Dat portfolio

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Buff Plankchest, Jul 12, 2013.

  1. Buff Plankchest

    Buff Plankchest New Guy Thrall

    Any design/media/Businessweek fans out there?

    Society for News Design asks Bloomberg reps to talk about the media organization's lolsy magazine illustrations following a preview of the July 15 cover.

    Mm. That's a lot of portfolio.

    Maybe not surprisingly, media societies already are having a laugh over the cover — more that a professional business news magazine with a readership of nearly 1 million decided to run with the design than the design itself.

    When SND asked the magazine's creative director Richard Turley whether they had a contingency plan, he said there was no serious option.

    "It seemed very difficult to escape from this idea once it was hatched. Every other idea just seemed lame," Turley told SND.
  2. Solis Obscuri

    Solis Obscuri Well Liked Hirdman

    Hulk Penis's secret is he's always angry!
  3. Myuu

    Myuu Well Liked Thrall

    Also from the article:

  4. AlexEss

    AlexEss Made Some Friends Thrall

    Well... The first one was pretty good. After all if you want to send a clear picture... That one will do it. =P