Aliens: Colonial Marines

Discussion in 'Other Games' started by Dihm, Jun 1, 2011.

  1. Taake

    Taake New Guy Thrall

    Playing as the Predator was the best part of that game. So so good.
  2. modifiedgenes

    modifiedgenes New Guy Thrall

    All of it was very good, I agree the Predator segment was very good, though I preferred the alien personally. AVP gold is about 3 quid on steam and well recommended, we could certainly arrange a forum wide multiplayer one night if you wished. I would enjoy the chance to kill someone as an alien again.
  3. Hakija

    Hakija Chaos Pony Viking

    I'd be down with that. Haven't drug that one out in a long time. Think the CD is in the basement somewhere...
  4. Xander Lightheart

    Xander Lightheart New Guy Thrall

    If I have spare time. I'd be up for a going of AvP *nod*
  5. modifiedgenes

    modifiedgenes New Guy Thrall

    If you keep an eye out for myself and others in the teamspeak, I'd be game for this, too.

    If we can get a regular gang on there it is a good laugh and whilst the graphics are dated the game runs like a dream on a modern machine and is fully integrated into steam so you can invite friends cross game etc.

    Unfortunately I only play mostly at weekends, perhaps we should start an organised session/gaming thread of sorts at some point. I am hoping to move back home in the near future, too, so that could be an option.
  6. Manco

    Manco Well Liked Viking

    Please if you have 10mins to spare watch this vid

    This was labeled as ingame!!!! I have completed the campaign and spent many hours on the MP verses modes. I have not seen 90% of the features in the ''Demo''. The backlash gearbox is gettiing is well deserved. The game does even look as good as as this ingame demo shows.

    this is not the first time we seen this from the game industry, Why are they allowed to to do this ? no other industry does this to such extent, My rant is not only against GB we the gamers are finding being lied all to common, same happend with Mafia 2. I wish some rich cunt will sue them rich cunts!
  7. Lardaltef

    Lardaltef Well Liked Berserker

    Thats the first I've heard of a first person shooter using making a demo that does not use all of a level from the final product. Strategy game I would not be suprised if the demo map was not in the final because it's been that way forever
  8. Manco

    Manco Well Liked Viking

    Yes I no its common for demos to have extra fluff that is not in final release, But this ??? just about all of it is not in the game ? when GB did say it was ingame footage.
  9. Tzeentch

    Tzeentch Bigfoot Hirdman

    Holy crap. GearBox, buddy, how could you? I know, I understand when you released Duke Nukem Forever that is was in development hell on an outdated engine, but this? This is all on you. Wtf happened? Did all those pretty art assets and levels just up and fuckin leave? Did you release an alpha build of the game and don't want to admit that's the case? Because as it is, we'll forgive ya, just gimme a good Aliens game. PLEASE. I'm BEGGIN ya, don't go down like this!
  10. Xelrah

    Xelrah New Guy Thrall

    Last good Aliens game was Aliens versus Predator 2 and I honestly doubt that we will see better one for a good while.
  11. Manco

    Manco Well Liked Viking

    We be lucky see a other Aliens game soon, No one will touch the franchise for a while. Its taking a fucking pounding over the last ten years.
  12. Manco

    Manco Well Liked Viking

    So as soon as i open my mouth i found this. CA are working on Aliens game based on Alien the first film in a dead space mold. CA have a good rep. but im not sure if they have made this type of game before. there bread and butter has been the Totalwar games.
  13. Deathwatch050

    Deathwatch050 Well Liked Thrall

    Just going to leave this here, I had a good laugh at the review:

  14. kundvagn

    kundvagn New Guy Thrall

    Heh, this seems even worse than I thought.
  15. Vargyr

    Vargyr Well Liked Thrall

    Gearbox: "Demo was a vertical slice of gameplay."


    I didn't even buy the game and my feelings are hurt. I hope Gearbox stands up and takes responsibility for this. I don't want to see them go the way of Molyneux and EA (two developer/publishers I refuse to buy into).
  16. Diplomat99

    Diplomat99 New Guy Thrall

    That review was epic :)
  17. Hakija

    Hakija Chaos Pony Viking

    damn. that just killed a lot of hopes for me.
  18. gihzmo

    gihzmo Moderator Berserker

    I still think you can have fun with it. My biggest problem is the material they released as game play footage, is not game play footage.
  19. MagnusEffect

    MagnusEffect Administrator Staff Member Jarl SC Huscarl

    Have played some more. Final verdict:

    Playing this game by yourself sucks. It brings no new or unique experience to the table. Better off skipping it. The single player of the last AvP game was better.

    However... if you do the following:
    -play on the hardest difficulty (no hud, better immersion)
    -play with people you know on TS
    -can ignore the admittedly dated graphics (worst during cutscenes, hardly noticeable when aliens are coming at you from every fucking direction)

    The game is amazingly fun.

    While the single player is uninspired, the multiplayer is definitely much better. It has the vague feeling of a Left 4 Dead type game. The co-op is a lot of fun as you commonly get surrounded and are required to coordinate with teammates. There is a lot of "Movement on the right!", "Jenkins, cover our back!" and "RUN, PEOPLE, RUN!".... etc. Actually... even closer comparison would be like playing Alien Swarm in first person. Guns can be unlocked, upgraded, and carry over into both single player and multiplayer. The game has a distinct old-school feel to it as well since health does not have full regen, you have a "bag of holding" a la Doom and ammo carries over between missions.

    Gearbox/SEGA were wrong for over-hyping the visuals and straight up lying about gameplay. Also, on closer inspection I can confirm that the game is definitely NOT bug free. No game crashes, but occasionally bullets will travel through sections of wall (unintentional game mechanic?) and turrets/soldiers will occasionally spawn in territory you have already cleared (poor trigger programing). These two bugs are obvious when they happen, easily repeatable, and betray signs of rushed testing and development. Fortunately, I've found no game breaking bugs and the UI is MUCH improved compared to the last AvP game.

    The game is actually very fun with friends. Unfortunately, I cannot recommend buying it for $50. However, if you love the franchise and love co-op (like me), wait till it goes on sale ($35 or less). If you love single player immersion and are picky about visuals, avoid this game like the plague.
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2013
  20. modifiedgenes

    modifiedgenes New Guy Thrall

    It looks utterly pants. MP mode can only work if there is a lot of fast, angry and fecking lethal AI in there as well. The graphics do nothing for me- I mean the flame thrower weapon effects are beyond shit for a game released in 2013.

    I don't see why there is an old school feel either. Why the need for non-regen health, and why not allow two weapons or one heavy and pistol backup etc?

    Full marks for weapon and character unlocks, but where is the ability to drive a power loader, where is the smart AI? Why the poor textures?

    This game seems to have suffered with a lack of cohesive focus and feels like a patched together mish-mash they rushed out to make money on. No sale.

    You won't find a bigger alien fan than me, and right now from what I am seeing, AVP gold is offering more.