BioShock Infinite

Discussion in 'Other Games' started by Neziah, Mar 28, 2013.

  1. Neziah

    Neziah New Guy Thrall

    Anyone crack this one open yet? I pre-purchased it, but have not got to try it yet. Just started the download this morning before I left for work. One of my Fav game series.
  2. Tuonela

    Tuonela Well Liked Berserker

    Not yet, plan on it at some point.
  3. VorBan

    VorBan New Guy Thrall

    Already a couple of hours in. Great graphics, story so far so good, fluid combat system, if you want more of a thrill, I suggest playing on hard. So far it's been fairly easy playing on medium :D
  4. Mezzanine

    Mezzanine Well Liked Thrall

    Can't wait to play this, looks fantastic and reviews have been glowing. That said, I just cracked open Skyrim this week, so you know it'll be a while before I get to this one...
  5. Arete

    Arete New Guy Thrall

    Thinking about getting this for easter, hurt my foot when skiing last weekend so will try to stay still as much as possible :)

    And it's pretty cheap on steam since the euro is fairly low right now, win - win!
  6. Dihm

    Dihm Speaker of the Word Staff Member Gothi SC Thane

    Being a single player game, I couldn't bring myself to pay $60. Looking forward to the Steamsale.
  7. G S Tickle Stick

    G S Tickle Stick New Guy Viking

    Totally agree. It will have to wait for a sale.
  8. Toon

    Toon Made Some Friends Viking

    Or like 150€ for collectors edition for PS3/360 :p
  9. Hakija

    Hakija Chaos Pony Viking

    +1 for truth. $60 for 10-15 hours of fun is not a good bargain for me.
  10. Vincent Hall

    Vincent Hall New Guy Thrall

    I preordered it to get a free copy of X-Com and have beaten it already (haven't beat x-com yet, that game is HARD), but yea, its pretty good, there are a handful of things done better than the first, namely the environment (it feels a lot more like a massive and grand city somewhere where it shouldn't be than rapture did) but overall the first was better.
  11. gihzmo

    gihzmo Moderator Berserker

    The fact that you beat it already makes me not want to buy it. I want to play it, but single player games need to provide better value then that. Is it at least highly re-playable?
  12. Hakija

    Hakija Chaos Pony Viking

    I thought rapture was extremely well-designed given where it was located. You can't build any big open spaces underwater and not have problems. Building everything as a series of connected modules was a good idea.

    Now this city? Damn, I don't even know where to start. The concept is staggering to say the least.
  13. Vincent Hall

    Vincent Hall New Guy Thrall

    Unfortunately not.

    Rapture was designed well, it just did a poor job of SHOWING it other than the few scenes where it goes "LOOK AT THIS MAGNIFICENT CITY! Now go run around in enclosed areas till we feel like showing you more."
    But once again, this is complaint is small considering how the first one is a better game overall because of almost every other aspect.
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2013
  14. Neziah

    Neziah New Guy Thrall

    I got to play about 45 mins last night. It is really cool. I think I am going to restart on "Hard" setting though. I may regret that later on..... LOL Beautiful game. My only complaint is that you can not kill the birds.

    If your a tightass wait for a half price steam sale in about a year, that is typically what I do for every game. I just got it by pre-order to get XCOM, and BS1 with it. Those will give me something to do as well. I generally do not sit down and play straight though games anywise, so they will last me a long time.
  15. Dihm

    Dihm Speaker of the Word Staff Member Gothi SC Thane

    I have BS1 and 2 from Steam, but can't get the fucking things to run. :unamused:
  16. Dran

    Dran Well Liked Thrall

    Finished it, 12 hours game play for me. Highly enjoyable, worth the time spent playing.
  17. Damion Sparhawk

    Damion Sparhawk The Missing Link Viking

    the collectors edition model is pretty fucking epic, yeah
  18. Catch

    Catch New Guy Thrall

    Finally got around to playing Infinite this past weekend, finishing it last night. Must say I thoroughly enjoyed Infinite and would rate it on-par with the first Bioshock, however for varying reasons. Total playtime for me was over 20 hours on Hard, though as usual I take more time than might be reasonable for most people, stopping to observe minor details or exploring often. Story, setting, gameplay, and graphics are all fantastic and there's not much I can say here that hasn't already been said by many others so I'll mention some of the things that stood out for me. That all said, given the historical era and ideologies expressed in-game, as forewarning to anyone who has not yet played I'm sure there are some things people will take offense at seeing, or at least be repulsed by.

    The city of Columbia was certainly interesting and I loved the "summer day at the amusement park" feel much of the city exudes, though I wish more had been done to explain the industrial, scientific, and technological developments that had been made to allow Columbia to exist and continue operating, besides lolquantum. Obviously a realistic explanation for much of the ludicrous setting is not reasonable, however seeing more of the inner workings of the marvels would have gone a long way to make things more believable for me, or at the least more immersive. It just seemed Rapture did a better job in this respect than Columbia; Arcadia or Hephaestus for example: two levels that though do little in-total to explain the continued operation of Rapture provide a good reference point for extrapolating or inferring other explanations for other vital functions of the city. I guess I was just hoping we'd get to see the underside of Columbia's floating structures, beneath the top level and behind the facades, but that never really happened.

    As far as the soundtrack goes, stumbling across the many out-of-place pieces of music scattered throughout the game ranks among some of my favorite moments of happenstance discovery in gaming. I've noticed at least six such songs, played on carousel organ, loudspeaker, records, one being sung, and I'm sure there might still be a few I did not notice. For all the tears lend to the story and setting, music had to be their coolest use by the writers. Tangentially, the only door-code in game is still one of my favorite eggs.

    Story and characters were all great, and though I won't say much about the overall story to avoid potential spoilers I do recommend occasionally reviewing what information you know as you play since things pick up the pace later in the game. I admit I had to give some thought about how some of the details fit together afterwards, but the overall plot reveals itself clearly. As far as themes expressed in the story go Infinite is more diversified than Bioshock's focus on radical libertarianism I'd say, whether this is to its benefit or not I'm not quite sure yet. As for characters, my favorite had to be the Luteces. Can't say much about them as they're fairly intertwined with the story but I loved every moment they made an appearance. Elizabeth and Booker (who you play as) are fantastic and their dialogue throughout the game does a great job at building them up in my opinion. All the supporting characters, most in opposition to you in-game, have their great moments as well, though I wish more had been done with the Songbird. There was some good mystery behind that character that felt like it had been neglected, or perhaps not used to its fullest potential.

    Favorite gameplay moments undoubtedly involve the use of the skylines, which turned out to be very fun. Using skylines to move about the area rapidly, and even avoid fire occasionally, became a critical part of my strategy over the course of the game. Playing on Hard was just right for me, and anyone else familiar with first person shooters would agree I'd bet. There were some instances that were particularly difficult, though never frustratingly so, and surprisingly player "death" felt like just the right compromise between punishment for bad or sloppy engagement practices and providing a second chance without forcing a potentially painful backtrack and restart. Loading screens are few and many of the levels are quite large, or at the least wide enough to provide considerable options for gameplay. As a supporting AI player Elizabeth did an amazing job, never once obstructing my way, providing ammo and aid at just the right moments, and always smartly following (or rather leading surprisingly). Moments of AI weirdness (glitching, clipping, disturbing animation or poses, getting lost) were for me non-existent, which from a technical perspective for a 20-hour play-through is awe-inspiring.

    Perhaps it doesn't belong in Bioshock, and perhaps I'm now spoiled by Dishonored's great stealth leaning mechanics, but I occasionally felt the need to want to lean around corners to shoot. I understand why this may be however. There should be a degree of encouragement to move about the play space to keep the pace frantic instead of allowing players to safely hole-up in one corner of what are obviously well designed open engagement areas. Leaning would only encourage the latter too much.

    Okay, that was more than I was expecting to write. Anyways, this being short of a comprehensive review, I'd say Infinite was well worth the 60 dollar price of on-release admission, even with one play-through so far, though unless you've been excited to play for some time now like myself, waiting for a Steam Sale is a good course of action. Hopefully if you were looking forward to Infinite you pre-ordered off Steam as the bonuses were actually quite good if you did not previously have Bioshock (unlikely in this case) or X-COM (more probable).

    EDIT: spoiler-free stealth link added.
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2013
  19. Sheogoraath

    Sheogoraath Worst Person in the Universe Viking

    Played it, loved it. I wish 1999 mode was unlocked at the beginning, because you definitely need to play it on higher difficulty settings (hard at least) to get a challenge. however, I loved the story, the voice acting, the graphics...everything about this game.

    I hope that story DLC is on the way, because I have lots of unanswered questions, particularly about Songbird.

    well worth the price of admission, and I do think there's replayability here, the game is gorgeous and there are lots of little things I've been noticing on my second play through.
  20. Jacob

    Jacob Made Some Friends Thrall
