New Job: 2nd Shift

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by ScrewCityChris, Aug 23, 2011.

  1. ScrewCityChris

    ScrewCityChris Sex, Drugs, Rock 'n Roll Staff Member Jarl SC Huscarl

    Well, I have a job finally, and after training will be 2nd shift (maybe starting next week w permanent sced.). Soo.... that will make things difficult for me to game w a lot of people.

    Ill be around to play SM and BF3 with people during the morning and late at night.

    Schedule is like, 2-10:30PM CST with Wed and Saturday off. I am going to try and change to days for at least some of the week, but they need night people badly enough I may have a hard time w that.
  2. Gruknor

    Gruknor New Guy Thrall

    Work is more important than this clan. Appearing to be a hard worker and willing to work any hour can only help your chances of keeping the job.
  3. Xaeon

    Xaeon New Guy Thrall

    Good luck Chris!