Skjaldborg Fitness

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by 3rdworld, Sep 5, 2012.

  1. Damien

    Damien New Guy Thrall

    Cutting is a lot more to do with diet (what you are eating and when you are eating your food / supplements), then your workout routine.
  2. CaptainTerrific

    CaptainTerrific New Guy Thrall

    Yes. Diet is huge for cutting. To be honest. In order to keep your muscle mass, but cut fat. Keep your protein intake high and cut the calories. Stay away from alot of sugar, especially processed sweeteners. Eat alot of raw fruits and vegetables. Also, eat 4-6 times a day. That will make your body burn up calories faster without storing fat.
  3. Thronen

    Thronen New Guy Thrall

    I haven't actually been able to track down any scientific articles that would support the several small meals claim. As far as I can tell it's just broscience. My own experiences with intermittent fasting also lead me to believe it's more a question of 'what' and 'when' and not 'how often'.
  4. CaptainTerrific

    CaptainTerrific New Guy Thrall

    Most people eat 2-3 big meals a day. They also usually over eat. When cutting you need to drop calorie intake. First you switch up to eat smaller meals throughout the day. This will do 2 things. Decrease cravings and help increase metabolism. Second you must add cardio to your workout. 20 minutes of high heartrate activity. You dont need to stop weight training. However, you will have less energy. So make sure you only do 2-3 types of lifts per muscle group. You can also still go heavy. Generally i go heavy one time per week. The rest of my lift days are solid strength workouts.
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2012
  5. Deathwatch050

    Deathwatch050 Well Liked Thrall

    Well I've been hitting the gym recently in a pathetic attempt to lose all the weight I've gained in the summer before University starts. :p

    As for milestones? It's beginning to get easier after a couple of visits (been 6 times so far; joined last week) and today I managed 12 and a half minutes on the treadmill at 7.3km/h. I know, it's rubbish, but I'm out of shape and I've always been crap at running so it's quite an achievement for me.
  6. DragonsFire24SS

    DragonsFire24SS New Guy Thrall

    Hey guys, what are some good ab workouts besides boring sit ups lol. Also how often should I do ab workouts?
  7. 3rdworld

    3rdworld New Guy Thrall

    I treat them just like any other muscle group. 1.5-2x a week.

    Had a barn burner of a workout this morning. Every group I hit, is still trembling. And I was down exactly 1lb after the first week. I feel like things could not be going better.
  8. 3rdworld

    3rdworld New Guy Thrall

    Just remember how far you are ahead of those sitting on the couch.
  9. CaptainTerrific

    CaptainTerrific New Guy Thrall


    Your not alone. When i finally got back in the gym after a long layoff. I could barely catch my breath doing some of my lazy day routine. Just remember, any exercise is better than none. If you cant keep up a fast pace. Drop the tradmill down to a lower speed and catch your breath. Force yourself to keep moving. It will help you increase your endurance in the end. Also try an elliptical machine, it is a bit easier to start out on and has a lower impact on your knees.
  10. CaptainTerrific

    CaptainTerrific New Guy Thrall

    Abs you can actually workout almost everyday. They recover quick.

    You can try crunches, leg lifts, leg extensions, seated torso twists, weighted side bends. The list goes on and on.

    For more detailed descriptions on different types of excercise for any mus le group. Try this website ...
  11. Neziah

    Neziah New Guy Thrall

    Just keep at it is the best advice! It gets easier, and after a while it becomes a habit like anything else. I would encourage everyone to be sure to add in some stretching also. Yoga if you want a challenge.

    Meal wise I have the best luck and results with the meals and snacks deal. Having something to eat about every 2 hours seems to get rid of the cravings and I end up with better food choices.
  12. 3rdworld

    3rdworld New Guy Thrall

    Bah. Only figures if I had a great workout this week, I would have a bad one.

    Down another pound, which is about 5 days to soon. I will weigh again tomorrow, if it stays the same I will probably up my calories by 250-500 a day.

    Strained a muscle/tendon in my back with a rookie mistake this morning. Pretty mad at myself.
  13. Myuu

    Myuu Well Liked Thrall

    So, here's an awkward question: with all this hockey, I'm definitely bulking up, but how do I make my clothes still fit? >.>;;;;;;
  14. Sheogoraath

    Sheogoraath Worst Person in the Universe Viking

  15. Trevnor

    Trevnor Tokin' Canadian Staff Member Jarl SC Huscarl

    Stretch them? I don't really know, I'm having the opposite problem... my clothes are getting too big. Oh, BTW, I've lost 40 .lbs since the start of the summer. Started at 310, and yesterday was at 270! Fuckin' eh.
  16. Tuonela

    Tuonela Well Liked Berserker

    Hard to make clothes bigger...

    If you're playing goalie your arms are def going to get bigger. You should practice being able to jump over a hockey goal in full padding with no skate up speed. If you can do that you can get off the ground like an NHL goalie. I read somewhere once that it was something Grant Fuhr used to do as exercise.
  17. Myuu

    Myuu Well Liked Thrall

    Actually, I lost three kilos.:disturbed: Congrats on the weight loss, good sir!