Fallout 76

Discussion in 'Other Games' started by j.p., May 30, 2018.

  1. j.p.

    j.p. Well Liked Berserker

    I think this is probably the reason they didn't want to sell on Steam. They knew this was going to be a trainwreck and that people would justifiably lose their shit and didn't want Valve to be able to step in and refund everybody that got ripped off.
  2. Hakija

    Hakija Chaos Pony Viking

  3. j.p.

    j.p. Well Liked Berserker

    This is maybe the Angriest Joe I've ever seen.

  4. Hakija

    Hakija Chaos Pony Viking

    I guess you could say he's not a happy C.A.M.P.er?
  5. Hepatitis TK

    Hepatitis TK Decorative Flounce Berserker

    Hes a twat
    Lardaltef likes this.
  6. j.p.

    j.p. Well Liked Berserker


    How!? How!? I can't understand how they could possibly fuck up literally everything! It's 2019! And they had a freaking Y2k bug! HOW!?
  7. Aspius

    Aspius Well Liked Hirdman

    I'm not really that surprised that it happend. So far they have had something happen every week since release.
    Benjamin the Rogue and Lardaltef like this.
  8. Audit

    Audit Moderator Viking

    It just... keeps getting worse. I'm so glad I did not throw any money into this dumpster fire.

    EDIT: I was actually looking at it the other day thinking "It's been a few months, it's probably been patched and fixed so it's worth the play now." NOPE!
    Benjamin the Rogue and Lardaltef like this.
  9. fluffypinkbunny

    fluffypinkbunny Fluffiest Bunny ever Viking

    I just started playing fallout
    j.p. likes this.
  10. Damion Sparhawk

    Damion Sparhawk The Missing Link Viking

    It's like what people expected to happen with the year 2000 bug ^.^
  11. Audit

    Audit Moderator Viking

    Technically it's the exact opposite. The Fallout Y2K bug STOPS all the nukes from working. The real Y2K bug was supposed to make them all work... at the same exact time.
    Benjamin the Rogue likes this.
  12. Damion Sparhawk

    Damion Sparhawk The Missing Link Viking

    Well that was certainly the worst case scenario, but what was really expected was all the computers simply not working anymore, because they'd reach this calendar point that doesn't exist. Which of course is ludicrous, the only way it could've legitimately caused a problem is if it had been coded to error in the event of a negative time change. Like putting a hard stop on your mileage when it reaches 000000.
    Benjamin the Rogue likes this.
  13. Aspius

    Aspius Well Liked Hirdman

    The trend goes for another week.
    Benjamin the Rogue and Lardaltef like this.
  14. fluffypinkbunny

    fluffypinkbunny Fluffiest Bunny ever Viking

    I still like fallout 76. Just found a laser Gatling gun!
    j.p. likes this.
  15. Benjamin the Rogue

    Benjamin the Rogue Well Liked Berserker SC Huscarl

    Everyone else found literally everything.
    Lardaltef and jChopper like this.
  16. fluffypinkbunny

    fluffypinkbunny Fluffiest Bunny ever Viking

    i'm playing for my self though, I don't care what others find. I still havent done any multi player, mostly because I dont wana ruin story line that im working on.
  17. MagnusEffect

    MagnusEffect Administrator Staff Member Jarl SC Huscarl

    Yeah, I found it hilarious that players had already found a way into the dev debugging/test area in the game and then started laundering the endgame items on the grey market. "Oops", said Bethesda. :lol:
    Benjamin the Rogue likes this.
  18. Audit

    Audit Moderator Viking

    The best part is they're just flagging and banning the accounts that go there and proclaiming that the problem is fixed, while completely ignoring the fact that people are just making trash accounts to loot the room and then mailing the items to their real account. It's like having massive bleeding from your leg, but instead of stopping the bleeding you put a tourniquet on your arm and then pretend that solves the problem and that nothing is wrong.

    Bethesda to Fallout 76
    "Oh, ey der, you seem to be missin' alf yer leg dare, bud! Just gunna put dis here tourniquet on your arm... like so... and yer good ta go!"

    EDIT: IDK why I gave Bethesda a Canadian accent...
    Last edited: Jan 19, 2019
    Benjamin the Rogue likes this.
  19. Benjamin the Rogue

    Benjamin the Rogue Well Liked Berserker SC Huscarl

    It's more like throwing a blanket across your legs instead. "You can't see it, so it's not a problem! Now just go to sleep."
  20. j.p.

    j.p. Well Liked Berserker

    So does having access to a room full of literally everything actually break the game or anything? Because I'm accustomed to at some point or another getting bored of grinding whatever Fallout wants me to grind and just using the console to spawn a metric crapton of it and it's never had any negative impact on my enjoyment of the game.