Official Derailed thread... Wait, what?

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Zaius Ex, Feb 28, 2012.

  1. Sardonic

    Sardonic Well Liked Viking

  2. Lardaltef

    Lardaltef Well Liked Berserker

    i know front seat it is 12 years and some weight (because x weight for the sensor in the seat. if they are to light the air bag won't deploy). not sure what the weight is though.
  3. Hollister

    Hollister Fun-Taker Berserker

    I know a 25 year old chick that's only 4'7". Has huge tits though so I guess she doesn't need the seat because? Why? Age? But she's not tall enough but she is old enough. Sounds like bullshit arbitrary numbers to me.
  4. Atomic_Guppy

    Atomic_Guppy Well Liked Thrall

    The official reason for a booster seat is that the seat belt does not contact the child in the proper place. The weight of the child makes no difference in whether the seat belt is across their throat or their chest, only their height. Therefore basing it on weight is silly. Unless your trying to weed out the fatties.

    As far as your buxom midget friend, I guess their thinking is that adults can make decisions for themselves. Except on whether or not to wear a seat belt. Or smoke weed. Or drink very large cups of soda. Or whatever the latest nanny-state emphasis is on this week. So, yeah, pretty much arbitrary numbers.
  5. Watchit

    Watchit Well Liked Thrall

    Hey! my minivan is totally manly... :oops:

    though I have it more because it was free then by choice.
    Damion Sparhawk likes this.
  6. SheepHugger

    SheepHugger Well Liked Viking

    In Finland adults are not allowed to stay too long in a summer cottage they own. Officials are worried that it might constitute for 'living' in them. Many people's summer cottages make better apartments than other peoples actual primary apartments. But an adult cannot stay too long in one because.. that's like, living.. in your summer cottage! Which is by law required to be exactly like a proper town house in the suburbs, hell, you can't even pee in the river - you have to have systems for processing everything. Not that you could spend too much time in it though.

    Also, since you get a little money for returning bottles and beer cans to recycling the Finland's 'IRS' stated that it is income and should be reported. It is, after all, 40 cents for 1.5 liter bottles and 10 cents for cans. Luckily officials can get taxis, daily restaurant dinners and hotel stays paid up by tax payers and in many places public execs and bosses get very expensive birthday presents bought with tax payer money. Not mentioning all the expensive cars and whatnot.

    So yea, if there's a hobo that makes it by while collecting empty bottles and cans from roadside and cleaning up in the process, that's a no-no. Nevermind that those cans and the deposit which they receive when they take them to recycling has been paid and taxed already. Yes, someone has already paid for the deposit but decided to throw away the bottle / can.

    What about making it illegal to make your own alcohol but at the same time monopolizing all alcohol products for state owned liquor stores?

    I love how you can have a 'democracy' where most of the laws seem to be based on individuals being incapable of making the right choice without threat of violence/imprisonment. It's sort of like saying that the people are not fit to vote either since they can't make a reasonable decision on what to eat on their own without some ministry stepping in and clearing out the food.
    Trevnor likes this.
  7. Calisrue

    Calisrue Well Liked Thrall

    .... sounds a bit like 'murica in some states...
    XPHAku likes this.
  8. SheepHugger

    SheepHugger Well Liked Viking

    I'll die for freedom once I find mine. Damn, I'm sure I had it lying around here somewhere.. Maybe I was mistaken.
    XPHAku likes this.
  9. Lardaltef

    Lardaltef Well Liked Berserker


    I like the ones about germany.
    Watchit, StalaggtIKE, Hakija and 4 others like this.
  10. Hollister

    Hollister Fun-Taker Berserker

    So you can own a house but you can't live in it because the government says so. Sounds more like a dictatorship.
    XPHAku, Lardaltef and SheepHugger like this.
  11. SheepHugger

    SheepHugger Well Liked Viking

    Bureau - office, cratos - power. Power of offices.

    If the society is a Bureaucracy it means that various offices and officials hold most power and rule. That's what we have here.

    Example: to keep a barber shop open on independence day a barber has to file for a permission 2-3 months ahead and the permit costs roughly 200€. During independence day there's a big party of the elites at presidential palace - and every woman has an exquisite haircut. I wonder how that works out... Some people started wondering about actual politicians getting their hair done illegally.

    In short, everything is illegal here, if the police start investigating you they will find something wrong with you because everything's forbidden by law.
  12. StalaggtIKE

    StalaggtIKE Well Liked Viking

    Sardonic and MostlyHarmless like this.
  13. Lardaltef

    Lardaltef Well Liked Berserker

    also there is "get off my lawn". you shoot aliens.
  14. gihzmo

    gihzmo Moderator Berserker

  15. Lardaltef

    Lardaltef Well Liked Berserker

    XPHAku and Hollister like this.
  16. Damion Sparhawk

    Damion Sparhawk The Missing Link Viking

    I have faith in humanity
    I have faith that humans will continue to fuck everything sideways, and then fuck it up even worse when they finally realize they've fucked it up in the first place, trying to fix it.
    Lardaltef, SheepHugger and XPHAku like this.
  17. XPHAku

    XPHAku Well Liked Thrall

    My freedom comes in 12 gauge rounds and 9x18 Makarov rounds, they fit in my freedom dispensing machines.
    Lardaltef and SheepHugger like this.
  18. XPHAku

    XPHAku Well Liked Thrall

  19. SheepHugger

    SheepHugger Well Liked Viking


    Dog teaching a baby to jump :D
  20. Watchit

    Watchit Well Liked Thrall

    I'm not quite sure what this is supposed to be... but it is broke.