Artistic Talent

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Aspius, Feb 16, 2012.

  1. Aspius

    Aspius Well Liked Hirdman

    Is there anyone here who have some other talent than we have been shown by all the Unit color schemes (They are good but just wondering if we have something else)

    For example i use myself :p

    I produce music in "FL Studio 9" also doing some simple mixes in "Virtual DJ Pro" (Saving up money to buy mixers) and have recently started with 3d modeling in "Blender"

    Thats what i got and im a amateur at all of them :sad:
  2. Dihm

    Dihm Speaker of the Word Staff Member Gothi SC Thane

    I have no artistic talent, those repaints are just "paint inside the lines" stuff. :lol:

    Chris is a kickin' guitarist.
  3. Sardonic

    Sardonic Well Liked Viking

    I love to write, and I do a great deal of it. However, I dunno if you would consider that art or not. That often depends on the person.
  4. Aspius

    Aspius Well Liked Hirdman

    writing counts
  5. Jacob

    Jacob Made Some Friends Thrall

    I paint miniatures, and i am not terribly good at it.
  6. I have no appreciable talents. I'm just a pretty face.
  7. Aspius

    Aspius Well Liked Hirdman

    painting miniatures is awesome
  8. Orcinus

    Orcinus Veteran DovaOrca Berserker

    Back in high school, I picked up poetry writing. It got to the point to when I was given a poetry assignment, I would intentionally make it more difficult by enforcing various writing styles outside of the actual requirements of the assignment (Terza Rima, ftw). As time passed, however, my enthusiasm has slipped to the wayside somewhat. Nowadays, I may write a Haiku every now and again when sufficiently inspired.

    I'm also fond of drawing, although I never got any good at it. :sad:
  9. Caradepato

    Caradepato New Guy Thrall

    Im a drummer and i play the harmonica. im learning the guitar and i paint and collect battletech, warhammer, warhammer 40k and warmachine armies (man, battletech is really the odd one out in this alliteration). I also like to draw.
  10. Jacob

    Jacob Made Some Friends Thrall

    Which army you play in WHFB?
  11. Sardonic

    Sardonic Well Liked Viking

    Also, I used to be a wizard in photoshop. It started when I was editing pictures, but I decided to branch out. In the end I ended up making a huge hobby out of designing signatures and wallpapers. It's been a good 4 or 5 years since I've touched it though, so I dunno how much of a touch I'd still have. I imagine if I got back into it I could reorient myself fairly quickly. Maybe I'll post some of my work around in the forums and if you guys like it I could do requests (although I make no promises, I don't even have PS on my current computer).
  12. Caradepato

    Caradepato New Guy Thrall

    Orcs.... Good ol Orcs. And i have a small empire army, but i just love Orcs.
  13. Jacob

    Jacob Made Some Friends Thrall

    I also play orcs, mass of goblins present itself great on the table although painting them is a pain, also arachnarok.
  14. Caradepato

    Caradepato New Guy Thrall

    No Arachnaroks in my force... Though i might convert one of those ogre monsters into a count as.
  15. Flessar

    Flessar Well Liked Viking

    I paint mini's to a 3 paint scheme but suck after that, and can write. Thats it.
  16. Zaius Ex

    Zaius Ex New Guy Thrall

    I used to draw comics, still have my old art binder full of them actually, and make short random movies with a friend when I was in high school but nowadays I mostly just write.
  17. SteelBear

    SteelBear Veteran Dovahbear Viking

    I used to fool around on bass. Never anything serious. I also used to draw and paint, but working in a factory seems to have a way of ruining creativity. I've been wanting to start wood working.
  18. ScrewCityChris

    ScrewCityChris Sex, Drugs, Rock 'n Roll Staff Member Jarl SC Huscarl

    I play guitar and until the last 4 years or so was in a punk/rock/hardcore band and love to write music. Someday I will build a home studio.

    I also enjoy crating things with fiberglass, metal, welding, etc. I cant draw for the life of me though. Always wished I could do that and/or paint. Super jealous of people who can do that stuff. Well, that and write.
  19. SteelBear

    SteelBear Veteran Dovahbear Viking

    Think you could make a set of these? :lol:

  20. ScrewCityChris

    ScrewCityChris Sex, Drugs, Rock 'n Roll Staff Member Jarl SC Huscarl

    :lol: Wow, looked those up. I assumed they were hubcaps but they are aluminum wheels made by Ronal (sp?). Holy shit. :lol: