Battlefield 3

Discussion in 'Other Games' started by ScrewCityChris, Feb 12, 2011.

  1. Tuonela

    Tuonela Well Liked Berserker

    Also, should we start a Skjaldborg Platoon? Not sure who the highest ranking person playing right now is...
  2. Catch

    Catch New Guy Thrall

    Notice for anyone who previously experienced significant CPU usage and fps problems: DICE released two patches yesterday and today that apparently addressed most of these problems that were ironically plaguing higher-end graphics card users. From what I've read it sounds like the patches have effectively fixed whatever was causing these problems for the majority of players.

    Oh, and they added Obliteration. I played a few rounds and it plays a lot like a mix of Rush and Conquest. Not sure if it will replace those two game-modes as my favorite though it comes close.

    Also, for anyone else who might be dying to fly the Scout helicopters, I found there are a scant few servers running 32-player Conquest on Shanghai that have them, but they're based in Germany and Japan. Fortunately the two German servers have manageable lag connecting from the East Coast of the US.

    As for the Scout helicopters, they handle superbly, and have a markedly higher airspeed than in BF3, something they really needed in that game. Maneuvering through the buildings is much easier in the Scouts since they are slower and more responsive than the Attack helicopters which makes them perfect for the map. The 7.62 miniguns have considerably less spread so you can more reliably land shots provided your aim is accurate. The .50 cal machine gun unlock I was really excited for is unfortunately not in the beta, so I'll have to wait a bit longer there. Also, side passengers can now look forward, which means Engineers with AA or AT easily double the Scouts heli's firepower and gives them a bit more to do than sit there and repair.

    Edit: I will be on this evening, likely after 9 PM Eastern, for anyone else planning on playing the beta tonight.
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2013
  3. Catch

    Catch New Guy Thrall

    Battlefield 4 Beta is over now. All-in-all I was highly impressed by the beta and how responsive DICE has been to the community. They've posted a follow-up over on The Battlefield Blog that details most of the changes made as a result of the beta and will be in the final release.

    With regards to the change list; playing mostly Engineer and Recon, I'm going to miss the lock-on ability for RPGs and the nice synergy it lent the two classes, however I think most people can agree the system was unrealistic, horribly over-powered against aircraft, and made taking anything other than RPGs pointless. Missiles will now receive a significant damage bonus against lased targets, so I guess that makes up for the changes and keeps the PLD useful (still gonna always carry the awesome PLD for ranged spotting anyway!).
  4. StalaggtIKE

    StalaggtIKE Well Liked Viking

    New BF4 map:
  5. MostlyHarmless

    MostlyHarmless Master of Recruits Staff Member Jarl SC Huscarl

    I was just watching LevelCap's video before lunch, I can't wait for this, almost tempted to go back to pc (if I could actually run it) to enjoy it with larger player counts

    Do you guys ever watch BattleFieldFriends? The guys I play with have been doing astronaut and bodyguard lately.
  6. Catch

    Catch New Guy Thrall

    Some more gameplay on Flood Zone from JackFrags, including the levee breaking (spoiler?):


    It looks like the intensity of rain, level of visibility, and amount of cloud cover change every minute or so.

    I'm really liking that CZ-805 and UMP-9. Also glad to see man-portable guided rockets returning (SRAW), though I think I'll be sticking with the SMAW now that it has a rather flat trajectory.
  7. StalaggtIKE

    StalaggtIKE Well Liked Viking

    I have never seen anything like this, HOLY CRAP:

  8. Solomance

    Solomance Well Liked Hirdman MWO Thane

    That is awesome. Turning two aircraft into a liberator.


    Upside-down tv guided libby of doom.
  9. Catch

    Catch New Guy Thrall

    That's one way to improve the Havok's maneuverability. Glitchy as all get-out though.

    Also, locked squads, because the moment some newb were to spawn in that heli its fireball in 3... 2... 1...