
Discussion in 'Other Games' started by Hakija, Jan 26, 2017.

  1. Hakija

    Hakija Chaos Pony Viking

    This just came out in EA and it had a LOT of potential. Co-Op space building game with a huge galaxy and some light strategy / fleet command elements.

    It also drops the some of the over complicated engineering aspects of its competitors and focuses on pure construction, exploration, and combat. Physics and thrust and so forth matter, but for the most part you just build a ship and go. Blocks can be scaled to almost any size, and snap together however you want, so you can make almost anything.

    Pidian, MagnusEffect and Lardaltef like this.
  2. MagnusEffect

    MagnusEffect Administrator Staff Member Jarl SC Huscarl

    I'm with Haki on this. Might be a great way for us to play together until Star Citizen is fleshed out.

    Equally important, it's under $20.
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2017
    Pidian, Solis Obscuri and Hakija like this.
  3. Damion Sparhawk

    Damion Sparhawk The Missing Link Viking

  4. Hakija

    Hakija Chaos Pony Viking

    Most of these games stay in EA forever and just kkep adding stuff.
  5. MagnusEffect

    MagnusEffect Administrator Staff Member Jarl SC Huscarl

    Yeah, Early Access seems kind of meaningless at this point. I think the best thing to do is judge a game by its current merits.

    I can't yet say the game is worth its purchase, but it does a lot of things right a lot of other games in the same genre do not. Certainly, it is close to being something great, but i will hold off any "seal of approval" until after they get MP working
  6. Damion Sparhawk

    Damion Sparhawk The Missing Link Viking

    okay, if you mean Early Access, you -cannot- abbreviate by using EA, or I will assume you're referring to Electronic Arts, the black hole of all formerly good game developers and worst abuse of gamers to date :p.
    MagnusEffect likes this.
  7. Tzeentch

    Tzeentch Bigfoot Hirdman

    *Glances mournfully over to Ultima collection*
    Solis Obscuri, gihzmo and j.p. like this.
  8. gihzmo

    gihzmo Moderator Berserker

    One of the coolest things I always enjoyed about the ship building games was being able to wander around inside of the ships. Is this still the case, or is it purely the ship? Can you get out and explore planets?
  9. Hakija

    Hakija Chaos Pony Viking

    No, it's ships only. No planets, no space suits.
  10. MagnusEffect

    MagnusEffect Administrator Staff Member Jarl SC Huscarl

    I haven't included Avorion for official sanctioning as I wasn't sure how much interest we have at this point, but I leave the door open for further development on this line. Anyone here is welcomed to take up the issue for discussion.
  11. MagnusEffect

    MagnusEffect Administrator Staff Member Jarl SC Huscarl

    Some "bad news" that isn't all that bad:

    TLDR version: development is moving along at a consistent pace. Devs are committed to giving us a COMPLETE game, but it will not happen in the next 4 months. Therefore they are moving the release date back to 2nd quarter 2019.

    I am still enthusiastic about hosting a dedicated server for this game as I believe it checks a lot of the right boxes for our community. Expect to hear more concrete plans when we have a confirmed release date.
  12. Flessar

    Flessar Well Liked Viking
