Death Wing FPS.

Discussion in 'Other Games' started by Manco, Feb 13, 2015.


What is your level of interest for this game? (vote can be changed)

  1. I'm definitely wanting to play this.

  2. I want to play this, but can't justify spending the money/time.

  3. I'm on the fence about playing this.

  4. This game does not interest me.

  1. KillBox

    KillBox Well Liked Thrall

    To this, only one word: Heresy


    I shall keep an eye out for them. Thanks for the recommendation.
    Solis Obscuri likes this.
  2. Solis Obscuri

    Solis Obscuri Well Liked Hirdman

    I'm loving that new emoticon!
    KillBox likes this.
  3. Dihm

    Dihm Speaker of the Word Staff Member Gothi SC Thane

    Magnus did good
  4. SheepHugger

    SheepHugger Well Liked Viking

    I would krabbed I no money bank not funny! Eh!

    Just heads up.

    Probably going to buy it before November For The Emperor.
  5. KillBox

    KillBox Well Liked Thrall

    This would be the FPS game?
  6. SheepHugger

    SheepHugger Well Liked Viking

    Yes, I was considering of getting it for me and my brother in case it is actually fun to play.

    Can't tell if it is, don't even know if the weapons will have static values or if it's another one of those "your pistol is level 13 and does no damage".
  7. Solis Obscuri

    Solis Obscuri Well Liked Hirdman

    MostlyHarmless likes this.
  8. Trevnor

    Trevnor Tokin' Canadian Staff Member Jarl SC Huscarl

  9. MostlyHarmless

    MostlyHarmless Master of Recruits Staff Member Jarl SC Huscarl

    Thanks for getting it moved trev, just got home after close to a 14hr day and couldn't get it merged from my phone with limited connection
  10. KillBox

    KillBox Well Liked Thrall

    I'm more concerned whether or not there's going to be more Chapters involved - at least for the multiplayer.

    Any word on release date? I see it's up for pre-order already.
  11. Manco

    Manco Well Liked Viking

    The plot for the game is written by Gav thorpe, He has written all the 30k Dark angles novels. There really good. I hear this game will be featuring members of The Fallen, I doubt there be any other chapters but i think we will see some Dark Angel vs fallen,
  12. LagCat

    LagCat Well Liked Berserker


    Dorn is not amused with the lack of Imperial Fist Terminators
  13. Damion Sparhawk

    Damion Sparhawk The Missing Link Viking

    I play chaos, I could care less about all you unenlightened clone lovers ^.^ I will however enjoy murdering some xeno simply because.
  14. Sheogoraath

    Sheogoraath Worst Person in the Universe Viking

    Clones? What fandom are you talking about?
  15. TheoC

    TheoC Made Some Friends Viking

    Smells like... Heresy...

  16. Damion Sparhawk

    Damion Sparhawk The Missing Link Viking

    huh, guess I never really investigated it, I just assumed they were bio-engineered clones since they are so genetically superior, but no, that makes far to much sense, somehow they manage to bio-engineer regular guys into these superhuman monsters... whatever.
  17. SheepHugger

    SheepHugger Well Liked Viking

    I thought I saw a release date for November.

    I was tempted to buy for me and brother but then I remember that No Man's Bullshit and a couple of other examples of how a pre-order can end up biting you in the ass with a dildo these days.

    So definitely going to wait to see the initial reaction and some gameplay to have an informed decision.

    As always a demo would be nice but the current trend argues that "demos reduce sales", probably invented by EA and Sony.

    That said last time I had a demo to test on an interesting game I bought the game within 30 minutes and never regretted it.
  18. KillBox

    KillBox Well Liked Thrall

    I can see that you would have many people not wanting a buy a product if it's not to their liking, but "demos reduce sales"?

    Take a walk back with me to the 90's - Diablo, the first one, allowed up to 4 people to play together even if only 1 person actually paid for the game - 3 could use the same disk to install the 1st Act demo and multiplayer. It worked well enough to make it a best seller.
    SheepHugger likes this.
  19. SheepHugger

    SheepHugger Well Liked Viking

    I didn't know it was a thing until stumbling upon a number of American game devs who mentioned it.

    Ever wondered why there are no longer demos for any of the big games?

    This is why. Someone somewhere at some point made a policy change. "No more testing our games before you buy". It used to work best when combined with no-refunds policy. All you needed to do was hype your game and it would sell a lot, forget about people trying it out, "pre-order now!"

    And I do know that it's insane.

    I just wrote the other day on Quora about how companies that lie should be brought to court with class action on basis of false advertisement.

    I've spoken of it before.

    Do you know what I get every time I speak of it?

    I get Californian asshats showing up and saying that it's preposterous to try to regulate their industry, bla bla. "We're not hurting anyone", "it's your fault to believe our adverts".

    That's about the fastest way you can earn a block from me on Quora. Fuck those people.

    Sorry for derailment.

    I just really, really preferred having an actual official demo version as opposed to EU forced 2 hour refund limit where I have to set an alarm clock to 90 minute mark and watch out that I don't botch it or I could lose 60€.

    Factorio offered a demo, tried it last week and immediately bought the game.
    TheoC and Solis Obscuri like this.
  20. Damion Sparhawk

    Damion Sparhawk The Missing Link Viking

    I would love to see demo's come back, actually Warcraft (not, World of) had one of the best demo's ever, it didn't even really have the whole 'this is the end of the demo, please buy the game' instead you get to the final mission and simply get swarmed by the opposing faction in a very Kobayashi Maru scenario.
    SheepHugger likes this.