Save the Lip Weasel

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by jChopper, Nov 24, 2013.

  1. jChopper

    jChopper Well Liked Berserker

    Join me! It's time we did something to make the world a better place for future generations (and moustache wax makers). Help uncover the hidden cruelty behind the good cause that is Mo-vember.
    Find us on Facebook : "Save the Lip Weasel"


    Dran...Manco...I'm looking at you.
  2. Manco

    Manco Well Liked Viking

    Totally agree, I have grown rather attached to mine. Much to my wife's displeasure i have decided to keep on growing the old beauti.
    Wolf Clearwater, Gabvid and jChopper like this.
  3. jChopper

    jChopper Well Liked Berserker

    Benjamin the Rogue likes this.
  4. Sardonic

    Sardonic Well Liked Viking

    Pssssssht, let me put your mind at ease. This isn't a one month endeavor, I've maintained my mustache for over a year and a half now.
  5. Gabvid

    Gabvid Buttcheeks on the leather seats Berserker

    So are we posting pictures of results when this is over?
  6. Sardonic

    Sardonic Well Liked Viking

    I'm not terribly opposed to that, though I'll prematurely e-pictulate and just find something to throw up here later today or tomorrow. Mine doesn't really change all that much these days.
  7. jChopper

    jChopper Well Liked Berserker

    Fun fact : The fully waxed adult Lip Weasel has few natural predators; namely heavy rain, high winds and coffee in enormous cappuccino cups. However, their biggest threat comes from destruction of their fragile habitat by humans!
    Solis Obscuri likes this.
  8. Sardonic

    Sardonic Well Liked Viking

    Don't forget any breakfast food that is supplemented with syrup.

    French toast, albeit ever so tasty, is a bitch these days.
    Solis Obscuri and MostlyHarmless like this.
  9. jChopper

    jChopper Well Liked Berserker

    Even as we speak I am eating toast folded in half to protect myself from the dangers of jam.
  10. Bluetavius

    Bluetavius ASSHAT Viking

    Please no lame pornstar/child predator mustaches
  11. Gabvid

    Gabvid Buttcheeks on the leather seats Berserker

    And where is yours Mr. I-Cannot-Grow-A-Mustasche? :ulol:
    Manco likes this.
  12. Manco

    Manco Well Liked Viking

    Glass houses
  13. jChopper

    jChopper Well Liked Berserker

    Fun fact : In response to declining numbers of Lip Weasels in the late 1980's, the Tom Selleck Nature Reserve was created in one of the last great roaming grounds of this proud beast. However, even that reserve fell under threat through the opening of Central Perk and the influence of 6 quirky friends on the Tom Selleck estate. However, the park has since seen a resurgence in popularity and is once again breeding Lip Weasels for release into the wild.
    Solis Obscuri and Deathwatch050 like this.
  14. Bluetavius

    Bluetavius ASSHAT Viking

    I had one... it comes and goes depending on how lazy I am
  15. jChopper

    jChopper Well Liked Berserker

    Fun fact : Further examinations of known Mammoth remains have revealed that they were nothing more than enlarged common Elephants living in symbiosis with the prehistoric Giant Sabre-Toothed Lip Weasel. These prehistoric forebears of today's Lip Weasels lived in packs and appear to have used Elephants as a host environment, much as they do humans in modern times. The Elephant benefited from food being trapped in the Lip Weasels as it moved through underbrush, allowing it to grow to an enormous size.
    Solis Obscuri likes this.
  16. Gabvid

    Gabvid Buttcheeks on the leather seats Berserker

    That doesn't sound quite right but I don't know enough about mammoths to dispute it.
  17. jChopper

    jChopper Well Liked Berserker

    Thanks to all your support, we have now successfully tagged over 100 Lip Weasels. Tracking them will allow us to understand more about their migratory habits, habitat and mating rituals. You can keep up to date with your favourites through our world first FuzzTracker right here at StLW HQ.
  18. jChopper

    jChopper Well Liked Berserker

    Live FuzzTracker Update : The Bandit is approaching the State Line after showing erratic behaviour and, at times, covering ground at surprising speed. Ranger Buford T. Justice has been dispatched to investigate if this is a new observation or a technical fault.
    Solis Obscuri likes this.
  19. Solis Obscuri

    Solis Obscuri Well Liked Hirdman

    The "Fuzztracker" really sounds like it should be a zipcar program for distributing mustache rides.