Apple!. You bloody muppets.

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Manco, Jun 25, 2015.

  1. SheepHugger

    SheepHugger Well Liked Viking

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    That is also why typically it's better to punish leaders, for instance nazi leadership. For average Helmut if you tried to go against the flow you'd get yourself killed.. without achieving any change. We know this because a lot of people, including high level military tried to go against the flow and mostly got themselves killed. Yet for whatever reason some people are even calling WW1 German Empire 'villains' even though they merely did what everyone else was doing and rushed to the aid of their ally like everyone else, like UK and France in WW1 and WW2.

    And while they did some atrocities, so did everyone of the empires of that age. They all committed genocide against the peoples in their colonies, subjugation, slavery in the past etc. For example for British Empire the Boer Wars weren't exactly a moral high point, neither was putting those boers in concentration camps. Etc. Or US during WW2, their treatment of ethnic japanese people living in US, etc.

    There's not a single country that is what the pop culture movies would make them be like. Because pop culture is about simple black and white. You have to have good guys and bad guys and the good guys must be real saints whereas the bad guys must be so evil that they eat their own babies on the side.

    It is rare and always a delight to see any movie with the slightest sense of real world difficulty with various issues.
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  2. Damion Sparhawk

    Damion Sparhawk The Missing Link Viking

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    thank goodness for Marvel, with heroes (or villains) like Deadpool to teach us that life is really morally gray.
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  3. Hakija

    Hakija Chaos Pony Viking

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    I'm not really sure that's the lesson I got from Deadpool.
  4. Lardaltef

    Lardaltef Well Liked Berserker

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    The lesson was you can still be a badass ninja in a mostly red bodysuit that is not sleven remotely stealthy? I mean its not black or tray. It wont hide you.
  5. SheepHugger

    SheepHugger Well Liked Viking

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    Nowadays special forces don't primarily use black for camouflage but for psychological effect since black is kinda crappy camouflage. It's not same as wearing white which actually literally glows (hence why it's white) a bit but it's still a fricking black hole against any background that isn't black in any lighting that isn't pitch dark or if the other guys have any lights or NV gear. As for IR the color itself is pointless, you'll need a special suit.

    Though doesn't mean that red is a good color if you want to remain hidden but it might have a bigger psychological effect than black if you're going for shock and awe.
  6. Lardaltef

    Lardaltef Well Liked Berserker

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    Isnt grays greens and blues actually the best colors for night ops? Because rarely is it ever actually black at night? At least in an urban area.
  7. SheepHugger

    SheepHugger Well Liked Viking

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    Urban areas are annoying with all the monochromatic surfaces that are all of different color. As long as you're moving or outside you're always pretty easy to spot unless there's some heavy debris or so.

    As for buildings, if you take a window or a hole in the wall and actually go to the opposite end of the room, yes, it limits your angles and all but on the other hand people may not even be able to see where you're firing from, I mean, imagine ideally if you're firing like 10+ meters from a hole in a wall and like 2-3 rooms apart, suppressor or day without suppressor. Pretty difficult to tell where you're firing from. Also pretty nasty to root such a sniper if there's a couple of claymores set up in the stairs or so.

    As for moving, pretty much any horizontal movement is really easy to spot even in forest. Again, your suit colors don't mean as much since you'd like to have a second jacket and pants that you can use to make a ghillie.

    Fuck it, I just want to go into forest, dig myself a guerilla bunker and eat some spam with a knife straight from the can. That's life.

    Guerilla bunker btw. is essentially a small very flat space dug under ground. The idea is that the entrance hatch when shut doesn't give away itself and you can step on it without knowing any better. The 'bunker' itself has an opening towards nearby road or point of interest and you can shut the opening. From outside it's basically a small firing hole on the side of a hill. You can walk over the whole thing and not notice it. Very useful for recon, you can count enemy traffic and send that info back and even direct artillery or snipe the enemy if need be. The space inside is so flat that you're mostly always lying and crawling around. Usually made for only a couple people. Guerrilla camps are pretty cool btw., long range radio antenna hoisted up the trees and stuff like that and obviously protected by claymores and mine-sticks from all directions. Every recon has a stick with a bomb and wire, it takes only a couple of seconds for them to stick it to a suitable spot and attach the wire, they are trained to do this while fleeing so the chasers will run into the wire and blow themselves up. And of course one of the most important traits of recons are not only training to pack up their camp really fast but also to run really, really fast.

    About proper camouflage and techniques, a recon squad remained unspotted through a whole weekend while a MP battalion was chasing them while being given the coordinates of the recon team every hour. Yet they didn't manage to spot them even once. I myself nearly walked into one of them when we were visiting them to see what they do and the guy wasn't even trying to hide himself, he was setting up a claymore but I only saw him like from 3-4 meters distance and I've got a pretty good eyesight.