Battle Brothers

Discussion in 'Other Games' started by LagCat, Sep 27, 2016.

  1. LagCat

    LagCat Well Liked Berserker

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    Middle of Nowhere, Iowa
    Ætt (Clan):
    So a while back I saw this game pop up in my feed and was like "Hey this looks neat, and the concept seems solid maybe it will be worth a go." Anyhow I popped it on my wishlist to pick it up when it was further along in development, and promptly forgot about it.

    Anyhow it went on sale this week and Dammed if it isn't one of the best "Rogue-Like" Strategy games I have ever played, and coming from someone who hates Rogue-likes normally I was shocked.

    So the basic premise of the game is that you play the paymaster/leader of a Small mercenary band in a Medieval world that has a few fantasy elements (i.e. Orcs, Goblins, Necromancers, and a few lesser monsters). You job is to take control of this small band of misfit almost bandits and turn them into a tight nit unit of warriors able to defeat all comers. The mechanics are fairly simple relying heavily on a D100 system and armor/weapons all have their own quirks/flaws to make them useful.

    But the game shines truly in just how polished the worlds feel. When I first started playing it I assumed that the world map was just something that was set in stone, but after being crushed mercilessly by a Group of bloodthirsty orcs, and then a gang of mercenary scum I managed to figure out that each different world is procedurally generated, which gives it a mount and blade esque feel to the game.

    Anyhow enough rambling if you haven't heard of this game but enjoy the odd turn based strategy I heartily recommend it!
  2. Aspius

    Aspius Well Liked Hirdman

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    I recommend it as well, have had it for a long time.

    The game have changed alot since I started but every change so far have been in the right direction