Homeworld 3

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Lardaltef, Aug 31, 2019.

  1. Lardaltef

    Lardaltef Well Liked Berserker

    GUYS; GUYS. Gearbox is making a Homeworld 3.

    Crowdfunding on Fig (not kickstarter) only a goal of $1 (and over $300,000 already). (Fig alsos invests not just crowdfunds).


    Just started so 30 days to pledge. No word on platform obviously. But I wouldn't be surprised if they went Epic (if Epic is still doing bullshit by 2022). But shit if it was funded before they even put a campaign (I'm assuming by the $1 goal it was) why bother backing?

    Last edited: Sep 5, 2019
    MagnusEffect, Sheogoraath and Flessar like this.
  2. Lardaltef

    Lardaltef Well Liked Berserker

    New video after 2 years. Not a trailer. 28 second video of a railgun frigate. No idea why there is no sound.

    from one of the concept artists.

    "At the end of the day, this is an RTS game, so unit-functions need to be legible. To achieve this, we tap into the spirit of ship-as-weapon established in previous Homeworld games by slapping a giant f*ck-off gun onto the thing."

    and supposed release date near the end of 2022.
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2021
    Solomance likes this.
  3. Lardaltef

    Lardaltef Well Liked Berserker

    trailer. And steam has planned release quarter 4 2022
  4. Lardaltef

    Lardaltef Well Liked Berserker

    On the Fig campaign site.

  5. Lardaltef

    Lardaltef Well Liked Berserker

    so the Fig backer campaign goal was $1 (basically it was already funded and a done deal being made) still made $1.5 million.
  6. Lardaltef

    Lardaltef Well Liked Berserker

    article from eurogamer https://www.eurogamer.net/the-scale...endous-its-a-space-rts-for-the-james-webb-era

    more to it then that (and interview stuff with creator of homeworld.) And pushed back to first half of 2023
  7. Lardaltef

    Lardaltef Well Liked Berserker

    new gameplay trailer.

    Solis Obscuri likes this.
  8. Solis Obscuri

    Solis Obscuri Well Liked Hirdman

    It looks great, but I am so terrible at RTS
    jChopper and Lardaltef like this.
  9. MagnusEffect

    MagnusEffect Administrator Staff Member Jarl SC Huscarl

    So am I. Lets be terrible together! :glee:

    Fet, after all that hype, you better play this with me.
  10. Solis Obscuri

    Solis Obscuri Well Liked Hirdman

    Gearbox is really going all-out marketing this.

    Lardaltef likes this.
  11. MagnusEffect

    MagnusEffect Administrator Staff Member Jarl SC Huscarl

    woah.. the mothership model was not expected.
    Lardaltef likes this.
  12. Lardaltef

    Lardaltef Well Liked Berserker

    Homeworld 3 gets a release date, 20 years after its predecessor

    releases march 8 2024.

    hey a game that simultaneously launches on steam and epic instead of a bullshit epic 1 year exlusive.
    Solis Obscuri likes this.
  13. Lardaltef

    Lardaltef Well Liked Berserker

    So they decided to delay the launch till May 13 due to the feedback they are getting during their public demo that is out now till February 12th.