Mechwarrior livng legends

Discussion in 'Previous BattleTech and MechWarrior Games' started by Manco, Jan 6, 2013.

  1. Dihm

    Dihm Speaker of the Word Staff Member Gothi SC Thane

    You guys are fucking hilarious.

    Totally a conspiracy to shut down MWLL, which blows.

    Also, Skoll. Do you even play MWO? If not, I suggest you stop trying to stir up shit among those who do.

    Let's have a little less Chicken Little around here. Seriously.
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2013
  2. Sheogoraath

    Sheogoraath Worst Person in the Universe Viking

    I heard the CIA and the Illuminati sent MWLL a Cease and Desist so that they can use MWO to implant subconscious commands in our brains to help bring about the New World Order.

    my tin foil hat keeps me safe though.
  3. Dihm

    Dihm Speaker of the Word Staff Member Gothi SC Thane

    I heard Dan Brown was writing a tell-all book about it.

    Tom Hanks will act in the movie adaptation.
  4. Black Widow

    Black Widow Well Liked Thrall

    Does this suck? Sure.

    Do I sill play MW:LL? Not once since MWO came out.

    Does it sound a bit fishy? Eh, maybe. I think Russ was being as open as he could be. As others have stated there are MANY players in the BT arean. Hell, Microsoft themselves could have put a bug in Russ' ear and said...."Not saying anything one way or the other....but the community seems devided..(ie. With MW:LL dead more people may resort to MWO)..could you talk to WS and gauge their temperature?

    Could Russ' letter have been better written? Abso-f-ing-lutely.
  5. Taake

    Taake New Guy Thrall


    Totally involved.
  6. 'Nother post

  7. Manco

    Manco Well Liked Viking

    Well from the horse mouth so speak. The first closer post on there homepage made out it was for legel reason and was forced. So hopefully hope the fire will die down and the pitch folks put back in the barn.
  8. Dihm

    Dihm Speaker of the Word Staff Member Gothi SC Thane

    Shocking, it's almost like people WANTED to make an issue out of it, just so they could grind their specific axe...
  9. Welcome back Dihm.
  10. Skoll

    Skoll Swine Fornicator Banned

    There is obviously a conspiracy afoot and none of you can see it.

    Denying it only shows that you all also deny that Obama was born in Kenya, Bush did 9/11, and that aliens built the pyramids.
  11. Manco

    Manco Well Liked Viking

    Aliens did build the pyramids !!!


    Lucky for us sean connery was on hand to fight them off before said aliens could obtain World Domination.

  12. Taake

    Taake New Guy Thrall

    Zardoz was :awesome:
  13. Skoll

    Skoll Swine Fornicator Banned

    I sat through Zardoz the entire time not believing I was sober.
  14. gihzmo

    gihzmo Moderator Berserker

    I did not realize that the guys that did MWLL worked for Crytek. It sucks, but I really do not think there is anything nefarious here. This is from the MWLL forums from one of the devs:

    There really is no one to "blame" though in a "THEY DID THIS, THEY PULLED THE PLUG" kind of way

    We made a mod on a pre-existing IP that at the time wasn't being used, and we did it through legal channels.

    Fast forward to the current day, and the IP is now being used. Not only that, but the users of the IP are using the engine/technology that the founders of this project (Kami+Crim) now work for. Seeing as both of the mod founders work for Crytek on Cryengine 3, and PGI (who's using the IP in a higher up position) is using Cryengine 3, this creates an awkward situation where they basically had a mod project that competing with a commercial project using the same engine, and you work at the company that is letting this happen.

    You could say PGI is to blame, but it's more or less the fact that the IP itself is now being used for commercial purposes in general. It doesn't really matter who would have taken the IP - Crytek, PGI, Smith+Tinker, Epic Games, whatever - the existence of someone doing a commercial project with the very same IP that you founded a mod on creates an awkward situation, especially if there is any concern shown about that fact either by the users of the IP, you as a founder, or the company you work for.