Strike Suit Zero

Discussion in 'Other Games' started by Axevid, Jan 21, 2013.

  1. Axevid

    Axevid Made Some Friends Viking

    So Strike Suit Zero is being released 20130124, being a kickstarter backer I received some 25% off coupons. Just thought I'd share them.


    If you use one, please type it out in an answer. Here's a link to where they can be redeemed:

    Here's some kind of Gamespot video which shows some devs talking and some gameplay.

    Last edited: Jan 21, 2013
  2. Stynnes

    Stynnes New Guy Thrall

    Thanks axe - I just used the first code. It ended up costing 0$, so I'm guessing something bugged out when I entered the coupon.

    Oh well, got to love getting free stuff
  3. Sheogoraath

    Sheogoraath Worst Person in the Universe Viking

    used second coupon, thanks!
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2013
  4. Tuonela

    Tuonela Well Liked Berserker

    Tempted... tempted. Not sure if its my cup or tea or not. I looove space sims though.

    EDIT: I'd have gotten it eventually, 3rd coupon used. Thanks!
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2013
  5. Skoll

    Skoll Swine Fornicator Banned

    This looks like a uber fleshed out version of PS1's Omega Boost.

  6. Stynnes

    Stynnes New Guy Thrall

    Amazing story here.
    After using the first coupon code, the end price tallied up to 0$. I thought this was odd, but proceeded to continue on paypal anyway. I finished the transaction and the receipt still said 0$. No fee added to my credit card or anything.
    Needless to say I was quite pleased.

    -Cut to the next day-

    Just now, as I sat down to check my emails, I found this little gem in my inbox:

    I had no idea the key was late in the first place, but now I've also got the game's artbook and soundtrack :D

    In conclusion: Free awesomesauce is the best kind of awesomesauce
  7. Tuonela

    Tuonela Well Liked Berserker

    Well, the $0 was the same for all on the website, but they sent a follow up email about the $14.99 being charged, which I'd assume you got but didn't notice?
  8. Stynnes

    Stynnes New Guy Thrall

    Yes :sad:

    I see now that I am not a special snowflake
  9. Sheogoraath

    Sheogoraath Worst Person in the Universe Viking

    played the game some last night, really enjoying it. The art direction (and obviously music) are very Homeworld-esque. The game plays like I'm in one of the tiny fighter squadrons I used to send to its death in Homeworld and Homeworld 2.

    Thanks again!
  10. Dihm

    Dihm Speaker of the Word Staff Member Gothi SC Thane

    Worth the pickup then?
  11. Aud

    Aud New Guy Thrall

    The video's of this remind me a lot of the old Robotech:Battlecry game for PS2/Gamecube, I'll probably pick it up next steam sale.
  12. Sheogoraath

    Sheogoraath Worst Person in the Universe Viking

    i enjoy it. Its a little repetitive, but its very pretty, the music is great, and you feel like a badass when you turn into mech mode and unleash a swarm of missiles macross style.