Imperator: Rome

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Aspius, Apr 28, 2019.

  1. Aspius

    Aspius Well Liked Hirdman

    Imperator: Rome is the latest grand strategy game by Paradox that just got released. As the name might suggest the game takes place during the rise of Rome. I have been looking forward to it and played quite abit after it released and i do feel like i really have to share my thoughts about it for you guys

    The game takes alot of elements from previous Paradox titles. It have a character system similar to CK2 while combat, diplomacy and economy reminds more of EU IV and the pop system similar to the one that Stellaris got in a patch.

    It have taken alot of good parts from the other games yet it feels lackluster even bare bones. There is nothing really bad with it but there isn't anything good either. Truthfully, it feels like an early access release except that they are forcing us to pay for the updates in the form of DLC in the future. You can feel that alot of the game is under developed for the sake of releasing a DLC to improve on it and they are getting called out on it. It's currently sitting at 45% positive reviews (3575 reviews as of writing this) on Steam and i feel that is a fair result.

    If we take into account Paradox history, then we know that they will release alot of DLC for it and in a couple of years the game will be very good. The potential is there for it, it's just a shame that they can't do it properly for release.

    Right now, it's not worth it and it probably won't be for a year or two but it might be worth to take a look at it again after a couple of patches and DLCs have been released for it.