Yurovision Song Contest

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by SheepHugger, Mar 6, 2015.

  1. SheepHugger

    SheepHugger Well Liked Viking

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    This is coming up again! It's time!

    And no, you can't hide from it. Sorry non-european friends, this can be a bit inside thing and can be kind of hard to really get if you're not native eurotrash.

    Some early highlights:

    In Germany, the guy chosen to represent them suffered from long time stage fear. Upon winning, he quietly told the host that
    "I'm not in that condition. I'm just a small musician."
    -"So, are you certain you will not accept this prize?" the host asked.
    "Ann-Sophie is more suitable. I'm giving my position to her." answered the singer while crowd booed and made loud whistles in protest.

    Ann-Sophie was visibly shocked of the sudden turn of events.

    -"He probably fears competing"


    Finland will this year be represented by a band called Pertti Kurikan Nimipäivät (transl: Pertti Kurikka's nameday) with their song "Aina mun pitää" (transl: Always I must).

    aina mun pitää siivota
    aina mun pitää tiskata
    aina mun pitää käydä töissä
    aina mun pitää käydä lääkärissä
    ei saa mennä koneelle
    en katsoa telkkarii
    en saa edes nähdä mun kavereita
    aina mun pitää olla kotona
    aina mun pitää hoitaa tehtäviä
    aina mun pitää syödä kunnolla
    aina mun pitää juoda kunnolla
    en saa syödä karkkia, juoda limua en saa edes juoda alkoholia
    aina mun pitää levätä aina mun pitää nukkua
    aina mun pitää herätä
    aina mun pitää käydä suihkussa

    (english translation:)
    I always have to clean
    I always have to do the dishes
    I always have to work
    I always have to go to the doctor
    I am not allowed to go to the computer
    I am not allowed to watch television
    I am not allowed to see my friends
    I always have to be at home
    I always have to do chores
    I always have to eat well
    I always have to drink well
    I can't eat candy, drink soda, I can't even drink alcohol
    I always have to rest
    I always have to sleep
    I always have to wake up
    I aways have to shower

    Well put. The song is essentially critique towards all the things we have to do and how we almost never seem to be able to just do the things we want to do. For me that was highly relateable.

    Also, them representing Finland has already led to a full scale shitstorm. I guess if another silicone blonde had been picked it would have been fine, but people with difficulties should stay at home and out of media. If they can through art push the boundaries of what's socially acceptable, all the better for them. It's not like they're hurting anyone, yet a lot of people act as if they'd been slapped on their faces or worse.