Don't fuck with the Fett

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Manco, Nov 22, 2014.

  1. Manco

    Manco Well Liked Viking

  2. Sardonic

    Sardonic Well Liked Viking

    And here I was wondering what finally pushed Fet over the edge and into that murderous rampage we all knew was coming.
  3. Lardaltef

    Lardaltef Well Liked Berserker

    I might still go on a murderous rampage. something to do with vegetarians being idiots because of the whole "i'm against animal cruelty" thing. but what about all the animals that are displaced and possibly die because of the land cleared for crops?
  4. Sardonic

    Sardonic Well Liked Viking


  5. Lardaltef

    Lardaltef Well Liked Berserker

    I mean how many animals are displaced due to 1 acre of land being cleared fro crops? 10s? 100s?
    MostlyHarmless likes this.
  6. Damion Sparhawk

    Damion Sparhawk The Missing Link Viking

    animals? Try insects, people often forget them because they don't like them, but the ecosystem literally runs on their backs, without them, we all die XD But do you ever hear PETA yelling 'save the bees!' 'don't swat the mosquito!' 'leave the ants alone!' of course not, they're bugs. (personally, I'd rather let the world burn than save the damn mosquitoes, they're the reason I let spiders live.)

    not to mention providing a breeding ground for the more destructive types like aphids and locusts. But I wouldn't bother pointing this out to the types of people who make these arguments in the first place, let them have their way we'll all be back in the trees living off whatever berries and twigs we can forage.
    Lardaltef likes this.
  7. SheepHugger

    SheepHugger Well Liked Viking

    Personally, my issue is with people who don't give a shit and are just plain cruel to animals and things like animal transports which are absolute torture.

    It has been shown countless times that humans are not the only species capable of thought or feeling pain. Fuck, we are just an animal species that at the same time has two free limbs with digits with precise muscles and opposable thumbs and sufficiently sophisticated brain that one in a million of us are smart enough to invent stuff (that isn't dumb as hell). Our species stayed the same way for 200.000 years and only in the last 10.000 years or so have we begun developing actual civilizations of any kind.

    What sickens me to core is the oblivious and ignorant superiority that some people have and how they're not too worried about saving five bucks or 5 minutes of effort even if it meant that the animals that they're responsible for suffer cruelly.

    There is literally no control over how the animals are treated and the punishments are like "oh, you let 500 cows starve to death, pay up 500$ and don't take new animals for 4 months".

    I personally think we should eat meat. I just wouldn't mind paying ~3% more if the animals weren't tortured before we get the meat from them.

    You should watch some videos of how animals are treated. Stuff like, if you're going to pluck feathers off a duck, can't you fucking kill the duck first? Or, punching and kicking animals into a truck, cutting off a limb if it gets stuck and letting the whole lot suffer without food or water for a whole day in horrible heat.

    Fuck, do I actually have to explain why or what is wrong about it? Come on, just kill the animals and process the meat. It's not fucking rocket science.

    Cool clip about Fett
  8. Damion Sparhawk

    Damion Sparhawk The Missing Link Viking

    funny how quickly we can derail a topic, XD
    SheepHugger likes this.
  9. SheepHugger

    SheepHugger Well Liked Viking

    I would kill myself with a herring if we had some fascist rule about staying on topic or following grammar or giving a shit about rules of argumentation.
  10. SheepHugger

    SheepHugger Well Liked Viking

    Actually, I was thinking about the video and I remembered a conversation about how a lot of movies are a lot better designed and thought out than their short duration and limitations of expression convey through to the viewer.

    Someone argued that it is the 'job' of the movie to explain it all but then it was noted that not everything can be nor should be explained or it would resemble an episode from Dora the Explorer.

    "See, we're moving because we're using the engine"
    "He's probably angry at us because we just stole his wife and burnt his house"

    And as soon as you leave something unexplained someone is going to be bitching about not getting it. It's just life. Eventually we will encounter other sentient life and complain to them.
    "Take us to your leaders... we have a lot of complaints!"
  11. SteelBear

    SteelBear Veteran Dovahbear Viking

    I'm gonna put a vote in for this rule, just cause I want to see this. Nothing personal. It's simply not every day you get to see herring seppuku.
  12. Damon Howe

    Damon Howe Banned Banned

    Fets? as in Fetlocks?

  13. Lardaltef

    Lardaltef Well Liked Berserker

    I'd vote for it.
  14. Damion Sparhawk

    Damion Sparhawk The Missing Link Viking

    damn, it'd be bad enough just killing yourself with a fish, but to seppuku with a fish? that's dedication right there.
  15. SheepHugger

    SheepHugger Well Liked Viking

    Seppuku, what the fuck? You guys realize that it involves an assistant with a katana? Eventually that guy is going to get tired and just get it over with.

    There are many ways to commit a suicide by herring and none of them involve use of cheats such as an aide with a katana. One is expected to suffer all the related pains or all honor is considered lost. With herring suicide there's no such a thing as "you almost did it, well done". It's all or nothing deal, it's harsh ice float justice.

    Above all it really tests one's determination. If performed with poor technique the herring itself will dissolve into mush. Herring also do not possess significant teeth. One of the most common ways involves biting half of the head off of herring in an attempt to use the sharp remains of skull to cut one's throat. Should this fail more pieces of the herring can be bitten off or ripped with hands in an attempt to reveal bones that can be used on the neck and arteries on arms.

    Ultimate sign of strength is when one removes a fish bone and uses it on one's eyes first since it makes everything a lot more difficult and painful and calls for more precision in order to avoid failure.
  16. Hepatitis TK

    Hepatitis TK Decorative Flounce Berserker

  17. Hakija

    Hakija Chaos Pony Viking

    Wait... WHAT?
  18. SteelBear

    SteelBear Veteran Dovahbear Viking

    1. Whole herring. No breaking or biting for sharp parts. Do it the old fashioned way.
    2. Your second with the katana is a fellow Borg member who has already gotten drunk and fucked off to a party and/or gutter. You get no assistance.
    3. Why the fuck are we getting into so much detail over herring suicide? Let's just sacrifice Fet to Cthulhu and we can all get back to the meat and mead.
  19. Lardaltef

    Lardaltef Well Liked Berserker

    but your second could also have a herring and hit you over the back of the head with it. what is this crap about katanas. blades have no place in ritualistic herring seppuku. :unamused:
  20. Hakija

    Hakija Chaos Pony Viking

    What about a banana?
    Lardaltef likes this.