Huscarl

    15th anniversary sale on Steam, ARMA 3 and add on's are all 50% off and the new Apex dlc is 20% off just before it hits the full release in 20 days, older arma titles are 80% off if you want to go back and play one for some reason.
    Pidian likes this.