Totally Accurate Battle Simulator

Discussion in 'Other Games' started by SheepHugger, Aug 1, 2016.

  1. SheepHugger

    SheepHugger Well Liked Viking

  2. Lardaltef

    Lardaltef Well Liked Berserker

    That accuracy. Such wow. So excite.
    Solis Obscuri and SheepHugger like this.
  3. Pidian

    Pidian Well Liked Thrall

    that made me happy
  4. SheepHugger

    SheepHugger Well Liked Viking

    Looks incredibly fun. I want it! I know that would be incredibly fun 30 minutes every now and then.
  5. StalaggtIKE

    StalaggtIKE Well Liked Viking

    I just found the best game evar.
  6. StalaggtIKE

    StalaggtIKE Well Liked Viking

    Yes! Even vikings!
    SheepHugger likes this.
  7. StalaggtIKE

    StalaggtIKE Well Liked Viking

  8. Hakija

    Hakija Chaos Pony Viking

  9. StalaggtIKE

    StalaggtIKE Well Liked Viking

    Pidian likes this.
  10. SheepHugger

    SheepHugger Well Liked Viking

    It happens to best of us! :D
  11. StalaggtIKE

    StalaggtIKE Well Liked Viking

    Get HYPED!
    Pidian and Dihm like this.
  12. StalaggtIKE

    StalaggtIKE Well Liked Viking

  13. Damion Sparhawk

    Damion Sparhawk The Missing Link Viking

    I totally want them to include this in the game as a 'dancing weapon' swordsman.
    Pidian likes this.