Miniature Vault

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by DarKteleFaX, Mar 9, 2014.

  1. Dihm

    Dihm Speaker of the Word Staff Member Gothi SC Thane

    SPESS is bleck, bleck lek meh SOUL
    TheoC likes this.
  2. DarKteleFaX

    DarKteleFaX Well Liked Berserker

    Haq-islam colourscheme is primarely green, usually with a mix of white/bone/light brown colours. Leather colours are also pretty common.

    I'm currently using mostly Valero paints atm..

    For the greens I'm using:
    Military Green (base)
    Deep Green (base)
    Flat Green (highlight)
    Olive Green (highlight)
    Green Sky (highlight)

    My technique also relies heavily on inks/washes, for which I primarely use GW washes and some of the Inks from the first paintsets they made.
    After painting and highlighting the green armor on the Az'rail, I gave the entire model a yellow wash, to make the green warmer in colour. This actually turned out to be much easier than highlighting with yellow.

    For the nonmetallic colours I've so far used various grey, blue and turquoise colours. Although I have limited experience with the nonmetallic technique, I find that the use of blue is very important to get the right look of metal.

    I have decided to stay pretty close to the paint schemes of the Corvus Belli models. And if you search for the specific troop types on google, you should get plenty of pics for inspiration. There's also some of CB's conceps drawings for different models which could be useful. There is also the Infinity store page, which has several pics of each model they make.
    CB's studio painters also do tutorial blogs, and I managed to find the one on the Red Veil box, which has something on colour schemes :D

    Hope this was of use to you, otherwise just keep the questions coming ;)
    TheoC likes this.
  3. DarKteleFaX

    DarKteleFaX Well Liked Berserker

    This is another Haq model, one of four Ghazi Muttawi'ah, that I'm working on.


    I've always hated painting faces, but the models from CB are extremely detailed, so it was actually an interresting challenge to paint this one. I really like the result, although I will probably do some nuance changes.
    SheepHugger, MostlyHarmless and TheoC like this.
  4. TheoC

    TheoC Made Some Friends Viking

    Thanks! I've found a few tutorials online since I asked, unfortunately most of them use Vallejo model color (I use game color) and it's a pain to find the equivalences. I think I'm almost happy with how the khaki colour is turning out on my test model (still needs an extra highlight layer probably). The green still needs work, but I will try the yellow wash and see how it looks (WIP picture below)
  5. Damion Sparhawk

    Damion Sparhawk The Missing Link Viking

    could probably just wash that with a light brown ink, avoid the face and it'd look great(er) gun is optional, wouldn't hurt it, but isn't would give it a more worn rusted look which isn't necessarily what you're going for.
    DarKteleFaX likes this.
  6. TheoC

    TheoC Made Some Friends Viking

    I really dislike the finish that washes give, so I generally only wash just after the basecoat and then highlight (can be either drybrush or layered, depending on situation). This already has a layer of flesh wash over the skintone basecoat, but it does get lost a bit because of the two drybrush layers on top (also because I don't have a lightbox to take photos in, so the colors look more washed out than they actually are.

    I'm completely rethinking the green, so will have to see what happens.
    DarKteleFaX likes this.
  7. Hollister

    Hollister Fun-Taker Berserker

    have you ever used dry washes.. they are almost like powdered make up and you use a clear coat afterwards when everything is perfect.. or inks..
  8. Damion Sparhawk

    Damion Sparhawk The Missing Link Viking

    not clear on the distinction between washes and inks, but I meant with an ink, but whatever floats, it's your model XD
  9. Hollister

    Hollister Fun-Taker Berserker


    there are multiple types of washes.. some are inks that have been thinned out.. some you put over a clear coat then rub off what you dont want to make a better shadow effect or for weathering. this is either done while still a little wet or fully dry as it depends on the wash.
    DarKteleFaX likes this.
  10. DarKteleFaX

    DarKteleFaX Well Liked Berserker

    Managed to finish the first model for my Infinity project. Took some time, but I'm pretty satisfied with the result. I will probably have to do some rework on the boots, as I'm not to happy with the weathering effect.

    Hassasin Barid Hacker:

    SheepHugger, TheoC and Trevnor like this.
  11. DarKteleFaX

    DarKteleFaX Well Liked Berserker

    Finished a Hassasin Farzan for my ha:crying:islam sectorial army.

    SheepHugger and TheoC like this.
  12. LagCat

    LagCat Well Liked Berserker

    A Cat's Forays into the World of SAGA: The Viking Age pt. 1

    So I am currently heading into SAGA with a new Norman force... hoping to post periodic updates with some of the progress I am making with this army. Going to be making a full 8 pts of SAGA (units in SAGA are one point a piece and you receive a number of models based on veterancy, so a Levy unit of peasants you get 12 bowmen for 1 pt, while a group of mounted Miletes on horseback you get 4 for one pt.)

    The Army currently consists of:
    • 5 pts of Mounted Milites (basically armored Knights) 20 total men
    • 1 pts of Flemish Mercenaries (Heavily armored Infantry on foot) 8 men
    • 1 pts of Crossbowmen (Crossbow armed warriors) 8 men
    • 1 pts of Peasent Levy with bows - 12 Filthy Peasants
    • 7-9 Fatigue Counters (I am making these out of casualty figures because I really like the idea of having some dead and wounded on the field)
    The Basic concept is a core of Heavy Cavalry backed up by massed archery. It's simple straightforward and the few times we have used it in a game, quite devastating. The Flemish mercenaries are almost an afterthought really as they just provide a core of infantry that the Crossbows and Peasant Levy can hide behind in case of Saxon/Viking attacks. Altogether I am pleased with this design and look forward to starting to build units tonight.

    In addition to all that above I am investing in a mobile Village that I can take with me to local Conventions/get together to play with. That will probably be done first as we are in dire need of Dark Age era terrain to stop using our WWII french villages/cratered roads as terrain in games, so I will post up a picture of that when I get it all together.
    TheoC and DarKteleFaX like this.
  13. TheoC

    TheoC Made Some Friends Viking

    So the infinity tournament I was playing at my local club died pitifully, which means I can stop worrying about how to paint those minis for a while. Instead I've decided to focus on painting things I either have a solid chance of playing with soon or really like the fluff/look of. This led to me opening my Ninja All-Stars kickstarter box, so have a look at some chibi ninjas (the deadzone stuff behind them has since been shoved in a box since I also have no-one to play deadzone with):

    In more serious wargaming news, I finally cracked and bought a Khador army for Warmachine, so will be painting a lot of big red armoured dudes soon...
    SheepHugger, DarKteleFaX and LagCat like this.
  14. Damion Sparhawk

    Damion Sparhawk The Missing Link Viking

    why do they have to be red? Paint them pink... or, lightish red XD
    MostlyHarmless likes this.
  15. LagCat

    LagCat Well Liked Berserker

    A Cat's Forays into SAGA: The Viking Age pt. 2

    So this week I have been working hard on assembling some of the wonderful models from Conquest games... I have managed to get most of them assembled however most of the included bases are of the wrong sizes so I was only able to "finish" 4 of the models and painted them up. Though I will say I am not quite done with them, I am waiting to base them until after I am done with the balance of the forces.


    On a better note I managed to finish up the town and got my church in.... Most of the terrain is courtesy of either ESLO terrain (The hills/Outcroppings) or Gale Force 9 (the trees and pond), both of whom I recommend heartily. They provide a very nice sturdy terrain option for a decent price. The Norman church I have no idea who made it but it was a fantastic find as were the outbuildings that came with it.

  16. DarKteleFaX

    DarKteleFaX Well Liked Berserker

    Nice! the terrain looks really cool :D
  17. DarKteleFaX

    DarKteleFaX Well Liked Berserker

    Finished the Azrail with HMG, finally!

    Since it was some time since I painted the armor, getting the right colour on the carapace took some time, and a few tries. But it turned out pretty well in the end


    Below is a few close-ups, and the finished base, with grass tufts.

  18. DarKteleFaX

    DarKteleFaX Well Liked Berserker

    Mmmm, more minis finished :glee:

    The first two Ghazis, which I started painting last about friggin time ;)

    SheepHugger and TheoC like this.
  19. DarKteleFaX

    DarKteleFaX Well Liked Berserker

    Well, it's been quite a while, and a lot has happened in my world of painting. I have moved from the small tabletop miniatures to large scale models and show painting, so I get to play with some of the best painters in the world. I'm working like crazy on entries for my first show in Italy, which is in November.
    A lot of time have been spent practising different techniques, and trying to find paintstyle of my own. So every project is a learning experience with great improvements, fortunately.

    My latest piece is allmost done, and far superior to most of my previous projects, if I have to say so myself :glee:
    So I decided to post a couple of pics so U guys can see what I'm working on.

    IMG_2104.JPG IMG_2106.JPG IMG_2108.JPG IMG_2110.JPG IMG_2113.JPG IMG_2116.JPG