Squad poll

Discussion in 'Squad' started by Aspius, Aug 6, 2015.


What is your level of interest for this game? (vote can be changed)

  1. I'm definitely wanting to play this.

    4 vote(s)
  2. I want to play, but can't justify spending the money/time right now.

    0 vote(s)
  3. I'm on the fence about playing this because...

    0 vote(s)
  4. This game does not interest me.

    0 vote(s)
  1. Flessar

    Flessar Well Liked Viking

    A definitive plus for squad, their mortars sound life like. The only thing that didn't send me back was the lack of concussive wave, but it did cause me to stop playing and do a double take on my surroundings to make sure I wasn't some place else.
    Lardaltef, Hakija and Trevnor like this.
  2. Aspius

    Aspius Well Liked Hirdman

    This is an excellent video by the devs explaining what Squad is.

  3. fluffypinkbunny

    fluffypinkbunny Fluffiest Bunny ever Viking

    im supprised nobody pointed out squadwas free this weekend
  4. Aspius

    Aspius Well Liked Hirdman

    • Transition time from sprinting to aiming down sights has been increased.
    • Transition from standing to prone is no longer instant. (So long, prone diving!)
    • Crouch sprinting added.
    • Additional MOCAP data for climbing and vaulting has been integrated.
    • Vaulting now allows movement over small walls. (Parkour!)
    • Climbing now allows movement over some walls. (Parkour?)
    • Freelook has been added.
    • Weapon sway effects have been adjusted.
    • Weapon collision has been added. Be careful in tight spaces!
    • Scoped weapons have reduced peripheral vision. Reticles have been updated.
    • Ironsight zoom increased when aiming down sights.
    • Infantry weapons now have adjustable sights. This obviously does not apply to weapons with fixed sights.
    • New role: Machine gunner has been added to Squad with new primary weapons. (PKM and m240b)
    • Deployable bipods available for MGs.
    • Adjustments to address flag capture blocking.
    • Switching vehicles seats now has a delay that varies by vehicle.
    • Several vehicles now have secondary ammunition types, such as the 30mm HE rounds for the Russian BTR-82A.
    • Several vehicles now have coaxial machine guns.
    • Logistics trucks will now be able to load and unload 2000 total points worth of space which can be allocated for construction or ammunition.By default, holding Left Mouse Button will unload and holding Right Mouse Button will load. See the November Recap for more information.
    • 3-minute pre-match staging period has been added to help teams coordinate.
    • Maps: Belaya has been added with a work-in-progress weather effect.
    • Main menu UI has received first pass with new assets.
  5. Aspius

    Aspius Well Liked Hirdman

  6. Aspius

    Aspius Well Liked Hirdman

    Squad is 50% off right now and for 30 more hours
  7. MagnusEffect

    MagnusEffect Administrator Staff Member Jarl SC Huscarl

    I'm really confused by this. Are we focusing on Squad or Arma? I thought Squad would be a better option for our casual players, but you've also been promoting Arma so I thought we were focusing on that. So what are we doing here?

    I thought it better if we try to focus down on our games we are promoting as a community.
  8. Aspius

    Aspius Well Liked Hirdman

    Arma is what we are focusing on but Squad is still a good game.

    If the number of people who play Arma remains the same as have been in the past. Then Squad could potentially be a better option. However if we get more players then Arma is the better choice.

    It's something that have to be discussed with the other Arma players when we see how things turn out.

    Ofcourse, i still recommend this game if this is the kind of FPS you like. Even just playing with random people is mostly good.
  9. Aspius

    Aspius Well Liked Hirdman

    Some stuff in development:






    Flessar and Lardaltef like this.
  10. MagnusEffect

    MagnusEffect Administrator Staff Member Jarl SC Huscarl

    This game is way more interesting than I realized.
    Lardaltef likes this.
  11. Flessar

    Flessar Well Liked Viking

    Fun times today, first couple matches were quick mercy kills on us, but the rest were nice back and forth affairs, right up until the end. That match was a well contested route, the enemy didn't let up, but due to losing the early position battle ultimately couldn't come back. We stayed alive so long we ran out of medical supplies 3 times keeping the others around us up. If you jump in and have no idea what to do, be the medic and watch.
  12. Aspius

    Aspius Well Liked Hirdman

    That final match really have to be the highlight. Not only were we in a good squad but there was a really good mortar squad on our team. We stayed alive for so long that we ran out of supplies multiple times. Then there was that push on the final objective. That was just chaos. Wounded everywhere, bullets flying and explosions all over the place.
  13. Manco

    Manco Well Liked Viking

  14. Aspius

    Aspius Well Liked Hirdman






    Flessar likes this.
  15. Aspius

    Aspius Well Liked Hirdman

    Alpha V11 is out. The main points are, British Armed Forces, FV510, M2A3 IFV and a new map Kamdesh Highlands
    Insurgent Soldier models have been completely redone. A large variety of civilian and paramilitary styles have been added to make the faction look a little more versatile visually.

    New Role: Crewman. This role is necessary for crewing APCs and IFVs in the driver and gunner seats. This role is equipped lightly for the express purpose of self-defense. A Squad Leader Crewman Kit has been added, also.

    All factions have now been given knife training and knives, for those times when you may need a stealth kill option.

    British Armed Forces have been added. They are a high-tech Blue Force faction with a unique bullpup-style primary weapon, and heavily reliant on armored transport to move around the battlefield.

    New Weapons:
    L85A2 Rifle. This is the mainstay British Army service rifle, a 5.56mm bullpup configuration rifle capable of semi and automatic fire. Depending on the role, the rifle is equipped with either iron sights, 4x SUSAT sight (zeroing out to 600m) or 4x ACOG (built in BDC reticle). Some roles also have a folding foregrip/bipod combination attached as well.

    L86A2 LSW Rifle. This weapon is a unique cross between a designated marksman rifle and a light machine gun. While it doesn't have the same level of stopping power as a 7.62mm DMR, its ability to put down accurate automatic fire makes up for its shortcomings. This is run on the squad-level Marksman role.

    L129A1 Sharpshooter Rifle. A 7.62mm Designated Marksman Rifle, equipped with a 6x ACOG with an excellent field of view. This is available as the team-wide Marksman role for the British.

    AG36 Grenade Launcher. A 40mm Grenade Launcher attached to the L85A2 rifle, available on the British Grenadier role. Its side-mounted ladder sight goes up to 350m, and its spring loaded barrel allows for faster loading.

    L110A1 Minimi. The British adaptation of the FN Minimi platform, much like the M249 SAW. It comes with a collapsible skeleton stock and can be equipped with a 4x SUSAT optic.

    L7A2 GPMG. The British adaptation of the FN MAG platform, very similar to the M240B weapon system used by the Americans.

    L131a1 Glock Service Pistol. This recently adopted pistol is a high capacity 9mm handgun that is a reliable sidearm for British officers and support roles.

    AT4. The AT4 is an 84-mm unguided, portable, single-shot recoilless smoothbore weapon. This weapon does a modest (33%) more damage than the M72A7 LAW, and is available on all US and British Heavy Anti-Tank roles, as an interim weapon while we work on much heavier anti-tank options.

    PKP. The Russian Forces PKP is the modernized cousin of the PKM. Complete with a mount for optics, this Russian weapon will make their machine gunners even more fearsome. Russian Machine Gunners have their PKPs equipped with a 1p78 optic.

    New vehicles:

    A new British logistics and transport truck. This modern left-hand drive vehicle is similar in carrying capacity to its Russian and American counterparts. It is on a 3-minute respawn timer, and is worth 6 tickets. The passenger transport variant holds 18 soldiers, while the logistics variant holds 4 passengers and 2000 combined supplies.

    FV510, a new British Infantry Fighting Vehicle. The FV510 is a heavily armored IFV that can carry up to 9 passengers, as well as having a driver/gunner crew. It sports a 30mm autocannon, a slow firing clip-fed cannon that fires high-velocity 30mm rounds in armor-piercing sabot and high explosive. In addition, a 7.62mm coaxial machine gun and smoke launchers. It is on a 10-minute spawn timer and is worth 28 tickets.

    M2A3 IFV, a new Infantry Fighting Vehicle for the US Army. Bridging the gap between Armored Personnel Carrier and Main Battle Tank, IFVs can transport a small group of infantry while also providing considerable fire support against both infantry and enemy armor. It holds 7 passengers, along with a driver and gunner. The M2A3 is the most heavily armed vehicle in the game, with a 25mm chaingun, firing armor-piercing sabot and high explosive rounds, as well as a turret-mounted TOW launcher with 2 TOW wire-guided missiles ready to fire. In addition, a 7.62mm coaxial machine gun and smoke launchers for creating smokescreens. It is on a 15-minute spawn timer and is worth 37 tickets.

    Kamdesh Highlands: A new Afghan themed map has been added to the game. This map is set in the far east part of Afghanistan, sparsely populated and mountainous, the area has a number of roads crisscrossed, connecting small hamlets.

    Kohat Toi Expansion: Kohat has been expanded to increase gameplay variability and increase Gameplay layer options. In addition to opening up the playable zones, a lot of surrounding dressing has been added to the map edges to make you really impart the sense of a large world around you. Finally, the lighting has been completely redone from scratch to give a greater sense of distance when looking off into the edges of the map.

    The rest of the patch info can be found here: https://joinsquad.com/readArticle?articleId=281