Discussion in 'Other Games' started by Wolfhound3060, Jul 1, 2014.

  1. Wolfhound3060

    Wolfhound3060 Made Some Friends Thrall

    I didn't see this game posted and wondered if anyone else has played this game. It's a MOBA game like LoL or DOTA but it's played in third person, like an MMO. All the characters are gods from various mythologies; Norse, Egyptian, Aztec, Greek, and others. This is the first MOBA game I've liked playing. The perspective change makes a huge difference.

    Right now, I'm mostly playing as Ra and working to unlock a new skin: Ra'merica. So I can go from looking like this:

    To looking like this:
    Solis Obscuri likes this.
  2. Solis Obscuri

    Solis Obscuri Well Liked Hirdman

    Because worshiping some dude who looks like a commune hippie just isn't 'MURICA!
    Lardaltef and Wolfhound3060 like this.
  3. gihzmo

    gihzmo Moderator Berserker

    I think I may try this out when not in Wildstar or Arma.
  4. Hakija

    Hakija Chaos Pony Viking

    So, next year some time? :D
  5. gihzmo

    gihzmo Moderator Berserker

    Been playing a bit of Smite, it is quite good. I think Carbine took a lot of influence from their combat because the combat does feel similar.
  6. Wolfhound3060

    Wolfhound3060 Made Some Friends Thrall

    The combat and perspective really make a difference for me. I've tried other games like it before and they've never really grabbed me. This is the first MOBA that I've played more than one match in and really enjoyed.
  7. Solis Obscuri

    Solis Obscuri Well Liked Hirdman

    Pretty fun as MOBA goes - I was having a good time with Ullr, Hel, and Freya. Odin seemed decent, too. Could not get a handle on Tyr for the life of me, though.
  8. gihzmo

    gihzmo Moderator Berserker

    I have been playing Artemis and loving it. A little tough in the early game, but she is a beast late game. I can kill just about anyone solo late game. The one I have a lot of issues with early game is Rama.
  9. Wolfhound3060

    Wolfhound3060 Made Some Friends Thrall

    I had a lot of fun with Odin in a practice match. I think they unlocked all the gods for this weekend. I just got the first rank of mastery with Ra, so I might buy Odin next.
  10. Hakija

    Hakija Chaos Pony Viking

    This game is quite a bit of fun. And amazingly, no one cussed me out in my first game. Everyone said gg and everything.
  11. Togg Bott

    Togg Bott Well Liked Thrall

    Down loaded this.. am having a blast with Angi ( two headed fire god).
    Solis Obscuri likes this.
  12. Hakija

    Hakija Chaos Pony Viking

  13. Audit

    Audit Moderator Viking

    Anyone still playing this game? Just downloaded, trying to get a handle on the game. My LoL experience is helping to dull the learning curve. Currently trying to learn Hades.
  14. Wolfhound3060

    Wolfhound3060 Made Some Friends Thrall

    Every few months, I pick this game up again and play for a few weeks. Been thinking about playing again recently.
  15. Solis Obscuri

    Solis Obscuri Well Liked Hirdman

    I was playing a lot earlier this year, not so much the last few months. I do hop on from time to time still.
  16. Audit

    Audit Moderator Viking

    I don't know if I'm just bad or if Hades is not very good. If I build damage I get blown up because Hades is a Melee Caster. If I build defense everyone just ignores me because I have no hard CC or damage.
  17. Solis Obscuri

    Solis Obscuri Well Liked Hirdman

    Hades is ok early game for starting with Guardian stats. He isn't a great choice for either pure damage or pure tanking builds - though you can lean either way IMO, depending on team composition (he's definitely NOT restricted to support). Overall, he's sort of an ability-based bruiser. And he has two strong CC abilities - his ult is a cripple/pull with a decent damage tick, and his 2 silences, which is nothing to sneeze at since so many classes are ability dependent for their damage output (especially early game). Using those judiciously makes him nasty in close, and his range with basic attacks lets him harass without having to commit. Often his 1 is better used as an escape than for initiating, though it's useful for repositioning in a fight as well - the one weakness Hades really has is slow movement. I'd strongly recommend Shroud of the Underworld as an Active, since you'll want to use it along with his ult, particularly late-game once ADCs have built. Building cooldown redux is pretty essential on Hades also, IMO. Gem of Isolation helps him CC as well, since you can slow on your ranged basic attacks and it makes it harder to escape your ult's pull. I can put up some more detailed build suggestions if it helps.