What's your favourite apocalypse?

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by sgtHelmet, Feb 13, 2013.

  1. sgtHelmet

    sgtHelmet New Guy Thrall

    Comic/movie/book/tv serie/game?

    For me:
    1. The Stand (TV-miniserie). For some reason i have liked this a lot. Might be due to the fact that I had a really bad summer flu when I watched this the first time.
    2. The Road (book version). Simple straightforward story, without any explanations about whats happened and why.
    3. Fallout 1 & 2 (Pc games). Funny as hell, played a lot of these.
    4. Mad max 2 (movie). Simply a brilliant action movie.

    Bonus sector: I've always wondered what the hell happens to all the bicycles when the world starts to end? There must be something very seriously wrong with the things as they are completely wiped out by EMP/virus/bacteria/zombies.
  2. Manco

    Manco Well Liked Viking

    I really enjoyed a movie called Stake Land http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1464580/, It is a vampire apocalypse movie but these vampires are not gay like the modern Hollywood vampires. The vampire are more like animals who hunt humans. I not seen a vampire type like these before. well worth checking out.
  3. sgtHelmet

    sgtHelmet New Guy Thrall

  4. Taake

    Taake New Guy Thrall

    Invasion of the Body Snatchers - alien invasion that doesn't end on a happy note because they didn't destroy all of the aliens.
    A Boy and His Dog - post-nuclear apocalypse that shows that sometimes it's better to enjoy the ravaged lands than to try and be accepted into a 'land of normalcy'.
    Soylent Green - dystopian future where overcrowding is abundant and resources are sparce
    Escape from New York - 'nuff said
    Book of Eli - dunno why I like this one, maybe it's Gary Oldman's character
  5. modifiedgenes

    modifiedgenes New Guy Thrall

    Escape from New York was ace.

    Waterworld, also ace.

    Logans run?

    The Road was very good.

    Personally, given the choice, I would rather be in a Stalker type scenario where vodka is plentiful and so are weapons.
  6. Atomic_Guppy

    Atomic_Guppy Well Liked Thrall

    I always thought "Reign of Fire" was a fairly cool movie. "I am Legend" was also decent, depending on which ending you watch. "28 Days Later" is probably my favorite zombie movie, as much for the realism (the zombies aren't perpetual-motion machines, they can actually starve to death) as anything. The Resident Evil movies have also occasionally been good.

    Edit: Just to be clear, "28 Days Later" was a good movie. "28 Weeks Later" was just silly.
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2013
  7. Mezzanine

    Mezzanine Well Liked Thrall

    For the book-lovers, I've enjoyed World War Z and Robopocalypse.
  8. Hakija

    Hakija Chaos Pony Viking

    Hmmm... Roadside Picnic/Stalker presented a neat apocalyptic type atmosphere, even though it wasn't really a world-affecting thing.

    Book of Eli is fantastic movie, loved that one. The Fallout series of games is a favorite.
  9. Hordac

    Hordac New Guy Thrall

    Probably Emberverse Series by SM Stirling that starts with "Dies the Fire" excellent series.

    Stand alone book probably "Lucifer's Hammer" by Niven and Pournelle

    Movies all of the above were great. But all the original Night of the Living Dead were left off... know your roots people jeez :D
  10. modifiedgenes

    modifiedgenes New Guy Thrall

    I've heard good things about the Book of Eli, intriguing stuff, I'll check it out.

    Fall out as a game was something I could never get into, but it was a solid title. But it struck me as a bit cheesy and didn't try to pass itself off seriously enough for my taste.

    The typical Zombie apocalypse didn't ever appeal to me either. I read The Road in novel form and found it very powerful.
  11. sgtHelmet

    sgtHelmet New Guy Thrall

    The book of Eli was quite good, but it came too soon after The Road. I got the feeling that it was a toned down version of it. But still quite good movie. Wonder if the sequel will ever come out.
  12. Nemecide

    Nemecide New Guy Thrall

    Definitely The Road (book). That was one bleak world that they found themselves in. That scene where they came upon a group roasting a baby over a spit has stuck with me.
  13. modifiedgenes

    modifiedgenes New Guy Thrall

    The thing is, in the road, it makes no effort to explain what actually happened, or how anyone survived. There is a complete dearth of animals and real plant life, yet somehow a few pesky humans survive. Only to be held in captivity and eaten.

    Powerful stuff, nonetheless.
  14. Nemecide

    Nemecide New Guy Thrall

    True, they don't speak to how they got there, but I prefer that in an apocalypse story. To me a good post-apocalyptic story should be more about how people are surviving and getting along (or not) in their new environment. That way you are able to put yourself in their shoes instead of reading about how it all happened and then thinking through the rest of the book "this could never happen".
  15. sgtHelmet

    sgtHelmet New Guy Thrall

    The road gives hints that the setting was at least 10+ years (the kid was born after the event) into a nuclear winter, so no plants -> no animals. Humans where living on canned food.
  16. Wargtass

    Wargtass New Guy Thrall

    For some reason I liked DC's old Kamandi-series of comics. I loved the Planet of the Apes-like premise, but with MOAR ANIMULS!

    I also like the Swedish PnP-system Mutant. Again, animal-mutants, psi-mutants, regular mutants and the very small number of pure humans, all in the nuclear fallout of Sweden and Denmark. You gotta love a setting where dry noodles are delicacies and plastic cups are the pinacle of Yesteryear Technology. Not to mention the terrible warmachine that is the bicycle. :cool:
  17. Azmodaii

    Azmodaii New Guy Thrall

    I´d say i´m in favour of the Fallout universe... and in extension Mad Max.
    Love the whole idea of a restart of society where all old bonds are released.
  18. Abivard

    Abivard New Guy Thrall

    the posleen war series by john ringo
    Kamandi- comics
    The Horseclans by robert adams series of books.
    day of the triffids
    the stand
    A boy and his dog
  19. fluffypinkbunny

    fluffypinkbunny Fluffiest Bunny ever Viking

    fallout was one of the first games i downloaded played about 7 minutes, before I got up got into my car, drove to eb games, and bought a disk.

    Zombies, are getting played out so i'm starting to get meh on them, but I do believe there have been a few "good" ones where it's a virus and the zombies starve, that's always a good thing.

    the Mad max style movies are good, a few "civilians" are protected by the lone road warrior type.

    I'm surprised nobody mentioned postman.

    I am looking forward to the new zombie movie, where they have feelings. "Warm Bodies"

    oh and shawn of the dead, while trying to be funny, was still a good ish zombie movie.
  20. Tungsten Phoenix

    Tungsten Phoenix New Guy Thrall

    It's a tie between Nuclear and Zombie Apocalypse.
    I also like the general cataclysm of the Rifts RPG lore.


    Zombies: World War Z, The Zombie Survival Guide, Day by Day Armageddon series, and Plague of the Dead series.
    Nuclear Weapons/Bunkers: Level 7, the Wool Series, The Postman, Missiles Rising, and Red Alert.


    Zombies: Shaun of the Dead, Zombieland, Dawn of the Dead, 28 Days (Weeks) Later
    Nuclear: Dr. Strangelove, The Day After, Jericho, and I'm still looking for other good ones.

    Honorable mentions:

    Ender's Game (We invade Aliens)
    Red Storm Rising (Cold War goes Hot)
    The Stand (Movie)
    Swan Song (Book Similar to The Stand)
    Starship Troopers (Book is much better)
    The Walking Dead
    Last edited: Feb 21, 2013