Warhammer: Age of Sigmar

Discussion in 'Other Games' started by Aspius, Jul 9, 2015.

  1. Aspius

    Aspius Well Liked Hirdman


    So, Games Workshop have killed Warhammer Fantasy and is starting over with Age of Sigmar.

    What are your thoughts about it?

    This is probably the reason why we get to see a "Total War: Warhammer"
  2. Redemptor

    Redemptor New Guy Viking

    4 pages of rules. Figures looks like space marines. What could possibly go wrong?
  3. Aegis Fate

    Aegis Fate New Guy Thrall

    I'm of two minds about it. They killed Fantasy in so much that really everyone's going to stick to 8th, and that the competitive circuit for such is going to get a little more heavily houseruled. In addition, Age of Sigmar looks to be more of a cooperative game in terms of requiring gentleman's agreements to play, focusing on more narrative play. The only thing I'd honestly change out of the AoS rules is the pants on head retarded 'measure from models' and have it be 'measure from bases' instead
  4. LagCat

    LagCat Well Liked Berserker

    This has more to do with a general game wise change to GW's bases, basically they are on track to completely phase out square bases and replace them with round bases.... in addition to that several 25mm based models are being changed over to their new 32mm round base (see: Blood Angels Honor Guard/Assault Squad) so that they can create newer poses. Most likely going forward from GW now you will find yourself measuring from the Model instead of the base.

    Mainly because they probably don't want to pull a 4th edition where they completely alienate all of their players by completely changing the line from 25mm to 28mm heroic. Long story short they are trying to integrate the new rules with the older models. Personally me and mine own are sticking with 8th edition as we are all deeply invested in the classic warhammer army design, though I am really sad to see this franchise go the way it has.
  5. Damion Sparhawk

    Damion Sparhawk The Missing Link Viking

    I tend to agree, measure from the base -always- makes more sense than measure from the model, particularly when you start getting into models that have been modified from the original. Only reason they used square bases in fantasy was for the formation, it made things easier, but round bases make more sense, especially when you're measuring because it's uniform (ish, I hardly expect them to take a protractor to every base to ensure they're exactly circular :p) I think the only thing they'll get by trying to push the 'measure from the model' rule is a bunch of gamers who house rule to measure from the base intead :p