Infestibro (spoilers)

Discussion in 'Warframes & Companions' started by Damion Sparhawk, Jan 12, 2017.

  1. Damion Sparhawk

    Damion Sparhawk The Missing Link Viking

    We know now what is behind the door crawling with infested creepers
    a machine warped by infested growth, controlled by a living mind known as Helminth, apparently Ordis knows about all this, but doesn't remember all that much. Access to the door me be obtained by Nidus, or any warframe with a mature cyst. The cyst when mature can be abused to mutate a living kubrow egg into a Helminth Charger, a.k.a. infestibro!

    The machine in the room can be activated by Nidus to begin gestation of a cyst, which also makes him a carrier, infesting any warframes he encounters in mission or PvP (not social areas) allowing warframes other than Nidus to carry cysts as well, once the cyst is mature (7 days later two little tentacle hair things will pop out) if you have a kubrow egg and everything else needed to create a kubrow you begin incubation and are granted a new option when asked about providing imprints to 'Drain' the cyst, thus removing it from yourself and producing an infested egg. There are two types at the moment, so enjoy RNG.

    If you are not interested in infestibrow, or simply don't like having the purple pimple on your neck, once the cyst is mature any warframe may enter the infested room, activate the machine, which will then remove the cyst and inoculate the warframe against further infestation for (at the moment) ever.