STEEL BATTALION Control and game for sale

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Deuce Hxe, May 6, 2014.

  1. Deuce Hxe

    Deuce Hxe New Guy Thrall

    You read that right. I am trying to offload my Steel Battalion controller, game, and an XBox (if you need it).

    Don't know what Steel Battalion is? For SHAME!
    But to help you all out:

    If you have interest in the controller, the cost is completely negotiable. I bought the item for 150 USD. There is currently 1 in stock on Amazon for nearly 600 USD(sheesh). Probably played 30 hours on it, so there is tons of life left in this awesome, one of a kind controller. You would also pay for shipping. This thing comes in its original box and I have all of the original manuals; the game's and the controller's. This is the original launch version,like the picture. There is another version with blue buttons, and is not as good of quality.


    Thanks for checking this post out. You would be helping me so much, and I wouldn't be selling this if I didn't really need the money. Thanks again!

    {This is not the BS Steel Battalion:Heavy Armor. That game is weak sauce.}
    Last edited: May 9, 2014
    Lardaltef likes this.
  2. Sheogoraath

    Sheogoraath Worst Person in the Universe Viking

    I used to have this game/controller. It is pretty badass.
    Deuce Hxe likes this.
  3. Manco

    Manco Well Liked Viking

    There are custom drivers for win7 on the net for the controller to.
  4. Deuce Hxe

    Deuce Hxe New Guy Thrall

    I loved playing this game and enjoyed even more the steep learning curve for it. The level of realism is unmatched in any other game I've played. I'd been fortunate enough to play in the Battletech pods and those where great, but didn't have the amount of buttons to push! BUTTONS!
  5. Deuce Hxe

    Deuce Hxe New Guy Thrall

    Yup, and with the XBOX to USB convertor, you can use it for any game!
  6. Deuce Hxe

    Deuce Hxe New Guy Thrall

    I am lower the price down to 150.
  7. fac3l3ss

    fac3l3ss New Guy Thrall

    Where would you be shipping this from? And any idea how much it would be to ship to Virginia Beach, VA?
  8. Manco

    Manco Well Liked Viking

    I would love to take it of your hand. But i think the shipping would cost as much as the unit to the UK :unamused:
    Lardaltef likes this.
  9. Kravity

    Kravity Well Liked Thrall

    When I was like 7 or so and I saw this in the store I begged my parents for it. They looked at the price tag and went :ulol:
    I've been wanting one ever since. I'd like to buy it but I'll have to wait til next month's paycheck.
  10. Deuce Hxe

    Deuce Hxe New Guy Thrall

    I don't know what the cost of the shipping would be but I am lowering the price to 125 bucks because I could really use the money. :/ It IS A STEAL before and now I am basically paying you to take it off my hands. I would be shipping it from Seattle, WA.
  11. MagnusEffect

    MagnusEffect Administrator Staff Member Jarl SC Huscarl

    I remember this. Not very pretty by today's standards, but good times. The game was that perfect kind of tough, but not too tough. Adding the fact that you have permadeath to deal with for any playthrough... it will definitely keep your heart rate up. I can vouche for the $125 as a good price. I sold mine for more than $200 many years ago. If it is in good condition and if you like simulators, it is well worth it.
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2014
  12. robert gonzales

    robert gonzales New Guy Thrall

    Do you still have this beast?
  13. Cerlin

    Cerlin Pug Wranlger Thrall

    Super Necro....And who are you? :wat:
    Kravity, Orcinus and Lardaltef like this.