Elite Dangerous

Discussion in 'Other Games' started by 8Ball, Aug 10, 2013.

  1. Pidian

    Pidian Well Liked Thrall

  2. SheepHugger

    SheepHugger Well Liked Viking

    Ok, so there will be many more expansions and each will cost 50€.

    However, there's a way to get them all for a single price if I pay like 180€ or so. Which means the total price for the game will be 230€ or so.


    But yea.

    Didn't I just say that this is just their way of saying that "in reality this game now costs 200€", well, I didn't get the sum right but I was close?

    Still, I like the dogfights.
  3. SheepHugger

    SheepHugger Well Liked Viking

    I really like this game. Had a ton of fun again today. Outfitted a combat ship with the money I had, bought two sets of hull reinforcement and went after a guy that had to be 'put out of business'.

    Just, he had two sidewinders as escorts and I still don't have any good weapons. Got him to around 70% hull but then his escorts collapsed my shield, I got away and recharged shield and went after one of them, but again the other two were hitting me pretty hard and at roughly 65% hull I saw that I had to try to run now or never. I didn't have a really fast ship so I couldn't truly outrun them even with the afterburner and even so they were firing at me hard so I had to also use power on shields. Charging my drive felt like an eternity and at the very end, the last 30 seconds they got me in range and got me down from 35% to 5%. All the while doing my best to evade their fire.. I was so close to death but finally - I jumped! And immediately picket the nearest star as target and engaged frame shift drive.
  4. Togg Bott

    Togg Bott Well Liked Thrall

    Sheep... one tactic to GTFO of dodge fast is to not jump to Supercruise.. instead pick a star from your nav menu and jump there... Mass from close by ships retards the jump to Supercruise... but not a jump to another system. plus if its a Player character that's pounding on you.. chances are that he doesn't have a wake analyzer to determine where you jumped too, but if you just go into supercruise he can follow and interdict you before making the second jump.
    SheepHugger likes this.
  5. Derak Darksun

    Derak Darksun Well Liked Thrall

    For anyone who might still be considering it but hasn't picked it up yet, Elite Dangerous is on steam sale for $26.99 USD until Monday. Fair warning though; a $60 expansion pack is coming soon, but still a great deal for the base game.
  6. SheepHugger

    SheepHugger Well Liked Viking

    Not just one 60$ expansion but they call it "An Age of Expansions" or whatever.

    The pass to get all the future expansions is 200$ so that might as well be the price of the game itself as the base game essentially has nothing but flying, docking and shooting. Not that those aren't pretty great but just pointing out the cost of the actual game.

    They really did chop every possible gameplay feature to a separate 60$ expansion.
    Hakija likes this.
  7. Hrothgarr

    Hrothgarr Made Some Friends Thrall

    Sheephugger what they are offering per expansion is light years beyond what other games have offered. Hell for a fraction of the investment in some games you can easily get everything that this franchise will offer. How much do many have invested into MWO? How about the "other" space game.
  8. Pidian

    Pidian Well Liked Thrall

    well, took the plunge after teetering on the edge for almost a damn year. price was too good to not at least check it out and do some galaxy exploring

    finally figured it was kind of silly that i was so apprehensive about dropping $25 on a game i know i'll enjoy for at least a month or two when i'm nearing concierge level in SC on top of having already bought a TrackIR and full CH HOTAS setup last spring. had been previously scared off by all the reviews about ED being a mile wide and inch deep, but hell, as long as that inch is purdy i'll be entertained for a bit

    togg - i know you use CH - do you have a good CH Profile already set up i could snag from you or does everybody just map their binds in-game?
    Derak Darksun and Hrothgarr like this.
  9. SheepHugger

    SheepHugger Well Liked Viking

    Ok, so 200$ is nowadays a bargain price for a game.

    For some folks it's also 33% of monthly family budget.

    But because Idris and some Clan package cost 400-2000$ or whatever this is a bargain?

    But I do agree that for the initial 60$ we got a game that is every bit as big and a lot better than any of the X-series games were. And each of the addons do add a lot of content, not saying that either.

    Maybe I'm just really entitled in that I'd like to afford to buy games by this day that I'm 30, most of my life I have afforded to buy 1-2 games at most per year but as the prices keep going higher I suppose that's not going to change.

    Guess I should've gone to university and studied medicine or law.


    Argh. I'm sorry. I like the game and it's not Elite related actually. More of a thing about how everything is so expensive..
    Hakija, Hrothgarr and Hepatitis TK like this.
  10. Togg Bott

    Togg Bott Well Liked Thrall

    This is another area Elite really went all out on.. their control setup is bar none.. one of the best i have ever seen. as picky as i am on having perfect controls in whatever game i play... and my propensity to build my own profiles in CH control manager... for Elite i havent found a need to do so... i direct mapped everything in game... assigning buttons as needed , reassigning them as i made it more personal, and adding deadzones as required (i have zero deadzones assigned with the exception of about 5 points worth for the mini-stick)

    Tip.... do NOT assign landing gear to any button close to engine boost ( accidently hitting boost while coming in for a landing is a hilarious but mostly deadly move, trust me i have done it a few times, i have my landing gear assigned to voice attack) and if possible use the keyboard or voice attack for silent running( another potentially deadly move if you dont realize you have activated it)

    If you have Voice attack, you can use it to build performance profiles (system,engine,weapons) and rapidly switch between them by calling out the profile name.
    I have the mini-stick setup as translational control( strafe , both horizontal and vertical), and i have the throttle setup as full one direction thrust and i use a button to toggle between forward/reverse thrust.

    Using Track IR to "LOOK" at the side panels.. i have two 4way switches assigned ( the assignment is ONLY active when i LOOK at the side panels) to allow me to maneuver through the various menus and i use the big red button as a menu "Enter" button
    I use the main trigger as fire button one.. pinky button as fire button 2

    i will not lie... i spent several HOURS setting up and refining my control setup... Elite actually has one of the few interfaces that can max out the CH HOTAS button layout.

    If you can afford it, Voice attack is a godsend (its $8.00 USD) i use it to off load important but not VITAL functions OFF the Hotas.. Landing gear, Lights, Multiple power profiles, Silent mode, Heatsinks, Chaff , Cargo hatch, Track Ir recentering, Track Ir active/freeze (useful when scrolling menus in stations as its slightly disorienting to have the menu moving around while still being able to see the background activity through it) Comms, Hostile targeting, Galaxy Map, and a few others.

    Guess i'm trying to say... its going to take you awhile to personalize your setup... be patient as it well worth the investment in time.
    SheepHugger likes this.
  11. Togg Bott

    Togg Bott Well Liked Thrall

    Some things i have learned in Elite.

    Setup your controls in the single player tutorials... i prefer to use scenario 2 for setting up basic controls... and scenario 3-4 for more advanced combat controls.

    Bulletin board courier and small cargo runs are the fastest way to start generating a bankroll. Courier missions usually dont require cargo space.. so you can take multiple missions if all going to the same area and toss in the cargo run as well.

    you can mount larger FIXED weapons on a hardpoint. Gimbals are nice for slower ships... but fixed weapons kill much faster if you can maintain your position.

    Gimbaled weapon mounts consume a minor amount of energy and have varying slew/tracking rates.

    Gimbaled Tracking can be disrupted by Chaff and spoofed by thermal signature.

    Silent running closes off all thermal exhaust ports... if you use this you need to be comfortable at shutting down sub-systems in order to minimize your heat generation. if you dont, most ships can "Cook" in about one minute.

    your radar is VITAL in a dogfight... as you WILL lose sight of the enemy from time to time.. learn to read it well.

    Most people try to advance quickly by moving into larger ships... and while larger ships are more powerful... smaller ships have more "Pound for Pound" weapon power. (its entirely possible to kill a anaconda with a sidewinder... i have done it myself many times)

    Flight assist off is just that... the flight computer will not make any corrections for you... is it better? maybe... most people are better using FA ON and massive use of translational thrusters... but FA OFF will allow you to perform maneuvers that FA ON will have difficulty with.

    Dont be afraid to run... if you get in trouble... or if it looks like you're getting in trouble... or if you THINK you're getting in trouble.. run
    Running out of ammo sucks, watch the counter
    Running out of Chaff sucks as well

    If you are having a hard time pointing the nose of you ship PERFECTLY at static objects (every ship has a slightly different plane they operate on) try turning on the "Show Mouse Widget" (Its listed in the mouse controls at the top of the control options panel)it turns on a small dot in the middle of your HUD.

    DELETE .. i repeat ... DELETE the "Jettison all cargo" button binding... just trust me on this one

    For Track IR players... setup Track IR as normal.. and turn ON Mouse headlook... set sensitivity to your preference
    Targeting subsystems can/will allow smaller ships to take apart larger ships piece by piece

    environmental upgrades are not important... until you need them.. then you will wish you had upgraded them... nothing worse than winning a fight then dying on the way to the station because you ran out of oxygen

    ALWAYS know if goods you are transporting are legal/illegal in a system BEFORE you attempt to dock... getting scanned with illegal contraband is bad.

    Joining a Combat wing or even a trade wing.. allows smaller ships to earn much higher profits..

    thats it for now
    MagnusEffect likes this.
  12. SheepHugger

    SheepHugger Well Liked Viking

    I personally had to immediately switch joystick X to Roll and joystick Z to Yaw. I like to keep things like they are on aeroplanes even if it makes no difference in space. I also use that same for heloes.
  13. Pidian

    Pidian Well Liked Thrall

    good advice, thanks
  14. Togg Bott

    Togg Bott Well Liked Thrall

    so... i did a Stupid today... took my attention away from what i should have been doing and ended up slamming full speed into a planetary ring system .. which initiated an emergency supercruise drop out... the sound of the cracks running through my cockpit made me realize i needed a repair facility

    the nearest repair facility is ONLY 19,990 light years away.... i may or may not make it.
    Hepatitis TK and SheepHugger like this.
  15. Pidian

    Pidian Well Liked Thrall

  16. SheepHugger

    SheepHugger Well Liked Viking

    I love how the sound is distorted as you're leaking atmosphere. Also, with Oculus you can see the sparks and such flying across your cockpit.
  17. Derak Darksun

    Derak Darksun Well Liked Thrall

    I wonder why the entire viewport/spacewindshield isn't made out of the same material as that indestructible square in the center?
    Pidian and Hakija like this.
  18. SheepHugger

    SheepHugger Well Liked Viking

  19. Hepatitis TK

    Hepatitis TK Decorative Flounce Berserker

    Godspeed, you glorious bastard!
  20. Togg Bott

    Togg Bott Well Liked Thrall

    I am in the range of 16,500 light years from a repair bay at this moment.. but i have to stop, apparently something "Broke" on FDevs end and exploration data is being lost as its collected.. so until they fix this, i will have to pause the game.

    i didnt find this out until AFTER i had found, scanned and left behind another Earthlike world... i am unsure how far behind me it is at this point, so once everything is fixed and stable, i may or may not go back to RE-discover it again if i am one of the people affected by the data loss... i did get a nice screen shot of it and the system map.

    Trevnor and Pidian like this.