Regrettably I must resign as GM

Discussion in 'Campaign - Reunification War' started by Skwisgaar, Mar 27, 2013.

  1. I simply cannot devote the time necessary to run this campaign the way I feel it should be done. I've put it off too long as it is and the next month or so looks to be just as busy for me and it's not fair for everybody to be waiting on me when I don't even know if I can get time to do the things that need to be done. I really hope somebody will pick this up and keep running with it and I'll be glad to share my notes on what I had planned story-wise. I know Magnus has put a lot of work into this as well, more than anybody else including me, and if he is willing to take up the reigns then I know everybody will be in good hands.

    I'm very sorry to everybody involved. I know when I started putting this together there was great excitement but my life and interests, not to mention other Borg responsibilities, have just eaten up way too much of my free time. There is a wonderful groundwork laid for anybody that has interest in polishing and running it. I wish it could be me but I know there is somebody out there that can do this campaign justice in a way I cannot right now.
  2. Trevnor

    Trevnor Tokin' Canadian Staff Member Jarl SC Huscarl

    Whew, glad I didn't see this in general, but as XO... you scared me for a second there Skwi. We... I should say, I understand. Life has a way of sneaking up on us, when we least expected (or even if we do). I'm sure something/someone will show up get this puppy on a roll. At least I hope so.
  3. Taake

    Taake New Guy Thrall

    Skwis, as someone who has had his life thrown into a huge ball of WTF, I feel ya bro. No need to apologize. We all understand what you're saying and can relate to it. Those that can't will be drawn and quartered in the town square at high noon. No worries, mate. We'll sort this out one way or another.
  4. MagnusEffect

    MagnusEffect Administrator Staff Member Jarl SC Huscarl

    it's okay skwi... totally understandable. i will manage...



    on a serious note, the mechanics are all there. the one piece to the puzzle that is missing is someone to create and track an overall story arc to the campaign that appropriately follows the events of the Reunification War. this is the one aspect i am very hesitant to tackle as to do it properly would be very time consuming. I could still do it, but I've already put so much goddamn work into this I am loathe to take on more responsibility. if i can get someone to take up the torch on that... or at least be my assistant, as Skwi said, the rest should fall into place.
    Last edited: Mar 27, 2013
  5. Dihm

    Dihm Speaker of the Word Staff Member Gothi SC Thane

    No worries Skwi, I can certainly relate!

    Magnus, this may just mean I get to play around with my Warhammer sooner. ;)

    I'll put some thought in to what it would take to make a branching story structure (based on win/loss of missions) for a Reunification War story arc. I put the odds of me following through and getting something ready at about 10%.
  6. Damon Howe

    Damon Howe Banned Banned

    *near heart attack*
  7. Val

    Val Well Liked Thrall

    iam not that familiar with the reunificatio war ... hmm let me try something :D
  8. All the info you need is in the Historical: Reunification War Sourcebook and some on Sarna. I had a zipped .pdf download link in the Dropbox but it looks like the link got broken when things were shuffled around. With Magnus' permission I'll upload it again and provide a link.
  9. MagnusEffect

    MagnusEffect Administrator Staff Member Jarl SC Huscarl

    I have a copy. Will add it now and save you the trouble.

    EDIT: It can be found in the normal "Download Links" thread under "Campaign Rules & Tools".

    Another facet of this to consider:

    I really wanted to step back and let the Reunification war be Skwis baby. I was mostly just handling the raw game mechanics. With him unfortunately not able to join us, I am hesitant to leave him out. If there isn't any huge opposition to the idea, how do you all feel about tabling the ReuniWar for now until whenever Skwi has more time (maybe the summer?). In the meantime, we can continue with the 3048 Skjaldborg campaign. I'm sure there are some of you itching to pilot something besides a Talos and Firebee. :)

    I would really like to not sit idle on this for too long; I want to make a decision by the end of this weekend.
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2013
  10. Hordac

    Hordac New Guy Thrall

    Hmm does that mean I get my broken VTOLs back or are those firmly shelved and we need to start over with new mech pilots? Doesnt have a bearing on my feelings towards putting this campaign on hold. It is fine with me to wait till Skwi has time to invest since it is his ball we are playing with and he needs to go home for dinner so to speak. Just curious if I need to start working on a new character who is the son of the formerly fabulous VTOl pilot who ate Drac armor companies like pudding snacks.
  11. If nobody minds waiting an indefinite time period then I'll try to get it going again maybe later this summer.
  12. Trevnor

    Trevnor Tokin' Canadian Staff Member Jarl SC Huscarl

    I don't mind waiting.... kinda been itching for speed lately anyways... come on Fire Javelin.
  13. MagnusEffect

    MagnusEffect Administrator Staff Member Jarl SC Huscarl

    There will definitely be a bit of shuffling for some characters since we will be updating the old campaign with the new game mechanics (don't worry, old characters will get reimbursed XP). The bad news is that this means combat will shift to a more mech-centric force as they are by far the most versatile single unit available (example: VTOLs can't operate in a vacume). The good news is that the VTOLs will not be shelved completely and there will still be opportunities where you may fly them.

    Basically, the focus will be on Mechwarrior skills but if you lose your mech (or mission parameters allow for it), you may secondary in Infantry, Tank, or Vehicle skills. The main difference here is that non-mech units will not be tracked in inventory like before and will only be available on an "as needed" basis (GM decides pool of vehicles available). There were a couple reasons for this design decision. Among those, it is good for players because it gives them a means to keep fighting even if they lost their mech. It also helps GMs a lot because more time can now be spent on actually developing the campaign missions/story and less time playing Quartermaster. Simply put, Mechs are just much easier to keep track of.
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2013
  14. Hordac

    Hordac New Guy Thrall

    Alrighty I will hold off on the 30 questions on stuff ranging from who is calculating the xp reimbursement to how much cash we get to pick a mech if we are starting over, till you get it all figured in your head and answer most of them in a long detailed post :D