Miniature Vault

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by DarKteleFaX, Mar 9, 2014.

  1. DarKteleFaX

    DarKteleFaX Well Liked Berserker

    Hey Guys :D

    Been looking around for some kind of thread on miniature painting and conversion. I like to inspire and get inspired, so please post pics of Ur wargame miniatures. This could be anything from project ideas and work in progress to fisnished miniatures, dioramas etc.

    My own miniature history started almost 30 years ago, when I started playing around with 1:72 scale miniature soldiers. A few years later I was introduced to the world of GW, and I was completely sold to the miniature hobby. I've spent most of my time in the miniature hobby converting and painting, playing the game have actually mostly been secondary. I took a long break from the hobby (2002-2012), but an old friend got me back on track. For idealogical reasons I no longer support GW, but I have plenty of old projects lying around. I did manage to buy an ork and space wolves army right after I started. The Orkz was meant as a startup project, as I didn't know how much my painting skills had suffered from the long hiatus. The space wolf army is waiting for me to buy a paintbrush, but have been assembled and magnetized (brilliant!).

    My current passion is miniatures from Infinity and Warma/Horde, so I'm started collecting an Haqislam army for infinity while the WM choice have fallen on Cryx and Scyrah. I'm working on the Cryx battlebox, Mechanithralls and Satyrix raiders atm. and will post some pictures soon.

    Below is a few pictures of my "first" finished paintprojects for my Deffskullz:




    CSHubert, Pelmeshek, Trikxs and 2 others like this.
  2. People who can paint miniatures like that amaze the hell out of me. I barely have the patience to spraypaint something a single color.
    Black Widow, Sardonic and DarKteleFaX like this.
  3. DarKteleFaX

    DarKteleFaX Well Liked Berserker

    haha, so true. Patience is recommended strongly!
  4. DarKteleFaX

    DarKteleFaX Well Liked Berserker

    Ok, here's a few pics of my Warboss to be (currently WIP).

    When I started on this guy, he was allready primed and ready to go. The original mini is rather cool (from Battle for Macragg box), but I decided to put on a few personal touches to make him more unique.

    Original Miniature:


    After a bit of conversion he now looks like this. As u can see I focused mainly on the head and Powerklaw. I have turned the head in the direction of the claw to give a more logical pose, and gave him a large spiked collar to hide the neckgap. Notice the raw build on the base, made from bits of styrene sheet

    Orcwarboss01.jpg .

    The next couple of pictures is the current work progress. I'm currently working on the flesh wich have taken quite some time, as I'm still trying to get the right stylized musclelook.


    The base for the warboss have been a project in itself. When I started I wasn't sure what to do other than I wanted some mangled remains of an enemy. I have allways wanted to paint some tyranids and decided to challenge myself on making a "organic" looking paintscheme for tyranids.
    First I had to make the tyranid remains, which was limited by the size of the base, so I had to make some serious scratchbuilding.

    The picture below shows the finished scratchbuilding. Note that I have placed 2 magnets (arrows) in the base, these are used to hold magnetised woundmarkers (in the form of skulls )


    Next step was finding a way to paint a prober organic look. Pictures below show the current progress, which have been achieved by several layers of paint and shade/wash.


    I'm pretty satisfied with the organic look I've achieved,What do U think?
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2014
    Lochlan, Watchit and StalaggtIKE like this.
  5. Lochlan

    Lochlan Well Liked Thrall

    I haven't painted anything in years. I've been half-heartedly thinking about getting back into it for a long time, but I need to replace basically my entire paint and modeling-stuff collection, plus get some new brushes (though I do still have my Windsor & Newton #2 Round, so it's not all bad). But here's some stuff I have from when I was at peak painting (the pictures are kind of ass) :

    I posted this one in the WM:Tactics thread, but figured I could post it here, too. Trollblood Borka Kegslayer, slightly modified for MOAR BOOZE (I cut off his old hand, sculpted a new one, and added a shit-ton of kegs).
    Trollblood Madrak Ironhide. This is probably my best tartan (which is my family's tartan).
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Trollblood Axer. Overall this is one of my favorites. It just turned out very well.
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    This was a fun one—Cryx Leviathan, extremely corroded. This started when the primer went on poorly (very gritty in a lot of areas), so rather than stripping it and re-priming, I decided to go with it. All of the brown-grey corrosion you see it baking soda mixed with white glue, then painted.
    My personal favorite—Cryx Seether, heavily modified. The tusks are from a Skorne Bronzeback Titan, the jaw is made out of green stuff, and the carapace plate, shoulder spikes, and the vents on the back are all from a Cryx Deathjack. I have all the parts to build a second one, I just never got around to it.
    Cryx Slayer. This was my color scheme before I switched to the one pictured above.
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Haq(q)islam Djanbazan. Nothing particularly crazy here, I just really like how it turned out (and the first Haq(q)islam model I painted—I swear they went downhill from here). [Apparently the forum software converts any double-q into an emote. Huh.]
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2014
  6. DarKteleFaX

    DarKteleFaX Well Liked Berserker

    Looks really nice Lochlan :DI especially like the tartans on Ur trollbloods and nice corrosion effect on the Leviathan.

    I'm about to take my first steps into painting direct lighting effects, one of the reasons I fell for Cryx was the Green lightning effect ;)

    I had to replace most of my paints and brushes as well, I'm now using the Windsor & Newton short round brushes. Odly enough, I have some of the first GW paints released and they still work :lol: , but I mostly use Vallero and Army painter now. still using GW washes tho.

    Thx for posting!
  7. Watchit

    Watchit Well Liked Thrall

    Whoa very nice! While I don't do miniatures, I do paint and detail Zoid models, which is kinda like Gunpla but with zoids instead of gundams. Coincidentally they happen to come in 1:72 scale as well :lol:
    I could get some pics of those in here in a bit, as long as you don't mind them not exactly being miniatures.

    What kind of paint do you use? I prefer enamel myself, acrylics are just too hard to work with for me. Enamel goes on nice and smooth.
    DarKteleFaX likes this.
  8. Trikxs

    Trikxs New Guy Thrall

    I am blown away. I was painting Mechs and GW (dwarfs) and some other miniatures 20 years ago but never reached that excellence shown here.

    wouldnt mind giving you guys some of my foam LARP weapons I do nowadays for painting :)
    DarKteleFaX likes this.
  9. DarKteleFaX

    DarKteleFaX Well Liked Berserker

    Please post some pics mate, anything painted goes in here :D

    The Zoids looks really nice, we had something similar with mecha dinosaurs when I was a kid, would have loved to have those models today, even tho they were wind up walking toys.

    I havent used the enamels since I started painting 1:72 as a kid. Today I only use Acrylics, but I would guess that enamels work best for the material used in Zoids. As my techniques improve I might start using som enamels, as they tend be better looking.

    Thx for posting mate :glee:
  10. Manco

    Manco Well Liked Viking

    I used to paint mainly 40k stuff, Lots of Epic. I loved them Titans. I have not painted in years. But it is a hobby i would like to get back into. Problem is Time, I dont have any time at all for a hobby like this.

    Really top notch work Dark. You should enter the White dwarf painting competitions if they still run them.

    i would like to see some battletech painting if anyone has them !
    DarKteleFaX likes this.
  11. DarKteleFaX

    DarKteleFaX Well Liked Berserker

    Post away mate, I'd love to see your work :slow:

    A good friend of mine started the LARP gear company Ironfortress, they make some pretty cool stuff.
  12. DarKteleFaX

    DarKteleFaX Well Liked Berserker

    Man I loved the Epic miniatures as well, still has lot in the cellar. But I have far to many project in the cannon for that now :disapproval

    Trust me, I've dreamt about competing in the Golden Demon Slayer, but these days its more of a laugh in the community, because of rediculous restrictions. I visited the GW headquarters in 2000 as a prize for winning a large tournament in Denmark. Unfortunately I was during Easter, so most personnel was on break, otherwise I would have gotten my Eldar army in White Dwarf ;)
    Besides theres a lot of good painters out there today, so I prefer to enjoy the making of my projects by myself. And sharing with U guys ofc :D
  13. Manco

    Manco Well Liked Viking

    DarKteleFaX likes this.
  14. DarKteleFaX

    DarKteleFaX Well Liked Berserker

    Here's some pics of my old Eldar army, painted back in the late '90 (right after the release of 4th ed. me thinks ).

    Please ignore the sword on the Farseer....I swear that model is cursed. He's disaster prone, and I haven't gotten around to repair him a 5th time :ulol:


    The weapon platforms some of the earliest miniatures I painted for the army, which hasn't been replaced by newer models. As U can see I have replaced the guns to newer version, bur hasn't painted it yet.

    CSHubert, Lochlan and Watchit like this.
  15. Manco

    Manco Well Liked Viking

    That elder army is the dogs bollocks mate!!
    CSHubert and DarKteleFaX like this.
  16. Watchit

    Watchit Well Liked Thrall

    Alright then, long post awaaaaaay!

    First is my most recent work, the Saber Fang, or more specifically the Great Saber variant.




    And here it is with it's default loadout.
    edit: I forgot to mention I had to fashion a place holder piece at the base of the back turret on this one since it was missing. So just ignore that ugly blocky part there.


    And I've already posted comrade bear in the bear thread before, but here he is again

    Last edited: Mar 9, 2014
    DarKteleFaX likes this.
  17. DarKteleFaX

    DarKteleFaX Well Liked Berserker

  18. DarKteleFaX

    DarKteleFaX Well Liked Berserker

    Nice work Watchit, looks awesome :glee:

    And I like a guy with a GITS standalone poster on the wall :drunk: I'm a total Shirow fan myself and have been since Dominion Tank Police first hit the shelves in Denmark sometimes in the early '90

    And thx for posting!
    Watchit likes this.
  19. Watchit

    Watchit Well Liked Thrall

    I've been meaning to make some sort of model/painting thread anyway so this is a nice place to post these guys :)

    I've also got another model, the Liger Zero with Panzer armor, but it's in this ugly transition phase of being only half finished. I'd assembled it before a long time ago before painting it so it's taking a bit longer then usual :sad:
  20. DarKteleFaX

    DarKteleFaX Well Liked Berserker

    Work in progress is also welcome, be warned tho, U may be subject to feedback and ideas ;)