Parley with the Gorettis

Discussion in 'Campaign - Skjaldborg Saga' started by MagnusEffect, Jul 25, 2015.


We stand outside the towering walls of Castle Goretti. How should we deal with them? (read OP first)

  1. They're dirtbag mobsters; sneak in and slit their throats in the dead of night.

    0 vote(s)
  2. We've heard unsettling reports from the periphery; take their deal if it means leaving here faster.

    3 vote(s)
  3. Take their offer and then double cross them; Trojan Horse style.

    5 vote(s)
  4. Meet them halfway; take the ceasefire, but refuse their help. We can always deal with them later.

    2 vote(s)
  5. Screw all that! We don't negotiate with bandits! Lock an' load! We attack at dawn!

    1 vote(s)
  1. Trevnor

    Trevnor Tokin' Canadian Staff Member Jarl SC Huscarl

    So... what exactly in that vote fits what we are going to do?
  2. There needs to be an option where Otack is sent to negotiate and Dihm is recorded voicing in character.
  3. Sheogoraath

    Sheogoraath Worst Person in the Universe Viking

    i voted for taking the deal, though obviously with the caveat that we want to negotiate terms.
    MagnusEffect likes this.
  4. MagnusEffect

    MagnusEffect Administrator Staff Member Jarl SC Huscarl

    assuming you want to make a deal... "We've heard unsettling reports from the periphery; take their deal if it means leaving here faster."

    we can negotiate details as needed.
  5. Dihm

    Dihm Speaker of the Word Staff Member Gothi SC Thane

    This isn't the Trojan Condom option?

    Tell the Partisans the details of our prisoner exchange covertly. Make sure at least one of us gets winged when all the Goretti die. Oh no, they are pissed we betrayed the cause!! Now we are in bed with the Goretti with shared blood spilled, and we can fuck them from within (that's how they like it, dirty sluts)

    If that fails, nuke the planet from orbit
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2015
    gihzmo and Hepatitis TK like this.
  6. Tzeentch

    Tzeentch Bigfoot Hirdman


    New plan:

    1: Acquire and repurpose Gorittitilinos orbital defense systems

    2: Go hogwild
    Hepatitis TK likes this.
  7. Dihm

    Dihm Speaker of the Word Staff Member Gothi SC Thane

  8. Derak Darksun

    Derak Darksun Well Liked Thrall

    I appreciate your candor, Sheo, and agree with you on all points. However, I'm worried that, given Goretti's reputation, he'll turn his guns on us after having time to lick his wounds while we beat back Martillo. Or, he'll shoot us out of the sky as we leave and take the Harbinger treasure/our scrap and corpses for his personal gain. Goretti is a wildcard, and I don't like it.

    Anyways, I think we've deliberated long enough, time to let the Major make the final call.
  9. Who's our best negotiator? Let's see if we can make some deals.
  10. Hakija

    Hakija Chaos Pony Viking

    Just popping in here to read a bit. It strikes me that double crossing your employer without hard evidence he's going to do the same to you is not the kind of reputation a mercenary wants to build. Maybe you could try to get him to admit it on a recording or something?
  11. Trevnor

    Trevnor Tokin' Canadian Staff Member Jarl SC Huscarl

    He's not our employer. In fact, the family head of Goretti has the nickname "The Butcher", and we've been fighting them for the past month or so on this planet. He's calling for the cease fire to at least get some breathing room, we've decimated much of his forces.
    Tzeentch and Hakija like this.
  12. MagnusEffect

    MagnusEffect Administrator Staff Member Jarl SC Huscarl

    It's a tie between Sheo and LagCat. Which parts would you like to negotiate?

    no worries if you missed it, but due to the fact this mission is entirely unsanctioned by any official authority (Lily Morgana originally hired us to help her find the Harbinger) and the fact that all events are taking place in the pirate system of Star's End, we don't really have to worry about our reputation... at least as far as the rest of the Inner Sphere is concerned.

    that being said, who can say for sure? some believe in karma. some do not. who can say for sure? :secretlaugh:
  13. MagnusEffect

    MagnusEffect Administrator Staff Member Jarl SC Huscarl

    The Butcher works with the Martillos. Boss Goretti was the one who stole the Harbinger on Crow's Nest... and then Morgana stole it from him with our help.
  14. Hakija

    Hakija Chaos Pony Viking

    Ah, okay, my mistake.
  15. Here's my full proposal:

    Keep this as is, or even remove Goretti support against Martillo.

    Keep as is

    Keep as is, 1:1 exchange mech for mech.

    Not giving up Ignis or the bunker. Goretti allows us full use of his facility and keeps his forces at least 2 zones away while we are using them.

    Goretti gets info on Morgana once we are in safely outside of his orbital defences. He will give us the cache info before we leave.

    Sound good? Need changes? Let's get a consensus then get some Negotiation rolls in.
  16. Trevnor

    Trevnor Tokin' Canadian Staff Member Jarl SC Huscarl

    Ah, sorry Mags, I was confusing the two equally bad dudes.

    And I'm good with the proposal from Skwi.
  17. MagnusEffect

    MagnusEffect Administrator Staff Member Jarl SC Huscarl

    How I'm breaking down the poll:
    1. "Slit their throats" - this is the most covert offensive action we can take. Similar to the "Double-Cross" but we get better control over when and where we attack, but we have to start outside the fortress. By default we won't know where our captured members are either. HINT: Scrounge?
    2. "Take the deal" - details can be negotiated, but this would essentially turn the partisans against us and we would lose all current holdings. On the bright side we would get instant access to Goretti's Class D facility. However, should Goretti reneg on our deal, it would leave us in a very bad position with nothing but our mobile field bases to keep us afloat. He hates the Martillos more, though. As long as we remain useful to Boss Goretti, we can reasonably assume he will support us.
    3. "Double-cross" - similar to "Slit Their Throats", but one lance will start surrounded inside Goretti Castle and our captured members will automatically be identified. However, we will have to strike quickly and surgically for them to survive.
    4. "Meet Halfway" - this won't get us access to the Class D facility and we will lose what facilities we have to the partisans, but we also won't make any new enemies with anyone. This frees us up to take on the Martillos by themselves.
    5. "Lock & Load" - for the truely brash; damn the torpedos, etc. This is the most overt offensive action we can take. The status quo will remain as is; partisans allied with us, Martillos and Gorettis against us. No sneaking required. However, without properly identifying where our captured members are and rescuing them, taking this action will almost certainly lead to their deaths.
  18. Can we run a round of negotiations then modify accordingly? I've got some ideas on what to bring to the table if we don't get all of the items in my proposal (don't want to show my hand yet!) and if we can get together on TS say tomorrow night with Sheo or LagCat we can find out if the deal gets any better or not. Then once we know we can or can't get a better deal everybody can vote for the option in the poll.
    MagnusEffect and Sheogoraath like this.
  19. Sheogoraath

    Sheogoraath Worst Person in the Universe Viking

    I like skwi's proposals. If Lagcat and I tag team the negotiations do we get a bonus to the roll?
    MagnusEffect likes this.
  20. MagnusEffect

    MagnusEffect Administrator Staff Member Jarl SC Huscarl

    @ Skwi, most of it is fine, but a few clarifications:

    Unfortunately, we don't really have a choice in this if we go through with the deal. If we take the deal, the partisans will force us out by default. We could fight them too, yes, but it would spread us far too thin. The partisans are too numerous for us to fight along so many fronts.

    Are you suggesting we trade Morgana's info for the cache info? That would be simple enough to negotiate. If you are suggesting he give up the cache info now and we will give up our info later, that will be far more difficult.