Nintendo and copyright

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Hakija, Apr 4, 2015.

  1. Sardonic

    Sardonic Well Liked Viking

    Derak Darksun likes this.
  2. Lardaltef

    Lardaltef Well Liked Berserker

    I think that is "supreme reader"
  3. Cerlin

    Cerlin Pug Wranlger Thrall

    I dont know if I am on the "fuck nintendo" side of this. I have never been a big fan of their games to be fully honest. I do have a DS and a Wii but in general I am not the audience of their games for the most part. Most the games I do play are Third Party, like Advanced Wars, Dragonquest, or Xenoblade Chronicles.

    I dont know if everyone needs to have the same marketing strategy though. In the world of everything is free and we can use your stuff at will, something has to be said for taking a strong line on this. Would it get them more sales? Probably. Will they change eventually? Maybe not. I kinda feel like the corporate culture that makes Ninetendo unique is the same thing that has them make choices like this. I would prefer a funkier Nintendo if it keeps giving off interesting ideas. They are generally more creative than most publishers.
  4. Damion Sparhawk

    Damion Sparhawk The Missing Link Viking

    fact of the matter is, it's shitty business, they're trying to charge people for giving them -free- advertisement, that's quite a bit like a bum going around and requiring you to pay him for eating your sandwich.
  5. Hollister

    Hollister Fun-Taker Berserker

    funny thing is. shit like that has happened... but not in the same sense as Nintendo. more of bum claiming the food he was given even though it was bought fresh from the grocery store and straight to his hands... made him sick.. and the person was found and forced to pay him per what ever crap he had to pay by order of the judge.

    Nintendo is like the old dinosaur in the room. Its still big and menacing but slowing dyeing off because it cant evolve to the changing world around it. Nintendo just needs to die off finally and just create their IP's for the PC, xbox, and PS. We could actually get a decent graphical Zelda game or Metroid. I'm tired of the cartoony shit coming from them. Because in all serious Nintendo could easily come out with a new console that would blow the hell out of both xbox1 and ps4 but they wont because they are Nintendo and do the most retarded things most of the time. They also wouldn't want to hurt their WiiU sales... or look like they scammed a bunch of people into buying a failed console.
    SheepHugger likes this.
  6. Damion Sparhawk

    Damion Sparhawk The Missing Link Viking

    and this doesn't prove anything except that the US legal system is run by a bunch of crazy, retarded orangutan's who make decisions by flinging poo at the bar exam.

    Wii and WiiU aren't really bad consoles, they're not trying to hold up against the Xbox and the PS4 because they're attempting to widen the market, increasing the capabilities and expanding the potential for consoles in the future. Will it work? Probably not, but I'm willing to give them a nod for the attempt all the same, it's still better than Sony and Microsoft releasing yet another 'upgrade' console, that any halfway decent PC user could -destroy- capability wise, and playing the same game that console companies have played since the original Nintendo and Sega (before that they really had no clue what they were doing :p) I mean seriously, what 'new' features did they add to either of those consoles to make them worth investing in, other than the potential for exclusive titles on the platforms? I like the mocap stuff they're delving into, I still think it's nowhere near as good as I'd like it to be, but it's improving. It's not really the capabilities that's the restriction at the moment but utilization, the software companies haven't really embraced the technology and when it's in use at all tends to be simple or gimmicky, unless you really like those dancing games there's just not much of value :p

    Honestly, it would surprise me little if Xbox and Playstation are held together not by profits, but by the laurels of their parent companies pride not willing to admit that they got nothing new to add to the formula and that PC is ultimately the better option. And this is a hard won truth from me, I personally prefer console style gaming, but my console has mostly been gathering dust with the rare exception of some exclusive game for that console. *shrugs* I'm stubborn, but practical, give me a reason to come play your console and I'll happily do so, but if the next generation of console doesn't sell me, I expect this'll be the last one I'm party too... but we'll see, when the dice roll it'll depend on whether they still have the platform exclusives I still love :p

    Also, I love the cartoony graphics, Wind Waker was my favorite incarnation of the Zelda series ;)
  7. Hollister

    Hollister Fun-Taker Berserker

    Nintendo with its wiiu and 3ds is on one end of the gaming market while the PS and Xbox are on the other end. They don't really compete with the other two in the gaming industry while they still fight for the same end product, wasting peoples free time. Lately people are having less free time so they have to spend it more wisely in which they think benefits them the most. Xbox and ps have both failed at trying to enter Nintendos market hence why they decided to both just push to the extreme of the one end. The only thing that threatens Nintendos market are the massive amounts of social games that can be had without a 3ds. Nintendo is also grasping at straws and you can see this by them having a dynasty warrior type Zelda game which I know a lot of Zelda fans and that is not what they wanted. Have they even released the open world based Zelda game they showed off 3 years ago?

    And PC is the better option just look at the make up of phones and the consoles. They are just a mini computer.
  8. Damion Sparhawk

    Damion Sparhawk The Missing Link Viking

  9. Lardaltef

    Lardaltef Well Liked Berserker

    Didnt nintendo go into a "partnership" with some mobile game company recently? Also almost every xbox game comes out for pc eventually so that pretty much defeats the purpose of getting a xbox. Except for getting a game when it comes out instead of waiting a year or 2.
  10. j.p.

    j.p. Well Liked Berserker

    I am...

    ... apprehensive.
    Lardaltef and Sheogoraath like this.
  11. Hollister

    Hollister Fun-Taker Berserker

    Wtf did you just make me watch....... No amount of eye bleach will fix this.
  12. Hakija

    Hakija Chaos Pony Viking

    That would be one of the Zelda games on the Phillips CD-i, which I think was the first CD based game console. Yes, that was an actual Legend of Zelda product.

    Nintendo has never licensed another company to produce their products since.
  13. Damion Sparhawk

    Damion Sparhawk The Missing Link Viking

    which isn't to say that Nintendo's Zelda record is flawless.
    j.p. likes this.
  14. j.p.

    j.p. Well Liked Berserker

    Of course I'm being a little unfair. The CD-i Zeldas sucked because everybody involved was naive enough and excited enough to be working on a Dragon's Lair Zelda that you could play in your living room that they didn't take into account that their platformer for a 90's laserdisk player made by a bunch of guys who weren't Don Bluth was gonna be awful.

    These games will suck because they'll be made by the same guys who tracked down the comatose husk of Dungeon Keeper so they could slit open its emaciated belly and gutfuck it, then try to spoon-feed the warm slurry of blood, semen and necrotic tissue to the people who thought they had come to terms with the franchise's persistent vegetative state.

    Not that I'm bitter. I'm just sayin' the new Dungeon Keeper was kinda bullshit.
  15. SheepHugger

    SheepHugger Well Liked Viking

    Well, since you did mention Microsoft, their head of games was iirc. at E3 or so saying sane things like "PC games should go have a fair of their own, like, maybe on Dota tournament or so."

    So official stance of Microsoft is still anti-PC, even if they make most of their buck from PC operating system. Sane? Doesn't have to be. Too big to fail etc.

    I think now Sony should get on the same bus with the two others and top them by doing something like secretly inserting a line on the PS user agreement along the lines that it is outright punishable to even mention PlayStation(TM) in any reference in any public instance, also covering all their exclusive content and so, so they can stop people from uncontrollably talking about their products. Then they can have the official version on their website since it's terribly awkward if people like a product for wrong reasons or when people emphasize a different aspect of the product than the thing which was chosen in the marketing strategy to be the main selling point.
  16. Lardaltef

    Lardaltef Well Liked Berserker

    Must never have heard of pax.
  17. Hollister

    Hollister Fun-Taker Berserker

    That doesn't stop the crazy rumors and lies that are constantly spread. Only through following Nintendos ways of controlling all information through legal action will the real truth be fully spread without hindrance. Sony must follow them or the gaming world will forever be tainted by the evil that is the Xbox and their devil worship cronies that speak the hate and lies of the glorious Playstation 4.