Crowfall - Throne War PC MMO

Discussion in 'Other Games' started by Audit, Feb 27, 2015.

  1. Carl Corwyn

    Carl Corwyn Well Liked Thrall

    From working in game design, and reading between the lines I'm guessing there will be some sort of purchased or crafted appearance that you will be able to apply to your mount that contains the kickstarter appearance.

    So when you get your horse stolen, you go buy a new horse, then buy/make the kickstarter appearance and apply to it.

    That's how I'd to it, anyway...

    Also, I'm one of the Early Bird Amber Patrons. I couldn't quite justify $425 for Alpha 1 access
  2. Sean Agilwulf

    Sean Agilwulf Well Liked Viking

    I ended up going Ruby on this one... So until someone goes bigger, I volunteer my kingdom as Borftown. May its streets ever be drunken and disorderly!
    Solis Obscuri and Calisrue like this.
  3. Tuonela

    Tuonela Well Liked Berserker

    Yea I went Silver... kinda wanted the nightmare mount. Plus I have a job, so whatevs.
  4. Carl Corwyn

    Carl Corwyn Well Liked Thrall


    (where Calendars == MEAD)
  5. Sean Agilwulf

    Sean Agilwulf Well Liked Viking

    So let it be written, so let it be done.

    I'm liking the concept behind this game. What classes are yall leaning towards? Thinking Ranger will be my first go. Reminds me a lot of Lan from Wheel of Time.
  6. Tuonela

    Tuonela Well Liked Berserker

    I like the forgemaster, but not sure I want to be pigeonholed into a crafting/support class. Depends on how flexible the roles really are and what 'support' really entails

    Just based on the 'seasons' they've described, I think I'd like to go in first to a new campaign and map out the world. Find resources, etc. Forgemaster or ranger is probably(?) good for that.

    Duelist would also be fun well, because, rodent.
  7. Damion Sparhawk

    Damion Sparhawk The Missing Link Viking

    haven't looked into it that well, will make a determination at a later date.
  8. Sean Agilwulf

    Sean Agilwulf Well Liked Viking

    Yea, it's really hard to say based on the limited info thus far. I'll be keeping a close eye on it though.
  9. Audit

    Audit Moderator Viking


    Tell me of your sins child... SO I CAN BURN THEM FROM YOUR SOUL!!!
  10. Sean Agilwulf

    Sean Agilwulf Well Liked Viking

    Haha! Either we need to stay close or VEERRY far away from each other... You make me nervous.
  11. Sean Agilwulf

    Sean Agilwulf Well Liked Viking

    New stretch goals and info on artifacts and relics.

    I'm loving the way this game is setup. It seems like you get that warm fuzzy of having your home base (personal kingdom), reminiscent of some minecraft servers I've been on. Yet you get to go out and adventure, choosing your risk level and what you want to bring, possibly losing it on the journey, possibly returning with more loot. Furthermore your experience will change every time you go out. New worlds, new player/faction dynamics... too cool.
  12. Damion Sparhawk

    Damion Sparhawk The Missing Link Viking

    I imagine I will go on berserker runs (naked high risk runs XD)

    actually I kinda hope they'll have a high risk mode where you can't bring any equipment but the very basics, you gotta roll it pure skill or get gear on site.
    Sean Agilwulf likes this.
  13. Sean Agilwulf

    Sean Agilwulf Well Liked Viking

    High risk, high reward? I like it.

    Edit: minus the naked part... don't count me in unless you've got some form of clothing.
  14. Chewch

    Chewch New Guy Thrall

    If you're in the dregs, you'll have to get the loot to vault if you want to get it back to your house. That will be the real challenge. I'll go in empty for sure.
  15. Damion Sparhawk

    Damion Sparhawk The Missing Link Viking

    celtic all the way, nothin' but woad XD (and weapons)
    Chewch likes this.
  16. Sean Agilwulf

    Sean Agilwulf Well Liked Viking

    Umm yeeeea... I'm gonna have to ask you to put some clothes on, that'd be greeeeat.
  17. belakor502

    belakor502 New Guy Thrall

    They really went and answered my question wheter centaurs could ride mounts as well :D

    Most likely wasnt the only one, but that was the first question I had when I saw the centaur, they even went ahead and sent me an e-mail that my question has been answered in this update...
  18. Dihm

    Dihm Speaker of the Word Staff Member Gothi SC Thane

    But did they answer if WE can mount centaurs?
    Solis Obscuri likes this.
  19. Sean Agilwulf

    Sean Agilwulf Well Liked Viking

    It's an issue of consent I think. You can't just go hopping on Centaurs getting free rides. No means no and drunk Centaur can't give consent. It'd probably be some kind of drunk driving too. Riding under... I mean "on" the influence?
  20. Sean Agilwulf

    Sean Agilwulf Well Liked Viking

    Two new vids:

    "We've put together a short video where a few of our team members summarize how character customization works: archetypes, skills, promotions and disciplines. You can check it out here:
    We also hope you enjoy the last of our behind-the-scenes interviews hosted by Natalie. In this final segment, J. Todd Coleman (our Creative Director) talks about the narrative inspirations behind Crowfall, and the ideas that led him and Gordon to form ArtCraft Entertainment.