EVE Online

Discussion in 'Other Games' started by Gruknor, Feb 12, 2011.


What is your level of interest for this game? (vote can be changed)

  1. I'm definitely wanting to play this.

  2. I want to play, but can't justify spending the money/time right now.

  3. I'm on the fence about playing this because...

  4. This game does not interest me.

  1. Gunnarr

    Gunnarr New Guy Thrall

    Captain She'ep, Rand Tobellar, and Narenor. I just moved into a class 4 WH, so if anybody is interested in that kind of life we got it locked down, and have static c1 access to get back to Empire for supply runs.
  2. Corvier

    Corvier New Guy Thrall

    Valon Corvier o/
  3. Tarien

    Tarien New Guy Thrall

    Lorawyn Corvier ;)
  4. Bronsk

    Bronsk New Guy Thrall

    Have the both of you dropped DIE and made the switch to Void yet?
  5. Kurt Shane

    Kurt Shane New Guy Thrall

    I've put two years into the game and once you get up there PvP pays for itself. I just drop into level 4 missions in my tengu and can flip on the dude running the mission. Normally they are in a battleship and shoot at me so I have the right to attack back. Easy 40+ mil for being a rat
  6. Lochlan

    Lochlan Well Liked Thrall

    EVE is built on some really amazing concepts. However, the gameplay is only slightly more fun than watching paint dry/grass grow.
  7. Naemorian

    Naemorian New Guy Thrall

    I didnt find it boring even when i was playing but then again i was in an active corp that did mostly pvp, no other game has made my heart race like that since i was never so rich that loosing ships wouldnt hurt at all in my wallet. It is a special kind of feeling running a ship worth several hundred millions of isk through battle where your outnumbered by a lot :D Mining when i tried it made me want to beat myself senseless against the keyboard, missions a little less so especially if i did them in a group. Only reason i quit playing it was that it takes way too much of your time to get anything done. -edit- so in short, if you pvp it usually isnt boring, otherwise yes.
  8. Flessar

    Flessar Well Liked Viking

    join a merc group and get ships with fits for free, then go shoot who your told in the face for fun, or join RvB and have fun without the orders
  9. Flessar

    Flessar Well Liked Viking

  10. Hakija

    Hakija Chaos Pony Viking

    Unfortunately for me (and my monthly budget), after playing the trial for a few days, I can see myself getting into this one.
  11. MagnusEffect

    MagnusEffect Administrator Staff Member Jarl SC Huscarl

    Don't do it Haki! I played for 6+ years, had capital ship training nearly maxed out and did everything there was to do in there (zero-sec is overrated). It just isn't worth it to play. It feels like a second job you don't get paid for all. the. time. Just hold out for Star Citizen. It will be WAY BETTER.
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2013
  12. VorBan

    VorBan New Guy Thrall

    Actually I downloaded it a few days ago and I uninstalled it after a couple of hours playing. It was WoW in space with longer travel time. Imho.
  13. Taake

    Taake New Guy Thrall

    I've been playing on and off since beta 2002. While it does get to feel like a second job sometimes, I'd say that it is very much worth playing if you've never experienced the game. You get to experience some pretty big highs and lows in EVE because there are consequences to your actions which makes winning/losing that much better/worse.
  14. MagnusEffect

    MagnusEffect Administrator Staff Member Jarl SC Huscarl

    EVE is one of those games that requires a SIGNIFICANT commitment. You can't get any sort of honest impression from only a few hours (or days) of play. The game takes MANY months at the very least to get a good taste of it. It is more than just flying a ship in space. It is a corporate empire/espionage simulator (through spreadsheets mostly). That said, my personal opinion is that you probably did yourself a favor to quit while you were ahead. EVE is a good example of that saying, "Be careful what you search for. You may not like what you find."

    This is true. I give it that. I guess if you are a little masochistic (I am too), you will certainly get a rather "unique" experience. Consequences abound in EVE (mostly negative ones, unfortunately). I quit not for the uncompromising pvp, but because the game seemed to reward more for being the biggest asshole you could be. There are very few game mechanics that reward or at least encourage "honest" player interaction and sooo so many ways to completely ruin a person's day (one example: last i played, the bounty system was a complete joke; pirates could collect on their own bounties).

    ...Now if being a huge troll appeals to you, look no further ;)
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2013
  15. Hakija

    Hakija Chaos Pony Viking

    Probably won't at this point, actually. The game gives a fantastic first impression, I'll give it that, but a closer look at how player interaction works is already turning me off to it (douchebags EVERYWHERE 0_0). Besides, to get anywhere, it seems like you need to join a corp, and ya'll already eat up all my time.

    I mean that it the nicest way of course.

    [edit] This is the type of game/engine that REALLY needs a single player adaptation. Too few games out there focus on cap-ship level combat.
  16. MagnusEffect

    MagnusEffect Administrator Staff Member Jarl SC Huscarl

    100% accurate. The game makes lots of promises and eye candy abounds for sure. However...


    To be fair, I really was a true believer at one point. The game has incredible durability in terms of MMO lifespans. I'm still hoping they will one day address the issue of making the game more fun.

    Until that day comes, remember... there is still Star Citizen. :bananalama:
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2013
  17. Taake

    Taake New Guy Thrall

    Until the day comes where Star Citizen is a playable open beta, it is nothing more than a pipe dream. I've seen too many games go vaporware to put my faith in anything before they are months within launch. And yes, I pledged a rather large amount to SC.
  18. fac3l3ss

    fac3l3ss New Guy Thrall

    I've got a rather strange relationship with EVE, that being that I can't help dropping a month or so into it several times a year. You see, the concepts behind the game are seriously incredible and only get more so as time passes (e.g., integration of DUST 514 into Planetary Interaction and the game's economy). Also, you will be hard-pressed to find a game with a community that is quite so fanatical about creating out-of-game content and tools, which definitely helps. However, as others have stated, what could be the most amazing game in theory simply isn't in practice. Certain things about the UI sick and unless you're flying a frigate that can dodge a lot even combat can be a little boring. So the answer is yes but that doesn't mean I won't get sucked back in because for all that, it's still pretty awesome somehow.
  19. Rcksteady

    Rcksteady New Guy Thrall

    I've come back to this game time and time again. And keep quitting due to the amount of time it needs (that and it gets boring really quickly).

    The barriers to entry are incredibly high - in other words, it requires a significant about investment of time (and money) to really really experience the game. EVE also demands 110% of your attention. Not giving it 30 hours a week will get you nowhere - not giving it your respect will get you dead.

    If you really want to try - I recommend joining the RvB corp. High-sec PVP, all the time. It's fun - about the most fun you can have in the game.
  20. MagnusEffect

    MagnusEffect Administrator Staff Member Jarl SC Huscarl

    honestly, if there is enough of a following with our own members, i could be convinced to dust off my fleet and play EVE again until we get Star Citizen in playable form. someone hassle me about it if we get the numbers.

    i am still really disappointed Dust will not be for PC. i would have picked that up if it was. consoles are dead to me after the 360/ps3/wii generation fiasco.