
Discussion in 'Other Games' started by LucidFir, Mar 20, 2014.

  1. LucidFir

    LucidFir New Guy Thrall

    Probably the greatest game of all time, with fantastic landscapes, jaw dropping plot twists, and incredible depth of characterisation - not to mention the untold sweeping majesty of the orchestral scores and stunning detail of the artwork; finally a remake that is true to this rich heritage comes our way.

    Gauntlet returns.

  2. Hakija

    Hakija Chaos Pony Viking

    Elf is a race. Saying all elves do the same thing (class) is racial discrimination, and we should not stand for it.
    MagnusEffect likes this.
  3. Calisrue

    Calisrue Well Liked Thrall

    and its hilarious. its been a joke for about 30 years now. they had to consciously make the decision to stick with the elf "class"
  4. Hakija

    Hakija Chaos Pony Viking

    One of these they need to make a game about a drunk, overweight elf who just watches whatever the magical version of TV is all day.
  5. Dihm

    Dihm Speaker of the Word Staff Member Gothi SC Thane

    Torturing an elf is not inhumane. FYI
  6. Damion Sparhawk

    Damion Sparhawk The Missing Link Viking

    Hell. Yes. THIS is the reason I never could get into Diablo (that and I didn't particularly like it) Wizard needs food badly!
    LucidFir likes this.