Reinstall MWO to SSD

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by G S Tickle Stick, Mar 8, 2013.

  1. G S Tickle Stick

    G S Tickle Stick New Guy Viking

    Hello Everyone,

    I just bought a SSD drive. I'd like to know if there is a quick and easy way to reinstall MWO. The game currently is up to date and installed on the normal HD I have. I'd like to be able to back the game files up and then drop them on the new drive and have everything work, but I don't know if that'll do the trick.

    I know that Steam will let me back up game files so that I don't need to download everything I already bought.

    Does anyone one know the most efficient way to handle this, or am I out of luck and just need to download MWO again?
  2. Val

    Val Well Liked Thrall

    tbh - dont bother -> for gaming the performance increase from normal to ssd isnt that big in 90% of all games out there
    mwo doesnt really have huge loadtimes so i dont think its worth the effort ^^
  3. sgtHelmet

    sgtHelmet New Guy Thrall

    I the game has alot of view transitions that use some client-server communication so SSD won't help there. If ran the game on SSD and i can say that mechbay ui is really responsive, but it still loads a bit longer when saving a loadout, entering mechbay after a drop or loading a map after drop queue is over. But these are due to client-server communication.

    I assume you have installed your windows to the SSD? Also i noticed browser working faster with SSD as it reads cached sites from there.
  4. G S Tickle Stick

    G S Tickle Stick New Guy Viking

    I haven't installed the SSD at all yet. I am planning on making the transition over the weekend. I will install the OS on the SSD for sure.