WOOHOOO! I got my strength back in less than a month! / Memeber Exercise thread.

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Blackfire1, Sep 19, 2012.

  1. Trevnor

    Trevnor Tokin' Canadian Staff Member Jarl SC Huscarl

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    Okay, I suppose I should update here as to what I've done. So, I went from 310 lbs (140KG) to 265 lbs (120KG) in about five months. Keep in mind, I'm 6'4" (196 cm) with a large body frame. Either way, I've been trying to eat better (With so far limited success), and have recently(last three months) taken up dancing. Not dance class, just my own freestyle while at home. This in addition to continuing to do some minor weights and cardio besides the dancing. So, I'm not minding the results so far at all, and I plan on keeping it up. For me, grinding through squats and such is very boring, and dancing is a great way for me to be interested in "working out" without really working out. On the flip side... I can't do running or anything that's really strenuios on my knees, because well, I've got flat feet (Put your palm flat on your desk, that's my feet), and because of this, I've got bad knees(very little cartilage left). So, overall, I'm pleased with where I've gotten so far. :)
  2. SlimJim8519

    SlimJim8519 New Guy Thrall

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    That's truly great for you, what I ment by mine "people are stupid" thing is just that: some decide to go straight into the "boring" stuff not actually thinking what they would enjoy, while still improving their health.
    There's not really a point to do boring squat grinding if one does not find anykind of enjoyment or sense of accomplishment while doing those is there?

    I myself have flat feet, and I SUUUUUUUCK at running. Therefore cycling works for me better, although I have to use extra insoles / special made things or else I get great pains.
    Also long rides (like ~265km ride last summer) can be real killers on your feet.
  3. Trevnor

    Trevnor Tokin' Canadian Staff Member Jarl SC Huscarl

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    Yeah... I'm still working on saving up for some really rugged insoles. The last time I was getting them I was destroying them in about 6 months to a year. Then again.. I was on a job that involved a bunch of walking. Might pick up another custom set, at least make my knees feel a little better.
  4. DragonsFire24SS

    DragonsFire24SS New Guy Thrall

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    Since Jan 1st I started working out with a physical trainer. 2x's a week and she gave me a work out routine to do 4 days on my own. Jan 1st I weighed 267lbs and now I weigh 251lbs. I've gained 1in in my upper arms, 1/4in in my forearms. waist lost 2in. hips lost 2in as well. thighs gained 1in and calves gained 1/2in muscle.
  5. SlimJim8519

    SlimJim8519 New Guy Thrall

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    I started with SL5x5, but that can get really...torturous, especially for a untrained invidual just starting proper strenght training, squatting 5x5 3 times per week. And you can go to Snap City in the end, since the aim is to increase weight every time and on some point, it can get really heavy (although still Mickey Mouse weights compared to some big guys I see in my factory warehouse gym I go now) and without any proper assistance work and coaching = accident waiting to happen.

    My brother had really good results with SL5x5 (and so do other claim in stronglifts.com), but he's build like Gimli; short and stout so he has no problems with squatting or bench press. Me, on the other hand, I'm 185cm with long limbs, long back and lanky build, I started to have real problems doing heavy lifts after certain point (lower back pain, joint pains, yeah my own damn fault not listening my body better). And always felt like I'm gonna burst a friggin' blood vessel every session.

    Good thing about SL5x5 is that you don't have to know anything about your theoretical 1RMs (1-rep max) or anything like that when you start the program. Just on the first day, start the lift with empty bar. Next time, increase the weight gradually as the days pass, so you'll hit in the motor patterns of the lifts nicely while moving up the weights.

    But Rippetoe's program is good place to start, can't do pull-ups?
    Well you have to learn to do them! http://www.t-nation.com/free_online_article/most_recent/how_to_get_to_20_chinups
  6. technofiend

    technofiend New Guy Viking

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    For anyone interested in starting running, I recommend the "Couch to 5K" program: http://www.coolrunning.com/engine/2/2_3/181.shtml

    I like all sorts of different types of working out- weights, biking, hiking, kayaking, martial arts- but running used to be the one thing that I thought was too hard. I was able to do an elliptical at a fast pace for an hour and feel great, but even a very short run would be awful. This program changed that, and now I enjoy running too. There are podcasts out there that people have made for this program so that you don't have to keep checking your watch- also a very good thing.
  7. technofiend

    technofiend New Guy Viking

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