Rogue Trader

Discussion in 'Other Games' started by Flessar, Dec 24, 2012.

  1. Dran

    Dran Well Liked Thrall

    What is this? Organisation!? Who do you think we are?? I bet he has the Chaos taint in real life as well!
  2. Flessar

    Flessar Well Liked Viking

    I cant really guarantee a start time unfortunately. With the clock winding down on my stay in this wretched place, I have even less of a stable schedule as the people up high invent random shit in the middle of the night that needs to get done.

    However, I will be on there tonight for most of the day, and I dont need every one to show up at once to start it off, I just need at least one of the decision makers around. IE Sheo/David/(I think blue cooks the books, so he would count)/Kill(he drives the bus, without him you dont get no where trololol).
  3. Blaze Wiles

    Blaze Wiles New Guy Thrall

    Dropped off my character finally, if everything is good we can start whenever :3
  4. Vreith

    Vreith New Guy Thrall

    Will be on tonight see what i can get done, may need steel to help me tho make sure it's all %100
  5. Gabvid

    Gabvid Buttcheeks on the leather seats Berserker

    Soooo, you mean you will be on tomorrow morning really early?
  6. Vreith

    Vreith New Guy Thrall

    yes, something like that, haha, as per usual tho, weekends will be the best times it seems