Feasting Hall

Discussion in 'Site Issues and Suggestions' started by Noesis, Nov 7, 2012.

  1. Noesis

    Noesis New Guy Thrall

    Hopefully a simple idea to promote social interaction on teamspeak.

    Simply to have a Mess hall or Bar type chat channel on TS3 so people can chat with each other in these rooms as needs collectively when not on drops or other games.

    This is different from the Lobby in that it would be a members only area. And whilst that might seem detrimental to encouraging speaking with "visitors" in the lobby I think it might help overall. Though i wouldn't want that intent to seem that only limited individuals should then feel compelled to engage in site diplomacy or ensuring to meet and greet newcomers, I think the two areas could happily co-exist imho. It also means your not interrupted by "traffic" of people logging on and moving to alternative channels.