Warhammer 40k RPG

Discussion in 'PnP & RPG Club' started by Demon Stalker, Jan 15, 2014.


Which of these most interests you?

  1. Deathwatch - Space Marines

    1 vote(s)
  2. Dark Heresy - Inquisitors

    3 vote(s)
  3. Black Crusade - Chaos

    4 vote(s)
  4. Rogue Trader - Exploration and Trade

    9 vote(s)
  1. Demon Stalker

    Demon Stalker Well Liked Viking

    Greetings Brothers and Sisters,

    During discussion tonight, we discovered the potential of a threat to the Golden Throne. I am simply querying if there is enough interest in any of these settings to pursue one of them for a future crusade.

    If you are interested, respond. If you have no interest, not a problem.

    If there is enough interest, I shall begin reading the ancient tomes and try to ascertain the potential time for the execution of these missions.

    Thank ye.
  2. Derak Darksun

    Derak Darksun Well Liked Thrall

    Rogue Trader would be sweet. I playtested a few of these rulesets at FFG's office. Downside to Rogue Trader is the Battlefleet Gothic combat system. Deathwatch is probably their best RP system, but who likes Space Marines? Boooring! :p
  3. fluffypinkbunny

    fluffypinkbunny Fluffiest Bunny ever Viking

    I dont know any of these
  4. Demon Stalker

    Demon Stalker Well Liked Viking

    I am going to try to get a chance to peek into these at my local gaming store within the next couple of days.

    Rogue Trader strikes me as the most flexible, not being part of an organization. But I am seeing what everyone thinks before I buy anything.

    As for time, I have no idea yet 8)
  5. Wargtass

    Wargtass New Guy Thrall

    But you live so far away. :p

    I have GM'd them all, but only played Rogue Trader and Dark Heresy. Did you leave out Only War intentionally or was it just an accident?
  6. Demon Stalker

    Demon Stalker Well Liked Viking

    It wasn't left out intentionally, it just didn't show up when I tried finding products on FFG's website 8)

    Not complaining, but finding their product lists hard to navigate unless you know exactly what you want to start with 8)

    Edit: Point of Clarification. It shows as a category on their website, but it doesn't say it is for 40k, so I didn't even see it.
  7. Wargtass

    Wargtass New Guy Thrall

    Indeed. I usually use the 1d4chan wiki when checking if they have released anything new to be honest. Depending on what sort of group you are looking for/are, DH and RT are great roleplaying adventures (emphasis on the actual roleplaying), Deathwatch is the supreme hack & slasher and Black Crusade and Only War are great mixes of both elements with very amusing twists to them.
  8. Caesar

    Caesar New Guy Thrall

    Dark Crusade? A chance to be a villian?!!! I love being evil! Let us all join together to spill blood for the blood god!!!
  9. Derak Darksun

    Derak Darksun Well Liked Thrall

    Milk for the Khorne Flakes!
    Hakija and Togg Bott like this.
  10. Damion Sparhawk

    Damion Sparhawk The Missing Link Viking

    heh, I'm game for any, the ones I find the most interesting is Rogue Trader, Only War, and Black Crusade, normally I'd have a hard time playing the bad guys, but I've already got the story and everything written up for a character from my 40k army, who're a Slaanesh space marine army believing themselves to still be righteous and that the Emperor is actually a Chaos Demon that has somehow escaped the warp and is subverting the empire to his foul purposes. (all considered in that world, it might not be to far from the truth. All the more reason Slaanesh would abuse that information for his own foul purposes XD)

    I'm surprised they don't have an Eldar or Ork campaign setting, though truth be told I suspect I'd likely be most interested in playing a Tau campaign I -would- be surprised if they had one of those already XD, if forced to choose between the three, I think Only War would lead, but only by a narrow margin, the value would likely be Only War in first, Rogue Trader second, and Black Crusade third, but they're so close together it'd really be hard to actually -vote- one or the other :p
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2014
  11. Caesar

    Caesar New Guy Thrall

    ...So not to get off topic...but we all know that Necrons are the greatest right? :D
    Hakija and Derak Darksun like this.
  12. Derak Darksun

    Derak Darksun Well Liked Thrall

    I have an Ork and Necron army! haven't played since 4th ed though. :p
  13. Dihm

    Dihm Speaker of the Word Staff Member Gothi SC Thane

    Solomance and Wargtass like this.
  14. Demon Stalker

    Demon Stalker Well Liked Viking

    I did get a chance to look at Rogue Trader for a bit today. The system is d100 based, but not too tricky to learn. I know that the basics are the same across the board.

    To reiterate:
    This is the RPG not the tabletop pew pew blow everything up strategy game 8)
    We do not have a starting date yet
    We do not have a time to play yet either
  15. Caesar

    Caesar New Guy Thrall

    But also to reiterate, Necrons are still awesome
  16. I've always liked the Night Lords storyline -rebelled against the Emperor but not really enthralled by Chaos. Just really bitter and angry warriors scraping by to survive however they can.

    I've never looked at any WH40K roleplaying or how it works just throwing out a possible story suggestion.
  17. fluffypinkbunny

    fluffypinkbunny Fluffiest Bunny ever Viking

    would you take a ... noob to the system, but not a noob to rpg?
  18. Demon Stalker

    Demon Stalker Well Liked Viking

    I would be happy to, as soon as we sort out the system, starting date, time etc.

    The combat vs RP will depend on the setting chosen. Rogue Trader will be more RP than say Chaos.
  19. SteelBear

    SteelBear Veteran Dovahbear Viking

    Have fun with that, Demon. Fless and I tried to get a RT game going probably a year or so ago and it got ugly. Between trying to coordinate 20+ players and work with Fless's schedule at the time, it crumbled pretty quickly. I'd be game for joining, but my schedule never seems to match yours.
    Orcinus and Wargtass like this.
  20. LagCat

    LagCat Well Liked Berserker

    If you plan on doing Dark Heresy I would wait a short bit, seeing as they are about to restructure and completely overhaul the system.

    Currently it's somewhat top heavy and the newer games slowly improved rules edition by edition. I would recommend a game of Deathwatch just so players can get the feel for combat though before you jump into either Rogue Trader, Black Crusade or Dark Heresy.

    Also we ran a mixed Rogue Trader/Black Crusade game that went very well.