StarCraft II Legacy of the Void

Discussion in 'Other Games' started by SheepHugger, Oct 24, 2015.

  1. SheepHugger

    SheepHugger Well Liked Viking

    It's not far away!

    It's so close in fact that they've already opened up the prologue for pre-orderers. I briefly checked some of it out today and... oh my oh my! I really, really love this.

    In case someone missed the opening cinematic:

    So we're expecting the campaign to begin with none the less than reconquest of Aiur!
  2. Dihm

    Dihm Speaker of the Word Staff Member Gothi SC Thane

    Starcraft is still a thing?
    Lardaltef likes this.
  3. Sheogoraath

    Sheogoraath Worst Person in the Universe Viking

    Only three races? Where's Angry Joe's rant about this game?
    Lardaltef and Dihm like this.
  4. Hakija

    Hakija Chaos Pony Viking

    The rant was because Creative Assembly chopped out a completed portion of their game to sell as an extra, or to encourage people to preorder without waiting for reviews.
  5. Lardaltef

    Lardaltef Well Liked Berserker

    there should be at least 1 faction for each race.
  6. Derak Darksun

    Derak Darksun Well Liked Thrall

    To clarify, anyone can play the prologue protoss missions now! I haven't preordered the expansion and I played through all 3 missions. They were actually pretty fun. Definitely plan to buy it and play through the superb story. Won't be getting back into multiplayer though.
    SheepHugger likes this.
  7. SheepHugger

    SheepHugger Well Liked Viking

    Well there's also the Xel'Naga, so technically four races.

    There's a campaign called Wings of Liberty for Terrans, campaign called Heart of the Swarm for Zerg and Legacy of the Void coming up now that's the Protoss campaign.

    Ah, I didn't realize! I really liked the campaigns in all of the games and I'm a long time StarCraft and WarCraft (RTS ones) fan. It's a matter of opinion but for me the campaigns and the stories always hit the sweet spot.

    I haven't played them online since Brood War, I don't play much multiplayer in any games these days. Multiplayer is too competitive for my taste and I play games to win, Real Life is for losing shit and for stuff that feels like work.
  8. Lardaltef

    Lardaltef Well Liked Berserker

    i meant something along the lines of the main protoss group is isolationist and against working with any non protoss. and there is a smaller splinter protoss faction that does want to work the terrans (or at least raynors group) and not be isolationist. and have them playable even if it's just skirmish. I mean they already have at least 2 factions for the terrans and zerg they have 2 factions at least. kerrigans group (the main zerg?) and all the splinter groups that are well zerg.
  9. SheepHugger

    SheepHugger Well Liked Viking

    I think there's just one Terran faction you can play and that's Raynor's Raiders. During Wings of Liberty you also get to play a 'potential future' mission as Protoss faction. The main Protoss factions are Khalai, the main group who share a psionic link among themselves and Nerazim, aka Dark Templars who reject this bond. Khalai and Nerazim are brought together during the story arc of StarCraft I so they are considered to be a singular faction now, or at very least a strong alliance.

    There's a third Protoss faction known as Tal'darim who don't use Khala and who consider themselves 'The Chosen' and worship Amon, a dead Xel'Naga. They're hostile to other Protoss and pretty much everyone else.

    For Terrans there is of course the United Earth Directorate, located on Earth. Koprulu sector where most of the fighting and story takes place is very far from UED space and is home to Terran Confederacy, Kel-Morian Combine and Umojan Protectorate, among many lesser factions such as Sons of Korhal which eventually replaces Confederacy and forms into Terran Dominion.

    Hybrids are not really a type of Zerg, they're the product of merging Zerg and Protoss but not really their own faction, instead they're a produce of Xel'Naga.

    The storyline in StarCraft games follows individuals, not factions and the affiliations and such are subject to change throughout the story. For instance in StarCraft I there were the Sons of Korhal campaign and UED campaigns. While playing as Zerg the player assumed the role of a cerebrate, Zerg do not really go in different factions but instead broods that are each controlled by a cerebrate. With Protoss iirc. the story is played with Khala and at parts with Nerazim and finally Khala and Nerazim together.

    Since the storyline in StarCraft games does not follow villains as such (Kerrigan, is she really a villain?), players don't end up playing with the purely evil factions. In fact even 'good guys' can be on the opposing team if they are unaware of the greater good that the player's characters are trying to achieve. At same time players don't end up playing with anyone who is not unimportant to the story and certain characters and factions appear in the story purely as visiting (often recurring) enemies.

    But luckily the game does come with a complete editor that allows creation of maps and modding of almost everything you could think of so you can always create your own custom factions and rules and so - or download stuff made by others, some of which are quite entertaining. I know I've spent countless hours modding SC I.
  10. Derak Darksun

    Derak Darksun Well Liked Thrall

    If any of you guys do pick this up let me know, one of the big features of LotV is coop commander, and I'd love to give it a try. It looks really neat.

    MagnusEffect and SheepHugger like this.
  11. Dihm

    Dihm Speaker of the Word Staff Member Gothi SC Thane

    Protoss existed in the first Starcraft II, so they totally cut it out to sell now. One of the prime three species
    Sheogoraath likes this.
  12. Hakija

    Hakija Chaos Pony Viking

  13. Hollister

    Hollister Fun-Taker Berserker

    Star Battle custom game for SC2 one of the best custom games imo

    Always play a raven or arbiter which aren't in the video.

    Last edited: Oct 25, 2015
    SheepHugger and Derak Darksun like this.
  14. Lardaltef

    Lardaltef Well Liked Berserker

    but it's vaporware. they are stealing ideas from derek smart.
    Dihm likes this.
  15. Solomance

    Solomance Well Liked Hirdman MWO Thane

    Started playing through the SC1 campaigns on the SC2 engine. up to the first protoss campaign. good times.
    SheepHugger and Lardaltef like this.
  16. Lardaltef

    Lardaltef Well Liked Berserker

    you can do that? is it a mod?
  17. Fiskarsmurfen

    Fiskarsmurfen Well Liked Thrall

    Its a map pack i think. Last i checked the link was here: SC1 campagins in SC2.

    Beware though, the missions are hard. I was gold rank on the SC2 ladder and couldnt get past the Zerg missions on Char. But it is definetly worth checking out just for nostalgia.
    I will probably get LoTV. Not sure if i want to get back in multiplayer though, its very stressful and competitive. Maybe I will, maybe I wont..
  18. Hakija

    Hakija Chaos Pony Viking

    The difficulty level is definitly increased over vanilla starcraft 1, and that game was harder than 2 anyway. So yeah, that map pack is tough.

    Otherwise, the transition was really good. They even have the original voice over files.
  19. Solomance

    Solomance Well Liked Hirdman MWO Thane

  20. SheepHugger

    SheepHugger Well Liked Viking

    I really like this.

    The campaign itself begins with none less than invasion of Aiur by combined Protoss forces.

    Funny also, on Quora there was a question "will Blizzard ever again make a single player game where players don't have to play online and can use cheats".

    Several professional game developers answered "no, that's highly unlikely".

    It was one day after the release of Legacy of the Void.

    I was pretty appalled by the FUCKING RETARDATION displayed by industry professionals. And some of them were even mocking the whole idea of Blizzard ever making one again.

    Then again that explains a lot about modern games industry. The people in it don't even follow what Blizzard is releasing so what do they even know really? They don't know shit.

    The campaign is awesome and I love it. FOR AIUR!
    Last edited: Nov 12, 2015
    Derak Darksun likes this.