Shadowrun 5th Edition. Every other Saturday

Discussion in 'PnP & RPG Club' started by Demon Stalker, Dec 30, 2014.

  1. Demon Stalker

    Demon Stalker Well Liked Viking

    We should be starting about 6 minutes ago.
  2. Kravity

    Kravity Well Liked Thrall

    Uh, did the TS server just go down? I can't connect anymore
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2015
  3. Kravity

    Kravity Well Liked Thrall

    Dang, Teamspeak is not working for me atm. It's refusing to connect, no matter what server I try.

    EDIT: Yeah it isn't coming back at all anymore. Sorry guys :sad: My internet's been wonky the past few days and it looks like it's really going now... At least I found the screenshots of Hans' profile while waiting for it to reconnect.
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2015
  4. Demon Stalker

    Demon Stalker Well Liked Viking

    We ended up calling it early, on my account. I need to prep a secret base and had to remember what all was happening.

    We should be good to go on the 28th.
  5. Demon Stalker

    Demon Stalker Well Liked Viking

    Posted this briefly in the Pathfinder group, but not everyone here also reads that.

    Quick synopsis. Demon is in pain. Demon has surgery in 3 weeks. Demon will probably be in pain about 5 weeks total. Demon wants to play. Demon may have to call games short due to pain. Demon has no patience. Demon will kill arguments quickly.

    See you Saturday 8)
  6. SteelBear

    SteelBear Veteran Dovahbear Viking


    We'll try to keep the explosions to a minimum.
  7. Demon Stalker

    Demon Stalker Well Liked Viking

    This weekend, March 28th, is a little in the air. Wife has been sick but is recovering quickly. I am in pain and grumpy. We also have some RL things we have to address that day.

    Best guess, we will be playable but might be a little late. I will update as I can.
  8. Demon Stalker

    Demon Stalker Well Liked Viking

    Kravity just sent me a PM. He is going to have to bow out due to changes in work schedule.

    I show we still have 4 players, but just barely.

    and Steel Bear
  9. Demon Stalker

    Demon Stalker Well Liked Viking

    Okay, yeah, RL is kicking my butt tomorrow. Let's take a break. I have to be a Girl Scout, deal with the car, be more Girl Scout, balance Girl Scouts, and Scout some girls (don't tell my wife about that last one).
  10. SteelBear

    SteelBear Veteran Dovahbear Viking

    No problem boss. Get better and kick real life's ass.
  11. Demon Stalker

    Demon Stalker Well Liked Viking

    Putting feelers out for tomorrow. Are we still game? I have surgery on Tuesday, been fighting a cold, but I can function... I think.
  12. SteelBear

    SteelBear Veteran Dovahbear Viking

    As long as you can function, we can function. Just don't overdo it. Health and wellness first, splosions second. And third.
  13. Demon Stalker

    Demon Stalker Well Liked Viking

    Sigh. Woke up feeling like a corpse. Dammit.

    See everyone in 2 weeks :sad:
  14. SteelBear

    SteelBear Veteran Dovahbear Viking

    Stop being dead and get better. Seriously, feel better man.
  15. Demon Stalker

    Demon Stalker Well Liked Viking

    Okay, teeth yanked but debating hard on this campaign. We have 4 players, but in Shadowrun it is hard to operate with as few. Additionally, Christi is not a huge fan of Shadowrun. She tolerates it, but the world isn't tangible to her (go figure).

    Putting some serious debates on this campaign. It is struggling and a lot of that is my fault. Having been sick, then having pain, then surgery, I haven't been able to play as much of anything as I want.

  16. Hakija

    Hakija Chaos Pony Viking

    It's funny, I usually get bored with Shadowrun for the opposite reason. The world feels pretty cool to me (at times), but the sheer amount of content shoved at you from the get go kind of makes it difficult to get into for very long. So many items, skills, cyberware, spells, and what have you right from the start are a lot to keep up with.

    I really like that they went for a more organic style of play, but I get bogged down with all the options.
  17. Demon Stalker

    Demon Stalker Well Liked Viking

    It might be an overwhelm issue with Christi, not sure. She relates more with fantasy than sci-fi as a genre though.
  18. SteelBear

    SteelBear Veteran Dovahbear Viking

    I'd like to keep going, but if we can't field a decent force each run and people are getting burned out, it is what it is.
  19. Caesar

    Caesar New Guy Thrall

    Im up for either, but the one I am curious about is since we lost key personel. Should we respect some of our characters? We found out last time that well, not having a decker is pretty big. If need be I can mess with my character and even push him to the side (Though I will always love my drones!) to make a decker/technomancer. but regardless we shouldnt be forcing Chirsti to play just for our sake.
  20. Demon Stalker

    Demon Stalker Well Liked Viking

    Christi is one piece of the puzzle, but there are a few other things going on.

    This is probably due to my poor understanding, but I don't get a sense of character history and motivations. Shadowrun (well, prior to Run Faster) lacked a way to create detailed histories. I know Caesar's character worked for a security company (Knight Errant, if I recall right), but why did he leave? What is his relationship with the company as a whole? Is there something in there that can be a plot hook for a future mission or is it just a contact to provide information?

    (Not picking on you, Tony, just using it as an example).

    The current mission in France, for example, was to find Kravity's brother. However, Krav had to back out so that plot hook is no longer relevant.

    There are a few more minor ones as well, but none of the concerns are game breakers. Obviously, my health has sucked rocks in 2015, so this campaign has had a rough start anyway. If we want to work this, we definitely can, but I may have to sit down and help flesh out some things.