Weird Al is king

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Tanque, Jul 17, 2014.

  1. Tanque

    Tanque New Guy Thrall

    I hope to hell some of you are Weird Al fans. He's got his new album Mandatory Fun out, and he's releasing a new video every day for 8 days... this is day 4. Each day, he seems to give a different video site a one-day exclusive, so you have to find them (or wait for someone to post like this). If you've been in a cave and missed them, try these:

    Day 1: Tacky:
    Day 2: Word Crimes:
    Day 3: Foil:
    Day 4: Handy: (not on youtube yet)

    In this day where anyone with a video camera can make a cover or satirize a song, Weird Al is still THE genius at this.
  2. Tanque

    Tanque New Guy Thrall

    Ok, I didn't expect it to inline the video like that... killed the formatting a bit, but anyway... watch em!
  3. gihzmo

    gihzmo Moderator Berserker

    I love Weird Al. I am purchasing the album tonight, I love the videos so far.
  4. Hollister

    Hollister Fun-Taker Berserker

    Watchit likes this.
  5. gihzmo

    gihzmo Moderator Berserker

    Also, I think he has said this is going to be his last full album, he will only be doing singles going forward.
  6. Tanque

    Tanque New Guy Thrall

    I've heard this before about this album, and last album... I'll believe it when I see it. Seems like he's still got some album marketing ideas left.
  7. Tanque

    Tanque New Guy Thrall

    My worry is that, if he does this, then that'll be the end of songs like "Frank's 2000-inch TV", etc. He'll be stuck only doing parodies.
  8. SheepHugger

    SheepHugger Well Liked Viking

    What's this Weird Al everyone seems to be so bloody deliciated aboot.
  9. Sheogoraath

    Sheogoraath Worst Person in the Universe Viking

    My favorite part of "Tacky" is Jack Black.
    Mitragliatrice likes this.
  10. Atomic_Guppy

    Atomic_Guppy Well Liked Thrall

    Weird Al is an evil genius. From WAY back. His first album was 1983, the year I was born.
    Damion Sparhawk likes this.
  11. fluffypinkbunny

    fluffypinkbunny Fluffiest Bunny ever Viking

    I like tacky
  12. gihzmo

    gihzmo Moderator Berserker

    He is just as good live as he is recorded. Awesome performance on Conan.

  13. gihzmo

    gihzmo Moderator Berserker

    Dammit, sorry. Can a mod delete on of those.
  14. Tanque

    Tanque New Guy Thrall

    Trevnor likes this.
  16. gihzmo

    gihzmo Moderator Berserker

    Is it bad that I really hate most of the songs that Weird Al's music is based on? I love his music though.
  17. gihzmo

    gihzmo Moderator Berserker


  18. Myuu

    Myuu Well Liked Thrall

    That was painful watching, right there.
  19. fluffypinkbunny

    fluffypinkbunny Fluffiest Bunny ever Viking

    those two other people on the show, just sitting there dumb founded like WTF is going on WHOTF is this, WHYTF is he taking our face time...
  20. Damion Sparhawk

    Damion Sparhawk The Missing Link Viking

    Pawntent. Yeah, I went there.