[Questions/Discussion] Lancer Skills and Attributes

Discussion in 'Campaign - 33XX: The Corporate Century' started by Solis Obscuri, Sep 15, 2016.

  1. Solis Obscuri

    Solis Obscuri Well Liked Hirdman

    I went through and crunched the xp values for the latest calculation of Lancer skills:


    One thing I noticed is that there's a bit of discrepancy in what I'll term "effective starting XP", depending on the skills you pick to be at lvl 4 an lvl 3, and their multiplier value.

    It's a not a terribly big difference, being 242 XP (146 Primary, 96 Secondary) on the high side, 230 XP (142 Primary, 88 Secondary) on the low side.

    I think that making the character you want to play is ultimately more important than quibbling over a few XP in the grand scheme of things, but looking over the numbers I did get to wondering if maybe the characters who didn't use a full 242XP shouldn't get the balance to put in their "unused XP" pool for future skill development.

    It's not a major thing, but it would give them a few more points toward their first round of upgrades after a successful mission or two... and bury any incentive towards min/maxing over perceived XP "value" in starting skills.
    MagnusEffect likes this.
  2. Solis Obscuri

    Solis Obscuri Well Liked Hirdman

    Secondly, I had a few of questions about the ability "All Weather":

    Does it apply to 'mechs only or all vehicles availalbe for piloting? I'm not sure how big of a role dropships or air support are playing in this campaign, but it strikes me that it might be a good ability to avoid a downed dropship during a hasty extraction due to, say, bad wind conditions or heavy precipitation.

    If it does apply to all vehicles, would taht also affect their ability to operate in extreme conditions (e.g. Tornado F4), or would that just be silly/broken?

    Does it eliminate the maneuvering penalties for darkness? TacOps lists those under the "Weather Conditions" table, and I notice that "Blind Fighter" ability does use "All Weather" as a prerequisite.

    Does it affect the penalties for ground conditions relating to weather? They're on a different table ("Terrain Modification") in TacOps so I'm assuming not, but I just figured I'd ask for clarification.
    MagnusEffect likes this.
  3. Solis Obscuri

    Solis Obscuri Well Liked Hirdman

    Third, I had a quick question about the "Natural Aptitude" abilities.

    The description states that Gunnery/Piloting "skill cannot exceed Lvl 4", though it also lists them as "Veteran Abilities" which require Level 4 Gunner/Piloting skill. But there's also a note saying "Ignore Skill Req."

    So does that mean I need to have Lvl 4 skill? Or that I don't need Lvl 4 and it's just in taht part of the table because we're restricted from having too many Veteran Abilities?

    Does the "cannot exceed" requirement mean that you can't take the skill if you have lvl 5 or higher Gunnery/Piloting? Or that you have to give up the skill if you're above Lvl 4?
  4. Solis Obscuri

    Solis Obscuri Well Liked Hirdman

    Lastly, regarding the skill "Sensor Geek":

    I'd first note that this doesn't appear to be "really only a bonus if inclusive sensor ranges are in use". I ran some numbers:


    While Sensor Geek does make your odds of rolling a short range sensor check, it greatly increases your overall chances of getting some kind of reading (by almost 20%!) You're basically trading 11% chance for a short-range scan for an increase of 5% chance of rolling medium range, and 15% better chance of rolling a long range scan.

    Also, when you consider the effects of EM interference, forest/jungle hexes, buildings, and so on decreasing your range bands, it looks like kind of a nice bonus of maps that have dense cover or other effects in play.

    I did have a couple questions, though - are Remote Sensors and Sensor Drones given this perk as well, or just the mech/vehicle being piloted?

    And is there any advantage to applying sensor-boosting skills for dropship pilots? SratOps mentions that small craft can scan ranges of around 10,000km in space hexes, but per TacOps the ranges appear to be more limited (perhaps to vehicle ranges, less than those of a standard mech?), and require a fairly low altitude as well.
    MagnusEffect likes this.
  5. MagnusEffect

    MagnusEffect Administrator Staff Member Jarl SC Huscarl

    Lots of great info here. I will be happy to address this when i have time later today.
  6. Tzeentch

    Tzeentch Bigfoot Hirdman


    According to the MekHQ description for the ability when editing someone in GM mode, "A Pilot with this ability doesn't suffer the PSR penalties due to weather" dead stop. So I'm guessing it's all encompassing.
  7. MagnusEffect

    MagnusEffect Administrator Staff Member Jarl SC Huscarl

    First off, great eye to spot this. This was actually intentional but not overtly explained, but I will do so now:

    When we started the first campaign oh so many years ago, the character creation process was much more detailed and itemized. Every XP point was accounted for; you were given 'x' amount of XP and then you spent it on your skills as needed. The problem with this is it pretty much required someone who was familiar with the system to walk a new player through from beginning to end. This new system we have now was a compromise between the old way and my need to streamline the process because of my relatively busier schedule.

    I'm actually not opposed to your idea, but it does require a bit more math and double checking people's work. Perhaps the best solution is for everyone to just pick their base stats (with the system we have now) and get everything else sorted (including starting units). Then, we can adjust skills as needed and address remainder XP afterwards.

    Also, don't forget that the old skill level cost sheet has been tossed out (i posted that in the admin update thread). Skill costs are now calculated by:

    Skill Level x Skill Multiplier (which can be found on your roll20 character sheet)

    Here is an example:

    For example: Currently, Gunnery is at Lvl 4. If I wanted to raise it to 5, it would cost 20 XP (skill level 5 x multiplier of 4).

    Ability costs remain unchanged.
    Solis Obscuri likes this.
  8. MagnusEffect

    MagnusEffect Administrator Staff Member Jarl SC Huscarl

    I thought All-Weather only *reduces* the penalty for PSR (Pilot Skill Rolls) in inclimate weather, but according to the description Tzeentch does appear to be right. It also affects ALL PSRs as far as I know. Either way, I'm inclined to leave it be under the reason for "quality of life". Anyone who has played BT with horrendous weather conditions knows how the game becomes almost unplayable without these abilities to counter it. I've done away with the "ability limit" of the last campaign (some restrictions still apply on the most powerful ones) so all players have equal access to getting these weather abilities. I've left it up to the individual what they want to prioritize.

    Also, players will know going into missions what the weather conditions will be so you can somewhat avoid the worst conditions by waiting them out (somewhat similar to how Shogun 2 handles weather at the beginning of combat).
    Solis Obscuri likes this.
  9. MagnusEffect

    MagnusEffect Administrator Staff Member Jarl SC Huscarl

    Yeah, Sensor Geek ability is very underrated and often overlooked. It's a great skill for people that are a bit more subtle in their tactics. We are playing with inclusive rules and ALL em interference rules turned on. Stealth armor will also be in play (with some limitations to it). There will be a lot of options for players. Only stealth options that WON'T be available is the Null Signature + Chameleon suite which has been largely replaced by newer versions of it.

    Both Remote Sensors & Sensor Drones are equipment you can put on any unit. The first is a stationary cheaper version and the second one pretty much functions exactly like the UAV in MWO, except there is no time limit on either. However, they can be destroyed quite easily and you have a limited supply of both (exact number I have yet to figure out, but they will be balanced as needed).

    More info on them can be found here: http://www.theskjaldborg.com/index....lancer-abilities-equipment.10480/#post-257144
    Solis Obscuri likes this.
  10. MagnusEffect

    MagnusEffect Administrator Staff Member Jarl SC Huscarl

    Yeah, that is admittedly confusing, but I was trying to be as concise and literal as possible and couldn't think of a better way to fit it on the sheet. I put the Nat.Apt.s in with the other "Veteran" abilities because they ARE mutually exclusive (ex.you can still only have ONE vet gunnery ability), but the Nat.Apt.s also ignore the normal Skill Lvl 4 req. that most Veteran Abilities require. Hindsight being what it is, I just realized after "requires Lvl 4 skill" I could put (except Natural Aptitude). That should help clear up any confusion.

    The Nat.Apt. abilities simulate a person who is a "naturally gifted" pilot that lacks formal training. These abilities are particularly useful to people who want to forgo better Gun/Pilot skills in favor of a more "well rounded" character with good support/secondary skills. It artificially caps your Gun/Pilot skills at Lvl 4, but when you feel you are ready, you can drop the Nat.Apt. ability to improve your base combat skills. The assumption is that once you reach "elite" status, it is assumed you have gained some more formalized skill and the Nat.Apt. ability is lost in favor of more refined experience.
    Solis Obscuri likes this.
  11. Solis Obscuri

    Solis Obscuri Well Liked Hirdman

    Thanks for responding to all of these, it's quite a long list.

    As for remote sensors, I read through the TacOps section on those (around p375 as I recall) and was a little fuzzy on just how they work. I would have assumed from the description that each sensor would be able to scan with only a single sensor type (e.g. only magnetometer, only RADAR, only seismic, etc.) However, the description also mentions using them for spotting indirect fire, and to my knowledge that always required a visual contact, not the other sensor types (I may be wrong about this). The discussion of the technology on p375 only mentions their ability to spot hidden units and ECM interference, but the double-blind rules on p224 make it sound like you could just use them to scan in exactly the same way your mech sensors could.

    So do the remote sensors make scans in the same way a mech or vehicle unit would?

    Are the bands limited for each sensor, or can each sensor scan in any way a mech could?

    Would they utilize the same ranges as a vehicle sensor or a mech sensor?

    Would a lancer with Sensor Geek scanning with remote sensors as per TacOps p224 get the same bonuses to his remote sensors as he would when scanning directly from his mech?
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2016
  12. Solis Obscuri

    Solis Obscuri Well Liked Hirdman

    Also, are dropship scanners any particular use for campaign purposes?

    Would it be worthwile to try to use a handler stationed within 2km (67 hexes) to monitor remote sensors in a C&C role, or will they generally be purely offboard during missions?
  13. Solis Obscuri

    Solis Obscuri Well Liked Hirdman

    Ok, so that sounds like that would make "All Weather" affect the darkness condition PSRs and the ones for vehicles as well as mechs.

    Are we going to be actively using dropship insertion/extraction in gameplay, or will we pretty much just be getting to/from an LZ with most of dropship that activity happening "offscreen", so to speak?
  14. Solis Obscuri

    Solis Obscuri Well Liked Hirdman

    Oh, and if monitoring remote sensors from a dropship is viable, can communication gear be added to a dropship to increase the number of sensors that can be monitored as per the table in TacOps p375?

    (We haven't talked much for specifics on dropship design, and I'm not sure what we can/can't do with them, or any design restrictions, or whether they are meant to be speroid/hive, aerodyne, or either).
    MagnusEffect likes this.
  15. MagnusEffect

    MagnusEffect Administrator Staff Member Jarl SC Huscarl

    I've tried to stay true the "feel" of Battletech as much as possible, but keep in mind we are trail blazing quite a bit past what some of the official rules state. A lot of stuff has been heavily simplified and a few things have been completely rewritten specifically for the purposes of saving time and headache.

    So remote sensors and UAV drones are in, but they both essentially function as any conventional vehicle would. The remote sensors will function EXACTLY like a 1 ton ground vehicle with no movement and the UAV will function EXACTLY like a 1 ton VTOL (limitations of megamek prevent them from being smaller than 1 ton). In both cases, these "units" will be unarmed and unarmored. In both cases, treat them the same as you would any other unit you directly control (ie. unlike the Tactics skill, Abilities are unit/character-specific). To use sensors drones/pods, a player will manually spawn them in during any turn the same way they would any other unit when reinforcing. There's a way to do this in megamek using .mul files that will be explained later. However, the supply of sensors and UAV you carry will be manually tracked by the player/Admin. A lot of this will basically fall under "house rules", but it should be fairly simple to keep track.

    P.S. - If it turns out to be more beneficial, I might have the sensor drones be categorized technically as "Battle Armor" and tweak their values as necessary. The reasons for this are technical ones specifically dealing with how megamek classifies units (and "valid unit" rules), but the end result will be roughly the same as described above.
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2016
    Dihm, Hakija and Solis Obscuri like this.
  16. Tzeentch

    Tzeentch Bigfoot Hirdman

    You remember that Magnetic Sandstorm Gamma dealt with shortly after arriving on star's end too? Yeah, fuck that noise.
    Dihm, Skwisgaar and MagnusEffect like this.
  17. MagnusEffect

    MagnusEffect Administrator Staff Member Jarl SC Huscarl

    For now, I expect all dropship action to happen strictly "offmap". You will be able to upgrade your dropship with additional support functions eventually, but I have not had time to flesh out the details. However, I certainly want to do something like what you have in mind. Here's a WIP list...

    Dropship Upgrades
    • Space Efficiency - double your drone capacity per hangar slot (manned units are still limited to 1 per slot)
    • Drone Controller - allow your Handler to assume direct control of any friendly drone from the dropship; carries a +1 penalty to Gunnery & Piloting
    • Reinforced Bulkheads - increase tonnage limit of each hangar slot from 75 to 100 (this stacks with Space Efficiency)
    • Turret Pod Launcher - allows orbital insertion of defensive turrets
    • Recon Pod Launcher - allows orbital insertion of sensor pods
    • Siege Cannon - for orbital bombardment against stationary targets; functions similarly to off-map Long Tom
    • Advanced Countermeasures - additional defense against anti-air hostiles
    • Upgrade # of hangar slots or buy larger Dropships (undecided on this); max slot limit will be 8 (don't want battles to get too big).
      (I don't want battles getting too huge).
    • NOTE: two conventional vehicles =/< 50tons follow the same rules as drones regarding slot space.
    Regarding Space Efficiency: remember that drones are normally controlled by the AI so even though you get double the amount compared to manned units (which you can control directly), expect to have a lot more "casualties" with drones. As a result of this, you can expect drones to also be much cheaper to purchase and replace.

    Regarding Drone Controller: this only works if your Handler is not deployed on the mission and remains on your dropship. Manned units can also be equipped with "Drone Hybridization" which allows their pilot to do the same thing, but they cannot move or attack with their own unit while they are busy controlling another drone.

    Regarding Countermeasures: your dropship is powerful, but not invicible. Enemy anti-air may prevent it from offering support on your mission. Countermeasures helps prevent them from chasing your dropship off. Dropship combat itself is handled "offmap" with a single pass/fail dice roll. While your dropship may fail to offer support during a mission, for simplicity sake, it is never outright destroyed (well... never say never). ;)

    More about this way later. Obviously, a lot of balancing will have to go into this. I want to make it happen, but it is low priority at this point.
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2016
    Solis Obscuri likes this.
  18. MagnusEffect

    MagnusEffect Administrator Staff Member Jarl SC Huscarl

    I think that's correct. The PSR checks for low/no light conditions is a particularly annoying rule in BT (multi-billion dollar war machines with no basic infrared sighting? wtf). All-weather alleviates this I believe.

    Keep in mind that 50% of the time you won't have any low-light issues to worry about and only maybe 15% of the time will it actually be particularly rough without it. You can also use spotlights as a cheap alternative, but those have other drawbacks.
    Solis Obscuri likes this.
  19. MagnusEffect

    MagnusEffect Administrator Staff Member Jarl SC Huscarl

    ^I missed this one.

    I can definitely see extraction missions with dropships happening eventually, but not any time soon because of my schedule limitations. Will need to spend more time balancing mission parameters and whatnot.
    Solis Obscuri likes this.
  20. Solis Obscuri

    Solis Obscuri Well Liked Hirdman

    On that note, just what role do "Handlers" primarily serve? My first impression was that they were essentially our Techs, but then I found out that they'd be our dropship pilots as well. Today you mentioned that we might also have them along on missions, and not in the dropship. They seem to be covering quite a few bases...