
Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Damon Howe, Mar 13, 2012.

  1. Dihm

    Dihm Speaker of the Word Staff Member Gothi SC Thane

    Nope, someone commented about their ladyfriend cosplaying as Fluttershy, so I tried to find a picture of a dude dressed as her (and failed). I found that picture instead so I figured people would enjoy it. ;)
  2. Damon Howe

    Damon Howe Banned Banned

    No wonder you failed. Bronies love/respect/admire/wouldkillforifasked Fluttershy.


    Just remember, everytime Fluttershy cries, unspeakable things happen to those who cause it. ;)

    Edit: I'm in a really sadistic mood tonight for some weird reason....
    Last edited: May 15, 2012
  3. Damon Howe

    Damon Howe Banned Banned


    "Taste the Rainbow" just got a whole new meaning...
  4. Lardaltef

    Lardaltef Well Liked Berserker

    Really this thread exists? I am resisting...
  5. Damon Howe

    Damon Howe Banned Banned

  6. Lardaltef

    Lardaltef Well Liked Berserker

    Wait the 'Borg became the ponies to form THE PORG(?)
  7. Orcinus

    Orcinus Veteran DovaOrca Berserker

    Is that the best you can do?

    I am disappoint.
  8. Gruknor

    Gruknor New Guy Thrall

    I got assimilated when my ten year old nephew became obsessed with My Little Pony. The first episode I saw was the Rainbow Dash does a rainboom for the first time. I became a fan after that. I am not obsessed but I enjoy the cartoon.
  9. Trevnor

    Trevnor Tokin' Canadian Staff Member Jarl SC Huscarl

    Okay, this is pony related, and to be honest, I did laugh. I by no means share the opinions and views expressed in the video contained hereafter. If you are sensitive to your hardcore fanatic extremes that are among you being made fun of by a very generalized comedy sketch, you should not watch this video. If you cannot laugh at MPL being used in a manner other than expected, you should not watch this video. I share these warnings simply because I don't particularly enjoy being flamed... The following video is SFW, however there is some slightly disturbing implied actions contained herein.

  10. Damon Howe

    Damon Howe Banned Banned

    Sir, I am disappoint.

    And Orc, no it isn't the best. But it's classic. :p
  11. Sardonic

    Sardonic Well Liked Viking

  12. Damon Howe

    Damon Howe Banned Banned

    Honestly, that movie kinda insults the community a great deal. The Brony Community really does a whole hell of a lot in the way of art, writing, and music (yes, some collect the figurines like its not even funny...) but whats more is they contribute a lot to Hasbro in way of suggestions, airtime and heck just by being bronies people are getting to hear about the show itself (which is what really sells). The cool thing is, Hasbro contributes BACK to the bronies. Many of the studio members follow EQD regularly, including the voice actors, designers, concept artists and even the composer for the music. And the fact that Hasbro hasn't cracked down on "pirated" videos, music, etc has REALLY allowed the community to blossom.

    Example to my madness:

    Fallout Equestria
    -604k words
    -5 books (is being actively published)
    -spawned 70+ non-canon side stories (possibly one of my own)

    And finally, yes I realize the college humor is a "joke"....but honestly, the fleshlight was just too far.
  13. Skoll

    Skoll Swine Fornicator Banned

    I normally don't enter this thread, for reasons widely known, but I have to say that that video was fucking epic. And hilarious. And oh so true.
  14. Skoll

    Skoll Swine Fornicator Banned

    Killl meeeeeeeeeeeeee - Best part.
  15. Tarien

    Tarien New Guy Thrall

    Alright, I looked up friendship is magic on netflix.
  16. Dihm

    Dihm Speaker of the Word Staff Member Gothi SC Thane

    He DID put a massive warning on it Damon. ;)
  17. Trevnor

    Trevnor Tokin' Canadian Staff Member Jarl SC Huscarl


    Like I said, I don't necessarily agree with the views of the video, but I did laugh, because it is a joke... lol And I know that bronies are not all like that, but you have to admit, there's gotta be a few like that.
  18. Damon Howe

    Damon Howe Banned Banned

    A few, yes. And Dihm, I actually have seen that vid before Trevnor posted it; didn't watch it a second time.
  19. Damon Howe

    Damon Howe Banned Banned

  20. Watchit

    Watchit Well Liked Thrall

    Ah, Lebowski ponies never gets old :D

    As for the college humor video: it was a funny joke. there are weird people in every fandom. done.