Assassins Creed 3 first impressions

Discussion in 'Other Games' started by fluffypinkbunny, Nov 1, 2012.

  1. fluffypinkbunny

    fluffypinkbunny Fluffiest Bunny ever Viking

    TL;DR Seems to be good, if you can stomach the first 5 sequences, and if you like story/have heard the other stories in the other games.

    Random interviewer: So FPB, I heard you bought AC3, and were also thinking about it, months in advance, you waited for it, even went to a midnight release to play it. What are you thoughts on the game, lets start with it's start.

    FPB: Well thank you for taking the time to ask me some questions, lets dive in, shall we? This game's start seemed slow to me, Slow in the sense that you spend the first 20 minutes or so in cut scenes. This normally wouldn't be bad except for the fact that many of the cut's are interrupted by portions of you pressing forward/ doing movement on the controller. First you're carrying a box, then you're walking through a hallway. Not even like it's a training video of some sort, you're just moving forward.

    Ri: Interesting. How far into the game are you currently, so we can judge the response to my next question?

    FPB: After a few breaks, I have been playing for about 2 days (game says about 7 hours, but i leave my xbox on over night, so I don't know how many of those are on, but not playing, hours.) I currently have 100 total kills, and am in memory sequence 6. I do have to admit, I did some exploring when I could, and spent some time hunting, but not to much.

    Ri: That's good to hear, so the game has many side missions then?

    FPB: at the start, side-missions? no. For the first 5 sequences, you're pretty much playing a visual story book. It guides you through the story fairly well.

    Ri: Ah, story, this brings me into my next question. Can you play AC3, with out having played the other's before it?

    FPB: Can you? yes, do you want to? I would say not really. Story has always been a part of the AC series, while parts of brotherhood or revelations can been skipped, I believe you should at least play 1 and 2, before 3, to know who the templars are, why you are in a cave, what the machine you're in is, and what exactly you're doing. Otherwise the "twist" in the story will fly right over your head.

    Ri: Ah a twist! sounds good. Ok so about this preorder reward from gamestop?

    FPB: ugg, don't get me started on that. When I hear preorder I'm thinking something I get from the beginning of the game, if this is the case, then the game doesn't start until Sequence 5 ish, when you actually get to command your ship/ give orders/ make suggestions at to where to take missions, (your side missions if you will). You first have to get that far, then you are FORCED to play Gamestop's side mission, which is crawling through a temple, no actual danger, just a few OMG the game is making things seem dangerous, but they aren't really. Jump puzzle, which is really just find the right way to walk up a stone, then follow the bread crumbs from there. Then once you unlock the sword, you still have to find a store, or your main house, and equip it, it's not automatic.

    Ri: Well that doesn't seem to fun, I like to get my preorder rewards right when i'm first playing the game, but it seems the first part of this game is a prologue or something. Any final words for our readers?

    FPB: Stick it out, if you can get through the first part the game starts to pick up later, hunting is fun, tracking animals is fun, and you can craft, I'm waiting to see what all you can do with that. The game starts at sequence 5 ish, and remember there's a twist in there somewhere.

    (for a transcript of this interview, or to meet Fluffypinkbunny, please write your local bunny hole, FPB will be available for talking about the game, or other topics at a later time, she also responds to pm's or messages to this forum.)
  2. Trevnor

    Trevnor Tokin' Canadian Staff Member Jarl SC Huscarl

    I'm not that far into it yet... should be rectified tonight. On the bright side, it's so far, at least as fun as ACII.... :D
  3. fluffypinkbunny

    fluffypinkbunny Fluffiest Bunny ever Viking

    RI: so, now that you're finished with the game, how would you rate it on a scale of 1-10?

    FPB: humm on a scale of 1-10, over all, I would have to say an 8. Of course by finished you mean, I saw the credits scroll, and there's still more to do in the system, but the "story" part is finished. I have yet to play multiplayer, or totally 100% out the game.

    RI: true, our readers want to know, were there any game breaking issues?

    FPB: Game breaking? not really, I did see a few glitches like horse drawn carts, driving through walls, and being embedded into the ground, so you couldn't get to them, or you'd kill somebody by pressing them onto a table, and their body would glitch, causing you to have to restart a mission or two.

    RI: did you spend more time on story, or side missions?

    FPB: as the game goes, the story is a visual book. It didn't seem to me that there were any major plot changes, depending on what action I did, or didn't do at the time. The side missions, I still haven't finished many of them, so I'd say main story.

    RI: What will keep you playing, now that the credits rolled?

    FPB: I am interested in the crafting mini game, I still have to "win" a game of bowls, and the naval combat is fun.

    RI: are you looking forward to multiplayer at all?

    FPB: of course I am. I am looking for people in the unit that play, maybe we can get together sometime to play!? hint hint
  4. Trevnor

    Trevnor Tokin' Canadian Staff Member Jarl SC Huscarl

    What. The. Flying. Fuck.

    Well played Ubisoft... well played.....
  5. fluffypinkbunny

    fluffypinkbunny Fluffiest Bunny ever Viking

    Edit to add: game breaking issue (kinda sorta) when running the captain kidd missions, the last one when you have to fight a pack of 3 wolves, normally, you let them charge you hit a combination of buttons starting with B and then Y, X, or A. (xbox, 360), the 2nd button doesn't work. I did it extremely fast, and it would still say I hit the wrong button, so the fix for this is, leap up on a tree near by, wait for them to walk over, and air kill them or leap off the tree and stab.
  6. AlexEss

    AlexEss Made Some Friends Thrall

    Sounds good, i am still working through revelations (after pretty much forcing my way through Brotherhood... it was slow.. and not fun.) as i told my self that i should play all the games main story at least. Now i know it is at least worth going through with it.
  7. Hades Serpent

    Hades Serpent New Guy Thrall

    So...not recommended that you play without having played the previous games then? That's a shame. I was curious, but the strict disinterest in supporting the mouse & keyboard controls, and the fact that it's published by No. Just no. I don't believe one word of what they said about not doing insane always-online DRM, especially since Anno 2070 is still screwed by it, last I checked. :/

    It's odd...most of Ubi's games keep falling under the "Not even worth the time to pirate it" category. :wat:
    Last edited: Nov 20, 2012
  8. Grim

    Grim Made Some Friends Thrall

    I really enjoy the naval battles.

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